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Name:Hasan Murad

Presentation Topic
Trial before court of sessions
The prosecution shall be conducted by a
public prosecution(265A)

Opening case

When the accused appears or is brought before

the court the P.P shall open the case by
describing the brought against the accused

After hearing the submission of the accused and the
prosecution in this behalf , the court considers that there
is no sufficient ground for proceeding against the
accused ,it shall discharged the accused and record the
reason for so doing . (265C)
Framing charge If the judge considers that there is a prima facie
case against the accused , it shall frame a charge
Formal trial starts with the framing of charge

Conviction of plea of
After charge is framed , the accused shall be
asked whether he pleads guilty of the offence
to be tried ,if accused pleads guilty the court
shall record the plea any may convict.

If the accused refuses to plead for examination of witness and
may on the application of the prosecution , issue any process
for compelling the attendance of any witness or the
production of any documents. (265F)
On the date so fixed , the court shall proceed to take such
evidence as maybe produced in support of the prosecution


After taking the evidence and hearing the prosecution and the
defense on the point , the court considers that there is no
evidence that the accused committed the offence , the court
shall record an order for acquittal. (265H)

Where the accused is not acquitted , he shall be called upon to
enter on his defense and produce any evidence in his favor

After completing the examination of

witness the prosecutor shall sum up his
case and the accused shall be entitled to
If any law point arises then the
prosecution make his submission with
regard to such point of law.(265J)


After hearing arguments and points of law

the court shall give a judgment in the
Thank You

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