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• For the students who corrected my lecture

yesterday: Thanks ,I appreciate it, a sign that
you 've paid attention to my lecture; here is
the short answer:
• Ebola is a virus, causing a disease in many
parts of Africa, very contagious,from person to
person especially the medical personel
... with more than 90% mortality
• IMR was a type error, it should be MRI.
some common
• ABG= arterial blood gas • ASAP
• DOA=dead on arrival • XYZ.ABC
• D/x, R/x, T/x, P/x, • FKUKWMS
(over the counter), HIV.
• 2000 years ago, people were curious about their identity.
• There were no satisfying answers ---> Religions were blooming
• Egypt, India and China were better developed but still but
Biology was still not a Science.
• 300 years BC Aristoteles made a scientific study of life , Logica,
Biology : plants, animal and human beings. He was the father
of Biology.
• Later on many scientist studied branches of the biology:
• Darwin. Mendel, Koch, Pasteur, Freud, Rontgen
• The discovery of printing, microscope and X-rays made the
modern Biology: the Biomedics, pharmacy, husbandry,
farming , industry, molecular biology even space biology...
Current State
• The Medical Biology has special specialities too:
molecular Biology , Chromosomes, stemcells,
transplantations, virulogy, micro surgery etc.
• SCIENCE is not mere knowledge but has some
criteria: observation, problem, hypothesis,
experiment and theory.
• No fairy tales, legends, mythology, "history",
romans, thrillers, prediction, opinions, fabels.
• Human Biolgy : anatomy, physiology, evolution,
• genetics, anthropology and human sexuality...
kedokteran =
bahasa latin


C= ka ko ku ky (cyste) dan
cr (scrotum)
Ch= g (chotbah, chas), chloroform,
V- vw
Ae= ee
Singular- jamak:
Ulcus- ulcera
Collega = collegae
Musculo- musculi
Biology is a Science
Short History of Medicine
• Berabad abad terapi tidak rasional: trial and error.
Tumbuhan, hewan dan doa. "Mal aria"(bad air)
• Syukur tubuh self healing, penyakit self limited dan
banyak penyakit psikosomatis
• Kemajuan terapi setelah penelitian biologis, saintifik,
teknologi, ada mikroskop, genetika, antibiotik, imunisasi,
surgery, cangkok organ, diagnostikum canggih dengan
berbagai alat modern, MRI, MSG. X ray, molekular biol.
• Kini ada bayi tabung, Laser surgery, robot dll.
• Masih banyak penyakit yg baru timbul: sapi gila, AIDS, flu
onta, Ebola 1976 yg belum dpt disembuhkan .
• Kini ada ZIKA, 2016, virus via gigitan nyamuk yang juga
belum ada obatnya.
Who am I ?
Hanya sekecil itu? Turunan kera?
Organisme yg paling sempurna?
Where is our world?
Only a dot in the Universe
Bima Sakti (Galaxy)
Philosophy of Life
• Heraclites, 500 th BC: panta rhei: semua
mengalir, berubah, ta'ada yg abadi
• Aristoteles, 300 th BC: logika.
• Hippocrates, 450 th BC: etika kedokteran
• Generatio spontanea, omne vivum ex nihilo
• Omne vivum ex ovo, ex vivo
• Supranatural><hukum alam
• Religious>< atheist

• Generasi: X, Y, Z.
Hidup - Mati
• Hidup : alive Kehidupan: Life
• Hidup: robot, mesin, lampu, gambar, warna.
• Hidup itu apa? Spirit, roh, jiwa, nyawa, sukma.
• Dari mana hidup itu? Tuhan, Evolusi, kreasi?
• Dalam biologi jasad hidup ada: nafas, gerakan,
pencernaan, struktur, self healing, reproduksi,
metabolisme dll. Tergantung speciesnya
• Mati: tidak hidup: daging sapi, jenazah
• Benda, zat mati: batu, pasir, buku, mobil
• 4 juta th y.l.baru ada kehidupan (Life) di dunia.
Daya Hidup
Di retakan tembok beton masih
dapat tumbuh bunga yg indah
• sentiment de deja vu, sentiment de jamais vu
• halusinasi, rasa terbang, mood changer
• radio, TV, computer, kiamat, iPad, DNA,
• ramalan cuaca, gendam, hipnotis, hujan
katak, kloning, stemcell, kambing kepala 2 ,
kimera (chimaera),
• ramalan foto 3 orang: satu mati dulu, minum
kopi tidak bisa tidur...
• hewan sadar akan ada gempa bumi
• susuk pindah lokasi, naga (dino)
• manusia melahirkan • Batu dari rembulan
tanpa hub seks • Hantu wanita baju merah
• Benda dapat pindah • Nenek sihir terbang
mayat hidup, tsombi • Hewan dapat bicara
• menggandakan uang, • Ramalan bintang, judi
"kebal peluru"
• Magic (kita suka yg ajaib)
• nomor 13: sial
• Gambar hidup
• Cula badak, penis
macan • Telepati ???
• tuyul, skelet jalan • Ngidam tak dituruti...!
Fairy tale, mitos, legenda dll
• Fairy tale (bukan nyata) • Dongeng: dasarnya
hewan bicara, ialah fantasi: Petruk,
• Legenda: cerita orang atau Hanoman, tuyul
bangunan yg dibumbui • History: cerita sejarah
kehebatan yg berlebihan: yg terbukti, atau di
Jeanne d'Arc rubah oleh penguasa.
• Mitos: salah kira, tak ada Cerita pasien tidak selalu
bukti: mitologi Yunani benar! Fantasi, mitos,
Odyssee, daging kambing impairment fungsi
membuat seks kuat. psikologi, psychose.
Penelitian cara ILMIAH
1. observasi: obyektif, terbatas, mis.bunglon
• 2. permasalahan: How, what, relevan, testabel
• 3. hipotese: jawaban yg dikira benar
• 4. eviden, eksperimen (dengan kontrol)
• 5. teori: tak selalu benar 100%
• 6. hukum: mis. Newton, Mendel, Einstein
Science: no idea of God, no moral decission (bad,
beautiful, valuabel, respectabel, just),
universal, logic, not emotional.
Religi tak dp dibuktikan=kepercayaan, bukan
Human Anatomy
Bahasa Latin dan Inggris
• Kosakata dari bah.Yunani:
itis, labia minora, vili, in vitro, in vivo, et, cum,
sperma, scrotum, post, pro, ante, contra, intra,
inter, iter, Hymen, corpus, homo, caput, eczema,
Cum grano salis, sectio caesarea, cum laude,
pubertas praecox, foetor ex ore, primum non
nocere, mens sana in corpore sano, gaudeamus
igitur, inter faeces et urinae nascimur, R.I.P.,
memento mori, non scholae sed vitae discimus, e
causa ignota, moribund, micro penis, spasme,
Inggris: wound dressing, stress, stroke, rash,
talkative, collaps. MRI..
Medical terms
–Ejaan: • Tak ada jamak atau
singularnya:(seperti fish dan
C= ka ko ku ky (cyste) dan ship dl B.Inggris):
cr (scrotum)
Ch= g (chotbah, chas),
chloroform, chylus Haemorrhoid
V- vw Viscera
Ae= ee Species
Singular- jamak: Scybala
Vena-venae granula
Testis-testes Ex Yunani: homoseks, eros,
hyper, hypo, aphrodisiac,
Mamma-mammae nymphomania, polygamy,
Ulcus- ulcera pseudo, psychology, omega,
Collega = collegae paedophilia.
Musculo- musculi
Male Female Differences
Fisik: Rambut kepala, tubuh dan raut muka
Tinggi dan berat badan, musculi lengan dan paha
Distribusi lemak
Lambat cepat perkembangan fisik
Organ reproduksi
Mental pria: Matematik wanita: Bahasa
Petualangan Domestik
Fantasi, jauh Sosialisasi
Extrem Teliti
Perencana Asosiasi
Perhitungan Merawat anak
Setiakawan Cocok tanam
Perang perangan Boneka
Wanita sering di”lecehkan” dalam beri nama taufan dll
kedudukan sosial, rendah, gaji kurang
Female animals before mammals
are bigger than males, though
mammals are viviparous.
Sistem organ
1. Integument dan indera Semua sistem organ
2. Muscular dikendalikan oleh CNS:
3. Skeletal Hub luar: Integ dan indera
4. Respiratory Hub dalam: endokrin,
5. Ciculatory dan cardiac nervous system
6. Digestive Gerakan: musculo skeletal
7. Endocrine
Energi: respirasi dan digesti
8. Nervous system and brain
9. Excretory
Ekskresi: respirasi,
10. Genital
integument, renal, digesti
Transport: sirkulasi
Jumlah sel 50-70 triliun Reproduksi: genital system
Defence mechanism

• Ancaman atau tantangan

dilawan dg:
• Kedipan kelopak mata, air mata,
• Gerakan ekstremitas lari, tangkis
• Batuk, bersin, lendir
• Gerigi, muntah, diare
• Reflex
• Anti oksidan, sel darah
End of first lecture

•See You To-morrow

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