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• Social media and, in particular, social networks as the backbone of
the social web, constitute an essential element in the business world.
• It is necessary a strategy, a plan of execution and the invigoration, as
well as a clear value compression for the organization of for the
business, together with the involvement in the process of the
management and of the managers and middle managers.
• Some illustrative data in the implantation of social networks are
provided by the big consultants, as it is included in the Spanish
economy newspaper Expansion:
• Gartner. In 2014, 20% of organizations will have social networks as the
first communication tool.
• McKinsey: Half of the organizations will increase their investments in
corporate environments in the coming years.
• Forrester: The presence and investment in social networks will grow at
a rate of 61% per year until 2016
The Mckinsey consultancy bases its results on a study conducted on
social technologies and a survey of a large number of companies. The
study was carried out in four major sectors: Consumption, services,
industries and finance.
As an illustrative and comparative data of the penetration of the media
and social media, give these figures:

● Television took 13 years to reach 50 million homes.

● Internet took 3 years to have 50 million users connected
● Facebook reached 50 million users in just one year.
● Twitter reached 50 million users in 9 months.
However, nowadays it is already common for large, medium and small
companies to have:

● A facebook page of the brand, product or company.

● A twitter account that provides value information and quick response.
● A Linkedin profile of the organization that presents, among other information, its
employment opportunities.
● The use of social networks increases productivity and is a very powerful work tool,
which is why it will be necessary for the company's management to promote and
strengthen it.
● Use of public social networks (Linkedin, twitter, facebook, google +, Pinterest,
Foursquare ...).
● The use of internal social networks (corporate social networks).

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