Soiology101 SignatureAssignemnt

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• What is gender inequality?

Gender inequality is a vision or conception
that establishes that women and men are not
equal. This concept encourages to rise
discrimination between men and women due to
their gender identity. It manipulates in different
ways in their gender roles. It can be hierarchical
and can be established analytically or socially.

•The structure of our society.

•Starts at home.
•Media plays as a powerful source.
• According to Fetterolf and Rudman:
• "Gender differences in domestic labor persist even when women have high
powered, well-paying, or time-intensive careers. For example, female
academics and physicians report greater domestic responsibilities than their
partners and their male co-workers. Some research suggests that this
discrepancy helps to explain why men generally earn more money than
women in dual-earning couples. Even scholars who are optimistic about
future gender equality agree that progress largely depends on eradicating
women’s second shift. Instead, it is likely to be maintained by the next
generation, given that women in college expect to experience domestic
inequality in their future lives."
Root and Origin

•From home to society.

•Race and religion.
•Prejudice and norms.
•Tradition and culture.
Women are discriminated in developing countries mostly
• In today's gender inequality prevails more in the
developing countries and in the former agrarian
societies such as Africa, Asia and Middle East.
• In most of these countries gender inequality
is prominent because of certain norms and
religious beliefs. The laws and the policies are also
sometimes made depending in the social norms.
Sociological theories as the theoretical
perspective of gender

• Conflict theory: A theory that emphasizes the role of

coercion, conflict, and power in society and that social
inequality will inevitably occur because of differing
interests and values between groups, particularly the
competition for scarce resources.
• Dominating power the power and creating social orders.
• Race and social regulation
• Arora, R. U. (2012). Gender Inequality, Economic Development, and Globalization: A State Level
Analysis of India. The Journal of Developing Area 46 (1).
• Mihail, R. (2012). Conflicting and Social Change: Three Sociological Traditions. Communication &
Marketing/Revistas De Comunicare Si marketing 3 (5).
• Quffa, W. A. (2016). A Review of the History of Gender Equality in the United States of America.
Social Sciences and Education Research Review, (3) 2143-149.
• Sheth,S.,Gal,S. and Gould,S. (2018, August 27). 6 charts show how much more men make than
women. Retrieved from
• Ridgeway,C.L.(2011). Framed by Gender: How Gender Inequality Persists in the Modern World. Oxford,
England: Oxford University Press.
• Fetterolf, J. C., & Rudman, L.A., (2014). Gender Inequality in the Home: The Role of Relative Income,
Support for Traditional Gender Roles, and Perceived Entitlement. Gender Issues 31:219–237.
• Ellingrud, K., & Manyika, J., & Riefberg, V., (2016). How Reducing Gender Inequality Could Boost U.S.
GDP by $2.1 Trillion. Harvard business Review.
• Healthier approach and gesture
• Education
• Creating Awareness
• Teaching gender equality to the children
at an early age.
• Equal pay

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