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Chemical composition % of grade S355MC (1.0976): EN 10149-2-1996 The sum of NB, Vand'T shall be max 0.22 % If agreed atthe timo of the enquiry and order tho sulfur content shal bo max 0.01% (lads analy) c si Mn P s Vv Nb T AL max 0.12 max 05 | max 1.5 | max 0025 max 002 | max 02 | max 0.09 | max 015 | min 0.015 Mechanical properties of grade $355MC (1.0976) Rm Tonsil strength (MPa) 480550 oH Minimum ylld stongth (Pa) 355 ‘Nominal hiekness (rm) 03 ‘A Min, elongation Lo = 80mm 2%) 19 ‘Nominal thiekness (rm) wom 3 ‘A Min elongation Lo= 5.55 \ So (%) B Equivalent grades of grade S355MC (1.0976) ‘aming! Only for efrence USA | Gemany Japan| France | England Italy Span | Sweden | Inter : DIN WN us| arNor | es) UNI UNE 3S. 150 GS) | QSESOTM | SPFHEIO | ES55D | 45°35 | FoESESTM | AEISOHC | 2502 | FeES65 E:900 | 46F40 LGhemical composition % of grade S35SM (1.8823): EN 10025-42004 Fovlng pods maim € comer 816% spies c[s[we[w] P| s |o[m[v|N ||| Aw | w [cw Mechanical properies of erade. 356M (1.8623) Nowa ins fo ~o | 26 | om | www | wom iT stengh (iP) ‘ogo | as0si0 | e40s00 | auosto | 0550 ‘erin etre ee | ew | oe | Om | w-100 | 10 ‘etm yi eng Fa) mM) me = top oy (Do a 3 a Pa Hey Inet rey UD evene e z e we [iin slain = 55550) 2 Equivalent grades of grade $9584 (1.8823) ‘Wain On reference = Site | aoe | gs | Eaaeyn tt tn os BRC | SER Es 0 FeEKEKGTM| FERRO Tae eat rosa ee Tomar | gE on oS ho NY Eyuveiot gaan | coe (DAeOoe| Sie Grndes |p Shura! ial > Caen Se! ponies! % of gade 518 911002522004 Mechanical properties of grade S236iR (1.0038 4ubt) Tamera eng is Fiewaiegpeace | seosto | oeusve | sos Re tamenieteme Ps False | a6 | zas | a | a | aos | oes | ows | te coed nga ney ong, = 3 a Atln-wematerLs=Wmm Siew |_| 6 = a Toa Te we | oe | woe | oa ‘A Vin-eangion 585.50 Spam | 28 |S x 2 El

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