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Presentation by Ali Awan

BBA -18
Critical Analysis
What Is The Purpose of this
 To demonstrate the difference between
description and analysis
 To give an awareness of the critical thinking skills
needed for undergraduate level academic work
 To provide a list of terms commonly used in
assignment titles, along with a definition of those
 To examine the dangers of making assumptions,
and the need to use research and references to
support an argument
 To begin to apply this knowledge in relation to
specific a subject area
Description v Analysis

 Describe this object!

Now…. Analyse the Object!

 What don’t you know about it?

 Ask Questions!
Some Key Words….
 Look at this list of words & the
explanations given – knowing
what these words mean will
help you to focus your
assignment appropriately!
 In critical thinking, an assumption refers to
anything that is taken for granted in the
presentation of an argument.

 An assumption is when the author invites the

audience to accept something as true rather
than proving it.

 Academic writing requires proof of your

argument gained from your research – you show
this by referencing!
How many assumptions can you
find in the following statement???
“Holidays are a time for relaxation
and enjoyment. This year,
thousands of people will have their
holidays ruined by oil spills along
our beaches.”

Remember: It’s often difficult to recognise

assumptions when you agree with the sentiments
being made!
 Assumption 1: Holidays are for relaxation and
 Some people still use holidays as religious or holy
days. Some people use holidays to see family or for
finding temporary work.

 Assumption 2: Thousands of holidaymakers

will want to go to the beach.

 Assumption 3: Those holidaymakers who do go

to the beach will not like oil on the beach.
 Assumption 4: That oil on the beach in itself
can ruin a holiday.

 Assumption 5: That the audience will

understand words such as ‘holiday’, ‘beach’,
‘relaxation’, ‘enjoyment’, ‘ruined’, ‘our’ and ‘oil
spill’ and that these do not need to be defined.
A Typical Assignment Question…

 Eg:“Flying Start is a University

Retention Project. Analyse the
ways in which attendance on a
Flying Start course might aid
student retention.”
REMEMBER!! Analysis is part
of your everyday life!
 We all use analytical skills naturally…
Eg: when you discuss last night’s
television programme – or football
match – or night out!
 You need to develop this skill – if you are
struggling go to WISER (Fylde 317) for

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