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The generation that grew up with the personal computer is now
nearly wired on the campus valies on the internet in the almost
every dimension of college life.
the few internet and american life project confirm what many have
suspected for sometime . The internet was an integral of college life ,
and not just studying survey of college student found that 86% use
the internet , compared with just 59% of the overall us population.

Professor Steve jones, lead author of the study and head of the
department of communication at the university of illoinois ,chicago
if its true that nearly three- quarters of all college student surveyed say they
use the internet more than library for research , and if 72% check their email
each day.
How often do you go online ? Percent
Weekly 0.00
Twice a week 0.00
Daily 4.92
Two or more times day 95.08

Note: Respondents were permitted just

one answer.
How Long do you spend online for an Percent
average session?
Less than 15 minutes 9.29
15-30 minutes 38.80
30-60 minutes 23.26
1 hrs more 25.96

Note: respondents werw permitted just

one answer.
What is your principal reason for Percent
accessing the internet on a typical day?
Send or receive email 100.00
Get news 98.91
Buy or make reseveration for travel 85.79
Do research for work/school 95.63
Bank online 87.43
Get travel information 74.86
Check sports score 74.86
Get financial information 76.86
Buy a product 85.25
What is your principal reason for Percent
accessing internet on typical day?
Check the weather 89.62
Research a product before buying 79.23
Look for movie, book information 69.95
Surf the web for fun 75.41
Sent an instant message 55.19
Listen to or download music 72.13
Look for information about a place live 73.77
Look for political information 54.10
Look for hobby information 56.28
Look for health , medical information 57.38
Buy or sell stock, bonds or mutual funds 39.89
Visit a government web site 45.36
Play a game 45.36
Visit a chassroom or online discussion 18.03
Participate in an online action 34.97
Look for religious or spiritual information 21.31
gambie 8.74
The internet has become central to the way
college students conduct research for their
courses, communicate , with their proffesor ,
friends, and family , gather information about
sports and weather and make important short-
notice purcheses of gifts .

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