English Presentation Group 5 3

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Courses: English Language

Class B Majoring In Dental Nursing

Group 5
Group Name
•Ria Amanda
•Rochman Hardiansyah
•Rospina Aswita
•Sagita g

Present Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense is used to describe a continued or an on-going action of the
present. These actions are occuring exactly at the time of speaking. It is called
progressive tense because it refers to actions which are currently in progress at the
time of speaking.

For instance, a boy says, “I am drinking water”. It means that the action (drinking
water) is being done exactly at this time of the speaking.

This tense is also called Present Progressive Tense.

Structure of Sentence
Main Verb: Present Partciple (base from of verb + ing)
e.g. eating, drinking, looking.
Auxiliary Verbs: “is,am,are”
• If subject of the sentence is “I”, then the auxiliary verb “am” will be used in
• If subject of the sentence is “She, He, It, or a singular noun” then the auxiliary
verb “is”.
• If the subject of sentence is “They, you or a plural noun” then the auxiliary verb
“are” will be used.
Positive Sentences:
• Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main verb
• Subject + (is/am/are) + Present Participle verb (verb + ing)

 I am Washing my shirt.
 She is sleeping.
 Kids are playing cricket.
 They are walking in the lawn.
 He is writing a letter.
 You are eating some food.
 I am preparing myself for competition .
 He is drinking water.
 She is cleaning her room.
 She is making tea.
Negative Sentences:
• Subject + Auxiliary verb + NOT + Main verb
• Subject + (is/am/are) + NOT + Present Participle verb (verb
+ ing)
 He is not sleeping.
 She is not studying her books .
 They are not coming to school.
 I am not appreciating you.
 I am not replying her.
 He is not asking any question.
 They are not waiting for you.
 She is not laughing.
 She is not listening to music.
 You are not eating your meal.
Interrogative Sentences:
• Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main verb
• (is/am/are) + Subject + Present Participle verb (verb + ing)

 Are you listening to me?
 Is he calling you?
 Are you laughing at me?
 Are they running on the road?
 Is she planning about her studies?
 Am i making fun of you?
 Am i telling a lie?
 Is he learning English Grammar?
 Is she cooking some food?
 Are they shouting?
Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense is used to mention an ongoing action of the past. It expresses
past actions having an on-going nature. An action, that continued for some time in
past, are expressed in Past Progressive Tense.

This tense is also called ‘Past Progressive Tense’.

Structure of Sentence
Main Verb: Present Participle (1st form of verb + ing)
e.g sleeping, going.
Auxiliary Verbs: “Was/Were”

• If subject of the sentence is “I, She, He”, or a singular noun, the auxiliary “was”
is used.
• If subject of the sentence is “You, They”, or a plural noun, the auxiliary “Were”
will be use.
Positive Sentences:
• Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main verb + Object
• Subject + Were/Was + Present Participle (verb + ing) + An
 He was waiting for you.
 She was writing a letter.
 He was driving his car.
 She was making preparation for the exam.
 The dog was barking at them.
 You were smiling to see me.
 I was planning about my studies.
 They were eating their food.
Negative Sentences:
• Subject + Auxiliary verb + NOT + Main verb + Object
• Subject + Were/Was + NOT + Present Participle + Object

 I was not expecting such a foolish
behaviour from him.
 He was not sleeping.
 She was not washing her clothes.
 They were not shouting.
 You were not driving carefully.
 The snake was not running toward you.
 She was not decorating her room.
 He was not reading the book.
 I was not walking alone.
 The kids were not playing with the toys.
Interrogative Sentences:
• Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main verb + Object
• Were/Was + Subject + Present Participle verb + Object

 Were they going to their college?
 Was he coming to his home?
 Was she singing a song?
 Were you asking me something?
 Was I calling you?
 Were the people shouting at him?
 Was he listening to you?
 Was she walking in the street?
 Were you working in that factory?
 Was I answering the question correctly?
1. What’s the gardener doing? He ………the flower.
a. to water b. water c. is watering
2. Jono ……… his kite now. He is at school.
a. isn’t flying b. aren’t playing c. doesn’t fly
3. The children are …….. by the river.
a. fished b. fish c. fishing
4. …… listening to me now?
a. Is you b. Are you c. Was you
5. Where … you meeting your client at 10 o’clock yesterday?
a. Were b. Was c.He
6. Someone tried to steal her phone while she … for a railway ticket.
a. Queued b. Was queuing c. Queuing
7. He … taking a bath when you knocked on the door.
a. Is b. Was c. Were
8. At 7 this morning he … breakfast with his kids.
a. Was eating b. Is eating c. Were eating

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