Open Quiz Review: Take Your Grade and Add +15 That Is Your Skyward Grade

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Open Quiz Review

Take your grade and add +15

That is your Skyward grade
#3 Suez Canal

#3 Suez
#6 African Kingdom that remain largely
• Aksum/Abyssinia/Ethiopia
Why the others are wrong?
• Kingdom of the Kongo as per your notes, ended in
1857, and became the Belgian Congo.
• It is not Egypt, Sudan or South Africa because they
were all conquered by the British.
• Cote D’Ivoire was conquered by the French, and we
have not learned about it.
#8 Infrastructure
• “the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g.
buildings, roads, power supplies)”

• European colonizers used infrastructure to colonize Africa by building

roads, canals, and railroads in order to transport goods in and out of
the colonies.
• They also built them to establish their dominance (exert power) in
their colonies.
#11 Outsiders and Native Africans
• Table Talk directs you to go to page 121 of text:
• “Both the Arabs and then the Europeans brought with them new technology,
which they mostly kept to themselves, and took whatever they found of
value, which was mainly natural resources and people.”

• They did not exchange technology

• They took resources and people
#12 European
• European imperialist would
defend their actions in Colonial
Africa by saying:
• They are civilizing
• They are a duty to be there
• Their race makes them
• Nonwhite Europeans have no
Europe, Asia, & Africa (Old World) #14
Exchanged Technology


Sahara Desert

Rain Forest Nile River

#15 Jingoism and acts of violence in C. Africa
• Jingoism is “Extreme Nationalism & Militarism.”
• Extreme Nationalism  Racist attitudes of European
• Militarism  Having a large military and using force over
= Use of violence against people deemed ‘lesser than.’ It is
okay to so long as we are obtaining resources and if they
rise up we’ll stomp them out.

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