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Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Siswa diharapkan dapat memahami jenis teks tulis
fungsional pendek.
 Siswa dapat mengetahui maksud dari Announcement
( Pengumuman ) dan Memo
 Siswa mampu membuat Announcement
(Pengumuman ) dan Memo
 Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan yang
berhubungan dengan materi pembelajaran.
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What is the Announcement ?

Announcement is a note to inform something
important to the reader or public in order to
the information can received by the people.
A Good Announcement has to contain such as :
. The Target / To Whom
. The Announcer
. Requirement.
. Event.
. Time and
 Place
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For Example # 1
To : English Speaking Club
Please come on Saturday. We will have a
special guest from United Kingdom. They
will be our native speaker tutor in our next
meeting. And prepare some question for
Don’t miss it
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For Example # 2

This is a new school year. Many Students
are around and they need to know our
school rules. Please be helpful to them
and extend courtesy to their parent.
Thank you
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What does memo mean ?

Memo is something written and
attached on the door, locker,
somewhere else, that informed
something to other person. The
function of the memo may be
various it depends on the senders
what they will say.
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The Content of Memo

. The receiver of the message.

 . The point of the message.
 . The Sender.
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For Example # 1
Hello dear,
Mother is out now. Your lunch is in the
fridge. However, if you don’t like you can
buy something in the foodstall.
The money is on the table.
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For Example # 2
Hi. Andi
I Want to come to your house for borrowing
your English note book at 03.00 pm on
Don’t forget to stand by at your home
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Announcement Drill
• Distinguised Guest Speakers SEMINAR Come and listen
• University Maju Harapan What They Say About Our Nation
• Monday – Tuesday
(021) 5462072 July 23 – 24, 2007
UMH Global Campus 11.00 – 15.00

Question : Tangerang
Source : Ujian Nasional 2007 / 2008
1. What is the announcement about ?
a. The opening of a university b. The opinion of our nation
c. The invitation for seminar d. The distinction for special speakers
2. How long did the seminar last each day ?
a. 2 Hours b. 4 hours c. 6 hours d. 8 hours
Memo Main Menu

Dear Mr. Anto,

Your appointment to see Mr. Charlie is on Tuesday 7th
June at 2.15 pm.
Please be on time
Margareth Source : Ujian Nasional 2006 / 2007 Paket 64

Question :
1. From the text we know that Mr. Anto will come to see Mr.
Charli e …..
a. In the morning b. In the afternoon
c. In the evening d. At midnight
2. “ Please be on time “. The sentence means “ To Come….
a. Fast b. Early c. Punctually d. Quickly

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