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 The capacity to understand

the world, think rationally

and use resources
effectively when faced with
Special devices for
assessing the traits or
characteristics and
intelligence of
 Intelligence Tests
◦Quantify and measure
intelligence in an objective

Theresults obtained
from its use must be
repeatable or stable.
Means consistency of
ability to measure
what it was supposed
to measure
Consistency and
objectivity in the way
the tests are
administered, scored
and interpreted
Yieldsnorms against
which a given person’s
score can be compared
to determine his or her
relative standing on the
characteristics being
 Gardner’s Multiple
Intelligences: The
Many Ways of
Showing Intelligence
◦ Eight different forms of

Figure 1 of Module
involved in the
production and use of
in problem
solving and scientific
Recreate visual images
without reference to
the original stimulus
ability to create,
communicate and
understand meanings
made of sound
in using the
whole body or various
portions of it in the
solution of problem or
the construction of
products or displays
exemplified by
Knowledge of the
internal aspects of
oneself, access to
one’s own feelings
and emotions
in interacting
with others, such as
sensitivity to the
motivations and
intentions of others
to nature
and natural respect
for ecology
Differences in
intelligence result
from differences in the
basic processing
mechanism that
implements thinking,
which in turn yields
Aperson with a slower
basic processing
mechanism is likely to
have more difficulty
than a person with a
faster processing
Dealswith thought
processes and the
most highly developed
of these subtheories
Used to plan,
control, monitor and
evaluate processing
during problem
 Plan
and regulate task
Carryout problem-
solving strategies now
called creative abilities
 Execute
strategies specified
by metacomponents
Encode,combine and
compare information
during the course of
problem solving
 Encode & store information
Deals with the effects
of experience on
Considers the effects
of the individual’s
environment and
Multiple abilities or
intelligences are
biologically based and
place limits on mental
however, is shaped by
the challenges and
opportunities in the
environment or context
 G-factor
◦ General factor for mental ability
◦ Was thought to underlie performance in every
aspect of intelligence
◦ Recent theories view intelligence as a
multidimensional concept
◦ Ex. Earth is round
◦ By Charles Spearman
 By Cattell and Horn
 Fluid Intelligence
◦ Reflects information-processing capabilities,
reasoning, and memory

 Crystallized Intelligence
◦ Accumulation of information, skills, and strategies
that people learn through experience
 We use fluid intelligence when we’re trying to
rapidly solve a puzzle.
 If we were asked to solve an analogy, group a
series of letters according to some criterion
or remember a set of numbers.
 It reflects a more general kind of intelligence.
 It declines in old age.
 It reflects our ability to call up information
from long-term memory.
 If we were asked to participate in a discussion
about the solution to the causes of poverty, a
task that allows us to draw on our own past
experiences and knowledge of the world.
 A reflection of the culture in which a person
is raised.
 It doesn’t decline in old age.
 Information processing approach
– cognitive psychologists assert
that the way people store material
in memory and use that material
to solve intellectual tasks provides
the most accurate measure of
 Rather than focusing on the structure
of intelligence or its underlying
content or dimensions, information-
processing approaches examine the
process involved in producing
intelligent behavior.
◦ For example, research shows that the
speed with which people are able to
retrieve information from memory is
related to verbal intelligence.
 The biological basis of
intelligence- using brain-
scanning methods,
researchers have identified
several areas of the brain that
relate to the intelligence.
 For example, according to the findings of
cognitive scientist John Duncan and
colleagues, the brains of people
completing intelligence test questions in
both verbal and spatial domains show
activation in a similar location, the lateral
prefrontal cortex.
 The activity in the workspace represents
general intelligence.
 Practicalintelligence –
according to Sternberg, the
intelligence relates to over-all
success in living.
 Itis learned mainly through
observation of others’
 People who are high in
practical intelligence are able
to learn general norms and
principles and apply them
 Analytical intelligence –
focuses on abstract but
traditional types of problems
measured on IQ tests.
◦ Creative intelligence – involves
the generation of novel ideas
and products.

 Is Information Processing Intelligence?
◦ Information-processing approach
 Way people store material in memory and use that
material to solve intellectual tasks
 Speed of processing
 Lateral Prefrontal

 Higher intelligence is
related to the
thickness of the
cerebral cortex

Figure 2 of Module
 Practical Intelligence
◦ Related to overall success in living

 Emotional Intelligence
◦ Set of skills that underlie the accurate assessment,
evaluation, expression, and regulation of emotions
 According to psychologist
Daniel Goleman, emotional
intelligence underlies the
ability to get along well
with others.
 Intelligence Tests
◦ Quantify and measure intelligence in an objective
 Binet and The Development of IQ tests
◦ Mental age (MA)- level of performance
◦ Chronological age (CA)- physical age
◦ Intelligence quotient (IQ)
◦ Deviation IQ scores
◦ Bell-shaped distribution
◦ IQ score = MA x 100
 Contemporary IQ Tests: Gauging Intelligence
◦ Achievement test
 Designed to determine a person’s level of knowledge
in a specific subject area
◦ Aptitude test
 Designed to predict a person’s ability in a particular
area or line of work
 Reliability and Validity: Taking the Measure of
◦ Reliability
 Tests measure consistently what they are trying to
◦ Validity
 Tests actually measure what they are supposed to
◦ Norms
 Standards of test performance that permit the
comparison of one person’s score on a test to scores
of others
 Adaptive Testing: Using Computers to Assess
◦ Adaptive in the sense that the computer
individualizes the test to the test-taker
 Learn as much as you can about the test
before you take it
 Practice
 If the test is administered on a computer,
take practice tests on a computer
 Time yourself carefully
 Be aware of the scoring policy
 If it is a paper-and-pencil test, complete
answer sheets accurately
 Disability characterized by significant
limitations both in intellectual functioning
and in conceptual, social, and practical
adaptive skills
◦ Mild with an IQ of 55 to 69
◦ Moderate with an IQ of 40 to 54
◦ Severe with an IQ of 25 to 39
◦ Profound with an IQ below 25
Includes considerably
functioning combined
withvarying degrees
of difficulty meeting
the demands of
everyday living
50-70 (educable)
Academic skills up to
six grade level
Mental age = 8-12
Cansupport self
minimally with special
help at times
35-49 (trainable)
Academic skills up to
2 grade level

Mental age= 3-8 years

Cando skilled work
with supervision and
20-34 (doesn’t learn
to talk or practice
basic hygiene until
school year)
Can’t learn vocational
Canperform simple
tasks under close
Below 20 (requires
constant care and
Mental age = less than
3 years
Morons = 50-70
Imbeciles = 30-50
Idiots = below 20
gifted =
IQ 140 or better
To obtain an IQ=
Mental age/
Chronological age X

 Have IQ scores greater than
 Programsfor the gifted are
designed to provide
enrichment that allows
participants’ talents to flourish
 Identifying the Roots of Mental Retardation
◦ Fetal alcohol syndrome
 Caused by a mother’s use of alcohol while pregnant
◦ Familial retardation
 No apparent biological defect exists but there is a
history of retardation in the family
 Background and experiences of test-takers
have the potential to affect results

 Some standardized IQ tests contain elements

that discriminate against minority-group
members whose experiences differ from
those of the white majority
 Culture-fair IQ Test
◦ One that does not discriminate against the
members of any minority group

 Heritability
◦ Measure of the degree to which a characteristic can
be attributed to genetic, inherited factors
Wechsler adult
intelligence scale with
verbal section and
performance section
 Culture fair intelligence
 Raven’s progressive
matrices are non-verbal
intelligence tests

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