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Drug Addicted Parents

Effects to the Academic

performace of CNAHS SHS
Nowadays, drug addiction is rampant and considered as a huge problem in the
Philippines. There are believed to be approximately 6.7 millions drug users according
from 2004 figure in which this a traumatic increase from 1972, when there was only
believed 20,000 drug users in the Philippines that time. This problem does not only the
users and the government but also the family members of the those who uses illegal
drugs. Due to this matter, another sort of problem existed and this is how a drug addicted
affects the members of the family in various aspects and ways.
This proposed study will provide farther information that would enlighten the people and
would make them knowledgeable of what are the Impact of a drug addicted parents to
their children and how it would change their behavior and academic performance in
school. Also, researchers aim to represent a resolution to help respondents overcome this
kind of circumstances.

• This study entitled how drug addicted parents affect a senior

high school students performance in school aims to determine
if there is a relationship of having a drug addicted parents of a
students performance in school and if so, how does it affect the
student specifically are the field of academic, social interaction
and behavior. it also aims of give awareness to the people of
the situation of students encountering this problem and to
present possible solution to help the student overcome this
and how to deal with it for it would greatly present their future
from ruining and waste of life.
Statement of the problem:

This study aims to answer the following:

I. Determine if there is a relationship of having a drug

addicted parents of a students performance in school
and if so;
II. how does it affect the student specifically in the field
of their academic performance.
Scope and limitations:

This study will be focusing on determining if

there is a relationship of having a drug
addicted parent to the students school
performance. It will involved CNAHS SHS
students as the respondent of the study and
results will be evaluated with the aid of
questionnaire and its summary.
Definition of terms:

Illegal drugs- are drugs which have legal limitations on

their ownership or use.
Rampant- spreading and flourishing
Addiction- condition of being addicted to a particular
substance, thing, or activity.
Traumatic- emotionally disturbing or distressing.
Knowledgeable- intelligent and well informed.

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