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Development of the structure

of the Atom
Greek Model
By Democritus and Leucippus
Plato was more famous than they are
so they were not believed
Democritus cannot explain the answer to
questions like, what keeps the particles
“atomos” indivisible
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
a. Each element is composed of extremely
small particles called atoms.
b. All atoms of a given element are
identical, but they differ from those of
any other element.
c. Atoms are neither created nor destroyed
in a chemical reaction.
d. A given compound always has the same
relative number and kinds of atoms.
• Born in England in 1766, John Dalton
ressurected Democritus' idea of atoms.
For example, this gold bar can only be
divided to the point that you end up with
pieces (spheres) of gold that can no
longer be divided. In other words, they
were atoms of gold.
Dalton and his contemporaries thought that
atoms were hard and round, much like
extremely tiny marbles or ball bearings
J.J. Thomson
Discovered electron
Raisin bread or plum pudding model
Negative charges are evenly distributed
throughout the positively charged interior.
JJ Thomson
• The plum pudding model of the atom was
proposed by J. J. Thomson, who
discovered the electron in 1897.
• The plum pudding model was proposed in
1904 before the discovery of the atomic
In this model, the atom is composed of
electrons (which Thomson still called
"corpuscles," though G.J. Stoney had
proposed that atoms of electricity be
called electrons in 1894), surrounded by a
soup of positive charge to balance the
electron's negative charge, like plums
surrounded by pudding.
1. Semi-evacuated Tube
2. Electric Current flows from negative
electrode (cathode) to the positive
electrode (anode)
3. Radiation flows from the cathode, thus
the name, Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
4. The ray can spin a small paddle,
suggesting that it is made up of particles
5. Magnet deflects the cathode ray in the
direction expected for negative charges.
6. The ray is not only made up of particles,
but these particles carry a negative
7. Thomson concluded that CR is
composed of negative particles and were
not indivisible but instead had a
Law of Conservation of Matter
• By Antoine Lavoisier
• A chemical reaction neither creates nor
destroys matter but the matter is
Lavoisier and Wife
• Known as the Father of Modern
• French aristocrat who was later on
beheaded by the revolutionists who are
anti-monarchists. Lavoisier supported the
Law of Constant Composition
• Law of definite composition
• A given compound always contains the
same element in the same proportions by
• Example: water is always 2 parts
hydrogen and one part oxygen, H 2O
Joseph Proust
• Born Joseph Louis
September 26,
Angers, France Died
July 5, 1826
(aged 71)
Paris, France
Occupation Chemist
Benjamin Franklin
• Facts about electricity
1. Identified two types of charges:
positive and negative
2. Opposite charges attract and Like
charges repel
Ernest Rutherford
Alpha scattering or gold foil experiment
Atom’s positive charge as well as most of its
mass is concentrated in the core at the
atom’s center.
He gave the name nucleus to the core.
Around the nucleus is mostly open space.
• New Zealand scientist
Ernest Rutherford is
credited as being the
father of nuclear
physics for his
discoveries in atomic
• Rutherford first proposed the theory of the
nucleus as we know it today.
• His "gold foil experiment" led to the
discovery that most of an atom's mass is
located in a dense region we now call the
• The gold foil • Rutherford's
experiment was discovery of the
conducted under the nucleus and proposed
supervision of atomic structure was
Rutherford at the later refined by
University of physicist Niels Bohr in
Manchester in 1909 1913
by scientist Hans
Geiger and
student Ernest
Neils Bohr
• Planetary model
• Electron are like planets and the nucleus
is like the sun. Electrons moving around
the nucleus like the planets orbiting the
Neils Bohr
Electron Cloud Model
• Modern Atomic theory
• It is impossible to know exactly where an
electron is at any given time.
• The electrons’ position drawn as indistinct
clouds around the nucleus.
• Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Planck are a
group of scientists who worked on this
Werner Heisenberg

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