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Bringing Christ to the

 Work, Job or Vocation-is what we do in life
 Vocation- from the Latin word ‘vocatio’which
means “to call;”thus our vocation and job is
actually a call, similar to a minister
 Understand the significance of our Job or
Vocation in our life as well as what it means
in our walk with the Lord.
 God in His Sovereignty and Goodness
 Provides for all our needs and loved ones
 Man should exercise his responsibility by
WORKING to EARN his upkeep.
 The right attitude and focus towards working and
earning a living is found in Deuteronomy 8:17-
18: “So then, you must never think that you have
made yourselves wealthy by your own power and
strength. Remember that it is the Lord your God
who gives you the power to become rich. He does
this because He is still faithful today to the
covenant that he made with your ancestors.”

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