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•Jovy P. Madis
•Jasmine A. Manial
•Aliza Mae B. Minguito
● Sir Isaac Newton was born in the year Galileo. He
studied and developed further Galileo’s work on motion. In
his famous book Principia Mathematica published in 1687,
Newton discussed the three laws of motion. These laws
are among the fundamental laws in physics. They form the
basis for explaining other physical phenomena. They are
useful for calculating and making predictions about the
motion of cars, aircrafts, spaceships, among others.
Newton’s first law of motion states that:

An object at rest remains at rest or if it is in

motion with a constant speed along a straight line
unliss acted upon by an external force.
This is similar to Galileo’s idea of inertia except that
Newton gives meaning to the of force. Force is that
which changes the state of rest or uniform motion of
an object.
● Newton was the first to recognize that force and acceleration are
related to one another. He observed that a net force always cause
acceleration and not just motion. He maintained that if the net force
acting on a body remains constant, the ecceleration of the body
remains constant. If the net force acting on the body is changed, its
acceleration also changes proportionately. Doubling the net force also
doubles the acceleration. Force and acceleration are proportional to
one another and directed toward the same direction. He found out
also that the acceleration produced by a given force is inversely
proportional to the mass of the moving body.
● Newton’s first law of motion describes the motion of an
object when the net force acting on it is zero. His second
law states that a body accelerates when a net force is
acting on it. None of these laws tells about the origin of the
● From experience, when a person exerts a force on an
object exerts an equal force on the person. Newton’s third
law of motion governs this very important property of
forces. This law of motion is also called the law of
interaction or the law of action. It can be stated that for
every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
● This law shows that forces always occur in pairs. When a
person pushes againts a wall, the wall in turn pushes
against the person. When a swimmer pushes the water
backward, the water inturn pushes the swimmer forward.
When a person walks across the floor, the floor in turn
pushes against the person. It is the accounts for motion in
these cases.
Newton’s third law of motion can be summarized as

●When two bodies interact with one another, the forces

they exert on one another are equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction.
● The action and reaction forces act on two different
bodies. When an action force is exerted on a body, a
reaction force is exerted by that body. These action and
reaction forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in
direction. Since they are exerted on two different bodies,
they will never cancel each other.
● In this law, the forces involved are never specified. The
source of the forces may be due to gravitational attraction,
electrical attraction and repulsion, magnetic attraction and
repulsion, or may be forces from any other force fields.

1.) Newton’s first law of motion states that an object will

continue in its state of rest or of motion in a straight line at
constant speed if no net force acts on it. This is also called
the law of inertia.
2.) Newton’s second law of motion states that the
acceleration produced by a net force on a body is directly
proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same
direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to
the mass of the body. This is also called the law of
3.) Newton’s third law of motion of states that for every
action, there is an equal and opposite.

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