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Status of Waste Management

System at Malaking Pook,

San Pascual, Batangas

Humanities and Social Sciences

Statement of the Problem

Humanities and Social Sciences

1. What is the status of waste management
system in Malaking Pook, San Pascual,

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2. What are the practices of the residents on
waste management in Malaking Pook, San
Pascual, Batangas?

Humanities and Social Sciences

3. What action plan may be suggested to
strengthen the waste management system in
Malaking Pook, San Pascual, Batangas?

Humanities and Social Sciences

Significance of the Study

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To the Government

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To the Community

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To the Teachers

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To the Future Researchers

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Conceptual Framework

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Management Questionnaire Action Plan

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Results of the Study

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Status of Waste
Management System

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Humanities and Social Sciences
Participation in Waste Management at
Malaking Pook, San Pascual, Batangas

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To the Students

Humanities and Social Sciences


Humanities and Social Sciences

1. The residents of Barangay Malaking Pook, San
Pascual, Batangas have enough knowledge about
proper waste disposal.

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2. Some residents are aware on different sanctions
and penalties mandated by the Barangay Officials.

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3. Some practices and campaign about proper
waste disposal are not highly participated by the
residents from Malaking Pook, San Pascual,

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Humanities and Social Sciences

1. Support the practices and campaign of the
barangay officials with regards to proper waste
disposal and segregations.

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2. Residents should help the barangay officials to
do the project for it will help both parties.

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3. Proper disposal practices must be given
emphasis by the residents.

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Action Plan

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Humanities and Social Sciences

Humanities and Social Sciences

Thank you and God bless

Humanities and Social Sciences

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