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Unit Three Tutorial

In order to successfully complete the Unit Three

Production, it is important to remember the
Narrative Coherence

Audience Awareness

The Golden Circle





In my production the following were
achieved through…
Narrative Coherence
Narrative Coherence was achieved in that my story was help
together by following the conversation between mother and
daughter. The pacing was slow and was easy to follow
because the text was simple and the dialogue made it easy
to tell the story with appropriate pacing. The visual context
being in front of the school and the camera angles allowed
there to be transitions through.
Audience Awareness
In this production it was necessary to change the audience
perspective. Therefore, I choose the audience to be a parent
from a child from a school that was not getting proper funding
for educational materials. I believe this audience was effective
because aside from the children who are missing out on the
education they deserve the parents are the next most affected
thing. They are also the ones who need to realize things can
change and there are simple ways in doing so.
The Golden Circle
The Golden Circle was something new to try and achieve for
this project as well. I believe that my project approached the
why part of the circle by showing the effect the lack of proper
educational materials has on students today. The what is
found through showing the seriousness of missing out on the
proper education in that the daughter is learning things that
are clearly not relevant to today’s education. The what was
found through talking about how Box Tops for Education can
help and how anyone of any age can help to donate to these
schools and help children like the young girl in the movie.
I believe that this story could be linked to several websites.
However, the one that would be most effective towards gaining
the attention of the parents is the board of the educations
website. This would be effective in that it has all the other
information about schools such as lunches, and bus schedules
that a way for them to help their children’s education would fit
right along with the other worries of a parents who children are
in school.

Control over the layout was found through the scene being set in
front of a school and simply shows the conversation between
mother and daughter.

Alignment was achieved through the focus of the camera being
Contrast was found in that the camera angles changed focus
on characters.
Repetition is found in that the reasons for collecting Box Tops
and ways to are always being stated.
With all of these elements a
successful Unit Three Production
will be achieved.

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