Final - Geosynthetic - 1

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“A planar product manufactured from polymeric material
used with soil, rock, earth, or other geotechnical engineering
related material as an integral part of a man-made project,
structure, or system.”  
Geosynthetics is a generic term which includes:
A Part of
-Geocomposites Geosynthetics Family

-Geocells, etc.
 They are indeed textiles/fabric in the traditional
sense, but consist of synthetic/polymeric fibers
rather than natural ones such as cotton, wool, or

 Modern geotextiles are usually made from synthetic

polymers- polypropylenes, polyesters, polyethylene, and
polyamides - which do not decay under biological and
chemical processes. This makes them useful in road
construction and maintenance.
Typical properties of different polymers used in
Polyester Polyamide Polypropylene Polyethylene
Strength H M L L
Elastic modulus H M L L
Strain at failure M M H H
Creep L M H H
Unit weight H M L L
Cost H M L L
Resistance to:
U.V. light stabilized H M H H
unstabilized H M M L
Alkalis L H H H
Fungus, vermin M M M H
Fuel M M L L
Detergents H H H H

 Itsclassification is based on manufacturing techniques

used namely:
1) Nonwoven Geotextiles
2) Woven Geotextiles
Different types of structural
patterns of Geotextiles
•ASTM defines geotextiles as “A permeable
geosynthetic comprised solely of polymeric textiles”

•So, all geotextiles are porous to liquid flow across

their plane, but to widely varying degrees.

•However these fabrics always performs at least one

of the following five discrete functions :

1) Separation
2) Reinforcement
3) Filtration
4) Drainage
5) Erosion control
Broad Areas of Application of Geotextiles:
A geotextile is designed to be
permeable to allow the flow of
fluids through it or in it

Used in structures
Retaining Soil

Generally used in Road

Sub base construction
Strengthening & Protecting Steep Slopes
Separation of Sub-base Soil Material
Used to increase the stability of sides of Use of Geotextiles in River sides or Sea
an Over-Bridge Approach Shores Erosion
Stage-I Stage-II
Used to Retain Soil up to low heights as Landscaping done using Geotextiles
seen in above image for Aesthetics purpose.
Schematic view of Sub-base Load Distribution

Geotextile Layer

Uneven Load Distribution Uniform Load Distribution

Geotextiles are generally utilized to balance uneven settling, to absorb
loading forces and frequently also to reduce thickness of expensive
coarse-grained material. Geotextiles will form a base composite by
grainy material interlocking which is effective even on the substrata
formed by peat or soft silt.
a) Aggregate Loss due                         b) Separator prevents
to lack of separation Aggregate Loss

 Geotextiles prevent contamination of new ballast with

underlying fine-grained soils simultaneously provide a
mechanism for lateral water drainage.

• The road aggregate base thickness can be reduced by

as much as 30% to 50% when a stabilization
geotextile is used.
New Asphalt Overlay
Woven Geotextile

Existing Pavement

Gravel Base

Sub grade

Existing Damaged Pavement

 High-strength woven geotextiles can also be used to reinforce

existing damager weak pavement and reduce required
overlying of asphalt materials.

1,2,3 : Detailing of
Joints overlapping &

Stability of Embankments Simultaneously Soil Erosion Control

Typical Geotextiles TM Brands available in the market:
Advantages of Geotextiles:
 SpaceSavings : It occupy significantly less volume than
comparable soil & agg. layers

 Material Quality Control: Manufacture under controlled

factory conditions.

 Cost Effectiveness: Geotextiles are less expensive to

purchase, transport & install than soil and agg. Layer.

 Technical Superiority: They are engineered for optimum

performance, including greater strength, drainage
efficiency and clogging resistance than soils and agg.
Identification of the Usual Primary Function for
Each Type of Geosynthetic :
Type of
Geosynthetic Separation Reinforcement Filtration Drainage Containment

yes yes yes yes

Geogrid (GG) yes

Geonet (GN) yes


Clay Liner yes

Geofoam (GF) yes

Geocomposite yes yes yes yes yes

“A stiff or flexible polymer grid-like structural
pattern with large apertures used primarily as
reinforcement of unstable soil and waste masses
particularly, in geotechnical and highway engineering.”

 Geogrids that are matrix/mesh like materials of woven

plastics filaments, rovings or tapes formed into a very
open, grid like configuration having large apertures.
Large aperture Geogrid View of newly manufactured rolls of
Geogrids at manufacturing facility

Geogrids are mainly used for the reinforcement of sub-base & retaining
soils, this is achieved by positive interlocking of the fill material into the
grid apertures, with separation as a secondary function.
Types of Geogrids
) Uniaxial Geogrids: The bars are oriented in one principle strength
2) Biaxial Geogrids: Such geogrids have relatively similar strength
properties in both directions, across the length and breadth of the
finished roll.

In soil stabilization applications, biaxial polypropylene geogrids are

most commonly used to improve the performance of weak subgrades.
The polyester fibers are oriented in one principle strength direction.
Geogrid strengths can be very high, with design value up to 200 kN/m.
Geogrids interlock with the soil and have excellent long term creep
Properties of Geogrids:
Resistant to wear and tear ( weathering, saline water, snow,
Chemically and thermally inert
Resistant to UV rays and hydrocarbons
Shear resistant
Light weight
Durable- long life cycle
Possess dimensional stability
Environment friendly and economical
Geogrids are mesh like polymeric materials with relatively
large apertures between polymer ribs.
Just as with other types of geosynthetic, geogrids can be made
of a number of different polymers .
Applications of Geogrids:

Earth Reinforced Retaining Soil Reinforcement of an Embankment

Wall using Geogrid layers using a Geogrid layers

In this application, the structural stability of the soil is greatly improved by

the tensile strength of the geogrid layers.  This concept is similar to that of
reinforcing concrete with steel.  Since concrete is weak in tension, reinforcing
steel is used to strengthen it.  Geosynthetic materials function in a similar
manner as the reinforcing steel by providing tensile strength that helps to
hold the soil in place. 
 Apart from the above shown schematic applications, Geogrids are
also used as reinforcing elements in a wide variety of structures
such as : Embankments on soft soils, Reinforcement in the base
layers of railroad- and road constructions, etc.

 A key feature of this function is the absorption of tension forces by

Geogrid Layers and their transfer in the surrounding soil by friction
and other interlocking mechanisms.
Top Retained Soil

Inclined Drainage Filter


Geogrid Layers

Drainage water pipes

Concrete Blocks

Schematic Diagram of Geogrid reinforced Retaining Soil

Use of Geogrids to Stabilization of
Retaining wall using Geogrids
steep slope
 Geomembranes are similar to geotextiles, but unlike
geotextiles, it does not allow the liquid/water to percolate
through it.

Geomembrane layer on top of sub-base soil

Industrial Waste & Waste Water Treatment Plants: Impervious Systems :

Evaporation Pond Typical Cross section

Aerial view of a Treatment Plant

 Today, large industrial and mining companies must deal with major economic as
well as ecological concerns. They must recover the maximum amount of ore through
leaching, working large quantities of material with large or small ore content at a
reasonable price for mining projects, adequate containment system for water and
waste water treatment projects. And they must do so while protecting soil and water
tables neighboring their prospecting zones.
The Safe Burial of Contaminants: A direct Impact on our
Quality of Life

Industrialwaste, urban waste, hazardous or slightly radioactive materials,

contaminated soil, sludge, incinerator ashes: all of these can now be
safely contained.
Landfill cells are equipped with a complex, effective impervious system
consisting of different layers of Geosynthetic materials, including a
Geomembranes whose function is to prevent the migration of
contaminated leachate to surrounding soil.
 When geogrids/geotextile/geomembranes are combined
with woven or non-woven geotextiles or geogrids for
specific applications like drainage, erosion control, bank
protection etc., they are designated as Geocomposites
Geocells: They are small groups of perforated bands
joined at their ends to form cellular uniform structures.

Conclusions & Observations:
 Performance Concerns :
 A major benefit of using geosynthetic products is that the desired properties of the
material can be engineered and manufactured.  These “engineered” properties are
essential to the product providing the desired results.  To assure that these desired
properties are achieved in the field, it is necessary to properly specify the correct
geosynthetic material for the job, as well as, to correctly install the product. 
 If not, chances are the geosynthetic material will not produce the desired results. 
Specifications should address such items as:
 1)General requirements
 2)Specific performance requirements
 3)Placement procedure, including
- Surface preparation
 - Seams and Overlaps
 - Proper Orientation
 - Placement of cover material
 4)Repairs/replacement of damaged materials
 5)Testing and Inspection requirements
 If the geosynthetic is properly designed, manufactured and installed, it should provide
the long-term performance that is expected

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