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    ‡ Born: 29TH JULY 1941


‡ Born in: suburb of Istanbul

‡ Family background: Father

was an engineer.
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    ‡ Educated at schools in:

  Valence, Lyon
Mining school at St. Etienne

‡ Recruited by mining company

Boigues Ramborg.


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   ‡ Recruited from school at the age of 19

    ‡ Within few years achieved position of
general manager in the company.
‡ Became director of the company in 1988.
‡ Brought the company from state of
bankruptcy to become the largest
producing company.
‡ During his career he lectured at ecole
superiavere de la guere.
‡ In his retirement he established the
centre of administrative studies.
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    ‡ Realization of need of
  managerial ability.

‡ Absence of management

‡ Therefore developed
management ideas.
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   ‡ He is referred as the father of modern

‡ He pioneers in the field of management

‡ He was first person who laid emphasis

on the process of management.

‡ In 1916 he published his experience in

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the book "Administration Industrielle et
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  He also laid down 5 functions of

  management that need to be
performed to operate the business

(planning, organizing,coordinating,
controlling, commanding)
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1.Division of work

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% Discipline

& Uni of Command

( Uni of Direcion

) S ordinaion-of e
Individ al Ineres o
General ineres
å ?en meraion

- Cenralizaion
` Scalar cain

. Order
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# Saili of Saff
% Iniiaive

& Yspri de Corps


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