Compound Events

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•Find the probability of the ff:
1.P of getting 6 in a roll of die
2.P of getting a heart in a deck of card
3.P of 6 or less 6 in a roll die
4.P of getting head in toss of coin
5.P of more than 6 in roll of die
•A school canteen serves lunch for
students. A set of menu consist of 1 type
of rice, 1 type of viand and 1 type of
drink. Make a combinations of the menu
Rice viand drink
Fried foot long buko juice
Steamed ham orange Juice
1.How many possible outcomes are there?
2.How many outcomes of selecting a lunch with
Buko Juice?
3.How many outcomes are there for selecting a
lunch with steamed rice?
4.How many outcomes for selecting lunch with
footlong and Orange Juice?
5.How many outcomes for selecting lunch with
ham and Buko Juice?
1.What is the probability that the student
chose buko juice as a drink?
2.What is the probability that the student
chose steamed rice and buko juice?
3.What is the probability that the student
chose foot long and orange juice?
4.What is the probability that the student
chose ham and buko juice?
What is the difference
between the sample space of
yesterdays outcome to the
outcome of the activity?
Compound Events
•The probability of a compound event is the
combination of at least two simple events.
1. Tossing a coin, and rolling a die
2. Tossing 3 coins
3. Rolling 2 dice
4. spinning a spinner and drawing a card
Independent Events
Whatever happens in one event has absolutely
nothing to do with what will happen next
1.The two events are unrelated OR
2.You repeat an event with an item whose
numbers will not change (eg.: spinners or
dice) OR
3.You repeat the same activity, but you
REPLACE the item that was removed.
Independent Events
Example: Suppose you spin each of these two
spinners. What is the probability of spinning
an even number and a vowel?
P(even) = (3 evens out of 6 outcomes)
P(vowel) = 1
(1 vowel out of 5 outcomes)
5 1 6

2 5

3 4
Dependent Event
•What happens the during the
second event depends upon
what happened before.
•In other words, the result of the
second event will change
because of what happened first.
Dependent Event
Example: There are 6 black pens and 8 blue pens in a jar. If
you take a pen without looking and then take another pen
without replacing the first, what is the probability that you
will get 2 black pens?
6 3
P(black first) = or
14 7
P(black second) = 5 (There are 13 pens left
13 and 5 are black)
TEST YOURSELF: Are these dependent or
independent events? Find the probability
each event
1.Tossing two dice and getting a 6 on both of
2. You have a bag of marbles: 3 blue, 5 white,
and 12 red. You choose one marble out of the
bag, look at it then put it back. Then you
choose another marble.
3. You have a basket of socks. You need
to find the probability of pulling out a black
sock and its matching black sock without
putting the first sock back.
4. You pick the letter Q from a bag
containing all the letters of the alphabet.
You do not put the Q back in the bag
before you pick another tile.
5. You roll a fair six-sided die twice. The first roll
shows a five and the second roll shows a six.
6. There are eight shirts in your closet, four blue and
four green. You randomly select one to wear on
Monday and then a different one on Tuesday. You
wear blue shirts both days.
7. A basket contains five apples and seven peaches.
You randomly select one piece of fruit and eat it.
Then you randomly select another piece of fruit. The
first piece of fruit is an apple and the second piece is
a peach.
QUIZ: Identify the following situations what kind of event.
1. There are 6 red marbles, 5 green marbles, and 4 yellow
marbles in a bag. If Joe picks 2 marbles one after the
other without replacement, then what is the probability
that both are red in color?
2. You flip a coin and then roll a fair six-sided die. The coin
lands heads-up and the die shows a one
3. A bag contains eight red marbles and four blue marbles.
You randomly pick a marble and then pick a second
marble without returning the marbles to the bag. The first
4. A box of chocolates contains five milk chocolates, five
dark chocolates, and five white chocolates. You randomly
select and eat three chocolates. The first piece is milk
chocolate, the second is dark chocolate, and the third is
white chocolate
5. A cooler contains ten bottles of sports drink: four
lemon-lime flavored, three orange flavored, and three
fruit-punch flavored. Three times, you randomly grab a
bottle, return the bottle to the cooler, and then mix up the
bottles. The first time, you get a lemon-lime drink. The
second and third times, you get fruit-punch
QUIZ: Identify the following situations what kind of event.
1. There are 6 red marbles, 5 green marbles, and 4 yellow marbles in a bag. If Joe picks 2
marbles one after the other without replacement, then what is the probability that both are
red in color? dependent
2. You flip a coin and then roll a fair six-sided die. The coin lands heads-up and the die shows a
one Independent
3. A bag contains eight red marbles and four blue marbles. You randomly pick a marble and then
pick a second marble without returning the marbles to the bag. The first marble is red and the
second marble is blue. dependent
4. A box of chocolates contains five milk chocolates, five dark chocolates, and five white
chocolates. You randomly select and eat three chocolates. The first piece is milk chocolate, the
second is dark chocolate, and the third is white chocolate
5. A cooler contains ten bottles of sports drink: four lemon-lime flavored, three orange flavored,
and three fruit-punch flavored. Three times, you randomly grab a bottle, return the bottle to the
cooler, and then mix up the bottles. The first time, you get a lemon-lime drink. The second and
third times, you get fruit-punch

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