Daniela Mujica Morales 4th Grade

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Daniela Mujica Morales

4th Grade
• Human mind is the most
complex system there is.

• In my opinion there’s no
way to fully understand it,
there will always be a part
of it that will remain
unknown to us.

• And it is that part of our

mind which is more
interesting to prove
experiments on.
Our mind’s Dark side

• There might not be such thing as a ‘dark side’

itself, but there certainly is a part of our minds
that we don’t know about, because usually we
are not forced to use it.

• But, on extreme situation, such as the ones

exposed on the documentary, that side not only
shows up, but takes over our behavior,
encouraging as to do things we would never
think of, even things we might regret.
The Experiments

• As unethical as they may seem, I

think this experiments do nothing but
prove humans real nature, in a rough
way definitely, but I think that rough is
the bets way when you’re trying to
make a point.
• Although I don’t think I would have the
guts to perform this sort of
experiments the message hit me right
on the face
• It had never come to my
attention how
unconditionally obedient
people are ones they’ve
assumed there’s an
authority figure, how they
may not question anything of
what they’re told, how easily
they can give into action that
are completely opposite to
their ethics if they can
release themselves of
• Although this information is
right on our face everyday,
when you see it this way is
completely different.
•Unlike most of us would think, this
situations are not too far from us.
• I think that what most people would think is that it
has to be something as extreme as what is showed
on the documentary to change our behavior, to
transform us into something ‘we are not’.

• But if we look a little closer we might recognize that

friend of ours who became a dictator when he got
promoted, or was chosen captain, or president of the
students council, any situation that gives a feeling of
power, and freedom to use it, might reveal a new
part of our personality.

What the documentary shows is people who abuse their power, and other
people who let them.

• If people opposed more strongly to people who try to commit abuse, the
whole world would be different, if each one of us thought, more likely, if
each of us was aware, of our importance people wouldn’t be so afraid to
• Everyone thinks that they can’t make a difference ‘Nothing’s gonna
change by me saying that’ is quite the common phrase, but the truth is,
that people who have been remembered in history are no more than those
who realized how important they were, how their ideas (for better or for
worse) could make a difference. If they could, why can’t I?Why can’t you?


• At the very least you can change your life, so next time you see abuse
being committed speak up! Make a difference!
Train your mind to defeat every
• How? I think the best way to have a strong mind is to
have your moral grounds properly set, to think about
the reasons why you behave the way you do, why do
people around us are the way they are.

• Mainly It’s to question everything, so that you have your

own answers, your own truth, not the truth that
someone else wants for us.

• That way you will only act when you’re truly convinced
about what you’re doing, and so it should take more than
just an authority figure to make you give into actions that
are unethical to you.
• In my opinion the most important lesson to
take from the documentary is that
our minds are the strongest weapon we
have, a strong mind can defeat the
strongest army, the prettiest body, the
most talented person . . .as they say:



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