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Rizal’s Traveling


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YEAR 1882
Suez Marseilles Madrid

Barcelona Main Menu

Colombo Naples
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Rizal traveled to


On May 9, the Salvadora docked at Singapore. He then
stayed at Hotel de la Paz and spent two days on a
sightseeing soiree of the city. He saw the famous Botanical
Garden, the beautiful Buddhist templates, the busy
shopping district, and the statue of Sir Thomas Stanford
Raffles, who was the founder of Singapore.

Main Menu

The establishment of a British trading post in Singapore

in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles led to its founding as a
British colony in 1824. This event has generally been
understood to mark the founding of colonial Singapore, a
break from its status as a port in ancient times during
the Srivijaya and Majapahit eras, and later, as part of
Melaka and Johor. The status of Singapore as a British
possession was cemented by the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of
1824, which carved up the Malay archipelago between
the two colonial powers. Main Menu


It gained independence from the UK in 1963 by

federating with other former British territories to
form Malaysia, but separated two years later over
ideological differences, becoming a sovereign
nation in 1965. After early years of turbulence and
despite lacking natural resources and a hinterland,
the nation developed rapidly as an Asian Tiger
economy, based on external trade and its
workforce. Main Menu

Singapore was one of the 14 states of Malaysia from 1963 to 1965. Malaysia
was formed on 16 September 1963 as a new political entity from the
merger of the Federation of Malaya with former British colonies of North
Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore. On 9 August 1965, Singapore separated
from Malaysia to become an independent and sovereign state. The
separation was the result of deep political and economic differences
between the ruling parties of Singapore and Malaysia, which created
communal tensions that resulted in racial riots in July and September 1964.
Now Singapore is a wealthy city state in south-east Asia. Once a British
colonial trading post, today it is a thriving global financial hub and described
as one of Asia's economic "tigers". It is also renowned for its conservatism
and strict local laws and the country prides itself on its stability and security.

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Rizal traveled to


Colombo, is the capital of Ceylon. After a few
hours of sailing, Rizal reached the city. Rizal
was amazed by Colombo because of this
scenic beauty and elegant building. 

Main Menu

Although the British captured Colombo in 1796, it remained a

British military outpost until the Kandyan Kingdom was ceded
to them in 1815 and they made Colombo the capital of their
newly created crown colony of British Ceylon. Unlike the
Portuguese and Dutch before them, whose primary use of
Colombo was as a military fort, the British began constructing
houses and other civilian structures around the fort, giving rise
to the current City of Colombo. Initially, they placed the
administration of the city under a "Collector", and John
Macdowell of the Madras Service was the first to hold the office.

Main Menu


Then, in 1833, the Government Agent of the Western Province

was charged with the administration of the city. Centuries of
colonial rule had meant a decline of indigenous administration of
Colombo, and in 1865 the British conceived a Municipal Council
as a means of training the local population in self-governance.
The Legislative Council of Ceylon constituted the Colombo
Municipal Council in 1865 and the Council met for the first time
on the January 16, 1866. At the time, the population of the
region was around 80,000. During the time they were in control
of the Colombo, the British were responsible for much of the
planning of the present city. In some parts of the city tram car
tracks and granite flooring laid during the era are still visible Main Menu

Colombo is the commercial capital and largest city of Sri Lanka. According
to the Brookings Institution, Colombo metropolitan area has a population of
5.6 million and 752,993in the city proper. It is the financial centre of the
island and a popular tourist destination. Colombo is often referred to as the
capital since Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte is within the urban area of, and a
suburb of, Colombo. It is also the administrative capital of the Western
Province and the district capital of Colombo District. Colombo is a busy and
vibrant place with a mixture of modern life and colonial buildings and ruins.
It was the legislative capital of Sri Lanka until 1982.

Main Menu

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Rizal traveled to

SUEZ Main Menu

Upon arrival, Rizal disembarked and went sightseeing. What
impressed him most was the beautiful moonlight which
reminded him of Calamba and his family. The Djemnah took five
days to traverse the Suez Canal. Rizal was thrilled because it
was his first trip through this canal which was build by Ferdinand
de Lasseps.

Main Menu

The Suez Canal offers a significantly shorter passage for ships than
passing round the Cape of Good Hope. The construction of the Suez
Canal was favoured by the natural conditions of the region: the
comparatively short distance between the Mediterranean and the
Red Sea, the occurrence of a line of lakes or depressions which
became lakes (Lake Manzala in the north, and depressions, Timsah
and the Bitter Lakes, part way along the route), and the generally
flat terrain. The construction of the canal was proposed by the
engineer and French diplomat Ferdinand de Lesseps, who acquired
from Said Pasha the rights of constructing and operating the canal
for a period of 99 years. The Compagnie Universelle du Canal
Maritime de Suez was formed. Construction took 11 years, and the
canal opened on 17 November 1869. The canal had an immediate Main Menu
and dramatic effect on world trade.

Suez is a seaport city in north-eastern Egypt, located on the north coast of

the Gulf of Suez (a branch of the Red Sea), near the southern terminus of
the Suez Canal, having the same boundaries as Suez governorate. It has
three harbours, Adabya, Ain Sukhna and Port Tawfiq, and extensive port
facilities. Together they form a metropolitan area. Suez has a petrochemical
plant, and its oil refineries have pipelines carrying the finished product to
Cairo, in the flag of the governorate: the blue background refer to the sea,
the gear refer to the fact that Suez an industrial governorate, and the flame
refer to the petroleum firms in it.

Main Menu

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Rizal traveled to

NAPLES Main Menu

On June 11, Rizal reached Naples. This city pleased
Rizal because of its business activity, its lively people
and its scenic beauty. He was fascinated by the Mouth
Vesuvius, the Castle of ST. Telmo and other historic
sights of the city.

Main Menu

First settled by Greeks in the second millennium BC, Naples

is one of the oldest continuously inhabited urban areas in
the world. In the ninth century BC, a colony known as
Parthenope or Παρθενόπη was established on the Island of
Megaride, later refounded as Neápolis in the sixth century
BC. The city was an important part of Magna Graecia, played
a major role in the merging of Greek and Roman society and
a significant cultural centre under the Romans. It served as
the capital of the Duchy of Naples (661–1139), then of the
Kingdom of Naples (1282–1816) and finally of the Two
Sicilies until the unification of Italy in 1861.
Main Menu


Naples is the regional capital of Campania and the third-largest

municipality in Italy after Rome and Milan. In 2017, around
967,069 people lived within the city's administrative limits while
its province-level municipality has a population of 3,115,320
residents. Its continuously built-up metropolitan area (that
stretches beyond the boundaries of the Metropolitan City of
Naples) is the second or third largest metropolitan area in Italy
and one of the most densely populated cities in Europe.

Main Menu

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Rizal traveled to


The night of June 12, the steamer docked at the French
harbor of Marseilles. Rizal bid farewell to his fellow
passengers. He visited the famous Chateau d’lf where
Dantes, was imprisoned. He stayed two and a half days
in Marseilles.

Main Menu

During the 19th century, the city was the site of

industrial innovations and growth in manufacturing.
The rise of the French Empire and the conquests of
France from 1830 onward (notably Algeria)
stimulated the maritime trade and raised the
prosperity of the city. Maritime opportunities also
increased with the opening of the Suez Canal in
1869. This period in Marseille's history is reflected in
many of its monuments, such as
the Napoleonic obelisk at Mazargues and the Main Menu
royal triumphal arch on the Place Jules Guesde.
Marseille is the second-largest city of France. The main city of
the historical province of Provence, it nowadays is the
prefecture of the department of Bouches-du-Rhône and region
of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. It is located on France's south
coast near the mouth of the Rhône river. The city covers an area
of 241 km2 (93 sq mi) and had a population of 852,516 in 2012.
Its metropolitan area, which extends over 3,173 km2 (1,225 sq
mi) is the third-largest in France after Paris and Lyon, with a
population of 1,831,500 as of 2010.

Main Menu

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Rizal traveled to


On the afternoon of May 15, Rizal left Marseilles to proceed to Spain via train. He crossed
the Pyrenees and stopped for a day at the frontier town of Port Bou. After the passport
inspection at Port Bou, Rizal continued his trip by rail, finally reaching Barcelona on June 16,
1882. His first impression of Barcelona was unfavorable. He thought of it as an ugly, dirty
and its residents are inhospitable. Later, he changed his impression and liked the city. He
found it as a great city, with an atmosphere of freedom and liberalism. He also found its
people were open-hearted, hospitable, and courageous. He enjoyed promenading along Las
Ramblas which was the famous street in Barcelona. Filipinos in Barcelona were some of his
classmates in Ateneo, welcomed him. They gave him a party at café Plaza de Cataluña.
Also, Paciano advised Rizal to continue his medical course in Madrid. Heeding his advice,
Rizal left Barcelona in the fall of 1882 and proceeded to Madrid.

Main Menu

During the period of La Renaixença, a cultural movement

that claims the Catalan identity and states the foundations
of the political catalanism, institutions such as the
University, L’ Ateneu Barceloní (the Barcelonan Cultural
club) or L’Acadèmia de les bones lletres are created.
Barcelona is changing to an intensive pace and in 1888 the
city is ready to organise the first Universal Exhibition, in the
place where the Ciutadella was built. Parks with palaces and
pavilions that substitute for the infamous prisons exhibited
the products made by the Spanish industry and the
progresses of the mechanics, technology and science of the
whole world. Unfortunately, at the end of Century, Barcelona Main Menu
is known by the attempts the city suffered as “the city of the

Barcelona is a city in Spain. It is the capital and largest city

of Catalonia, as well as the second most populous municipality
of Spain. With a population of 1.6 million within city limits,
its urban area extends to numerous neighbouring municipalities
within the Province of Barcelona and is home to around 4.8
million people, making it the sixth most populous urban area in
the European Union after Paris, London, Madrid, the Ruhr
area and Milan.

Main Menu

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Rizal traveled to

MADRID Main Menu

On November 3, 1882, Rizal enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid. He
took up took courses—Medicine and Philosophy and Letters. Aside from the two
major courses, he also studied painting and sculpture in the Academy of Fine
Arts of San Fernando; he took lessons in French, German, and English under
private instructors; and assiduously practiced fencing and shooting in the Hall
of Arms of Sanz y Carbonell. Rizal lived a simple life in Madrid and knew that he
came to Spain to study and prepare himself for the service of his fatherland. He
budgets his money and time and never wasted a peseta for gambling, wine and

Main Menu

✣ 1884 – Cementerio de la Almudena established.

✣ 1885
⨳ Roman Catholic diocese of Madrid established.
⨳ Theatre of María Guerrero built.
✣ 1887
⨳ Café Comercial in business.
⨳ Palacio de Cristal built.
⨳ Population: 472,228.
⨳ 1888 – Café Gijón opens.[11]
✣ 1892 – Historical American Exposition held.
✣ 1893 – Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre formed.
Main Menu


Madrid is the capital of Spain and the largest municipality in

both the Community of Madrid and Spain as a whole. The city
has almost 3.2 million inhabitants and a metropolitan area
population of approximately 6.5 million. It is the third-largest
city in the European Union (EU), smaller than only London and
Berlin, and its monocentric metropolitan area is the third-largest
in the EU, smaller only than those of London and Paris. The
municipality covers 604.3 km2 (233.3 sq mi)

Main Menu

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YEAR 1883 Paris
Main Menu
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Rizal traveled to

PARIS Main Menu

On June 1883, Rizal left Madrid to visit Paris. He stayed at the Hotel de Paris but
then moved to a cheaper hotel. Like all tourists, Rizal was charmingly titillated by
the attractive scenery of Paris such as the beautiful boulevards, the Opera House,
the Place de la Concorde, the Arch of Triumph, the Bois de Boulogne, the Madelaine
Church, the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Column of Vendome, the Invalides, and
the Versailes. Rizal closely observed the French way of life and spending many
hours at the museums.Later he was transferred to Lodge Solidaridad where he
became a Master Mason on November 15, 1890. Still later, he was awarded the
diploma as Master Mason by Le Grand Orient de France in Paris.

Main Menu

Late in the 19th century, Paris hosted two major

international expositions: the 1889 Universal
Exposition, was held to mark the centennial of the
French Revolution and featured the new Eiffel Tower;
and the 1900 Universal Exposition, which gave Paris
the Pont Alexandre III, the Grand Palais, the Petit
Palais and the first Paris Métro line. Paris became the
laboratory of Naturalism (Émile Zola) and Symbolism
(Charles Baudelaire and Paul Verlaine), and of
Impressionism in art (Courbet, Manet, Monet, Renoir). Main Menu

Paris is the capital and most populous city of France, with an area of 105
square kilometres (41 square miles) and an official estimated population of
2,140,526 residents as of 1 January 2019. The City of Paris is the centre
and seat of government of the Île-de-France, or Paris Region, which has an
estimated official 2019 population of 12,213,64, or about 18 percent of the
population of France. The larger Paris metropolitan area had a population
of 12,532,901 in 2015. The Paris Region had a GDP of €681 billion (US$850
billion) in 2016, accounting for 31 percent of the GDP of France, and was
the 5th largest region by GDP in the world. According to the Economist
Intelligence Unit Worldwide Cost of Living Survey in 2018, Paris was the
second-most expensive city in the world, behind Singapore and ahead of
Zurich, Hong Kong, Oslo and Geneva.

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YEAR 1886 Heidelberg
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Rizal traveled to


Rizal left Paris on February 1, 1886, after acquiring enough experience in the clinic
of Dr. Weckert. He was set to go to Germany. He visited Strasbourg and other
German towns. On February 3, 1886, he arrived in Heidelberg, a historic city in
Germany famous for its old university and romantic surroundings.  He lived in a
boarding house with some German law students. On April 22, 1886, spring on
Heidelberg, he wrote a poem to the beautiful blooming flowers at the Neckar River.
Among those was his favorite flower—the forget-me-not.Rizal was fortunate to be
sojourning in Heidelberg when the famous University of Heidelberg held its fifth
centenary celebration on August 6 of 1886. It was three days before his departure
and he was sad because he had come to love the land and the beautiful city. 

Main Menu
Heidelberg, city, Baden-Württemberg Land (state),
southwestern Germany. The city lies on the canalized Neckar
River where it emerges from the forested hills of Odenwald
into the Rhine plain. It was first mentioned in 1196 and was
the capital of the Rhenish Palatinate (Pfalz) and the
residence of the electoral counts palatine until 1720. It was
devastated in 1622 during the Thirty Years’ War and almost
completely destroyed by the French in 1689 and 1693, so
most of its important buildings are in the Baroque
architectural style (which prevailed until the late 18th
century) rather than Gothic medieval. It passed to Baden in
Main Menu
1802 and experienced considerable growth in the 20th
43 back
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Leipzig and
YEAR 1887 Prague Switzerland Rome
Dresden Vienna Geneva Vatican
Berlin Main Menu

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Rizal traveled to

Main Menu
On August 9, 1886, three days after the fifth centenary of the University of the
Heidelberg, Rizal left the city. He boarded a train and visited various cities of
Germany until arriving in Leipzig on August 14, 1886.Cost of living in Leipzig is the
cheapest in Europe so he stayed there for two months and a half. Rizal left Leipzig to
set course on Dresden on October 29, 1886. At Dresden, Rizal met Dr. Adolph Meyer,
the director of the Anthropological and Ethnological Museum. He stayed only two
days in the city. He heard the Holy Mass in a Catholic church which greatly
impressed him, for he wrote “Truly I have never in my life heard a Mass whose music
had greater sublimity and intonation”. Morning of November 1, Rizal left Dresden by
train reaching Berlin in the evening. 

Main Menu
Leipzig has been a trade city since at least the time of the
Holy Roman Empire.The city sits at the intersection of the
Via Regia and the Via Imperii, two important medieval trade
routes. Leipzig was once one of the major European centres
of learning and culture in fields such as music and
publishing.Leipzig became a major urban centre within the
German Democratic Republic (East Germany) after the
Second World War, but its cultural and economic importance
declined.Leipzig today is an economic centre, the most
livable city in Germany, according to the GfK marketing
research institution and has the second-best future
Main Menu
prospects of all cities in Germany.
Dresden has a long history as the capital and royal residence for
the Electors and Kings of Saxony, who for centuries furnished
the city with cultural and artistic splendor, and was once by
personal union the family seat of Polish monarchs. The city was
known as the Jewel Box, because of its baroque and rococo city
centre. Today, The city is also one of the most visited in
Germany with 4.3 million overnight stays per year.The royal
buildings are among the most impressive buildings in Europe. in
2017, Dresden has the fourth best prospects for the future of all
cities in Germany.

Main Menu

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Rizal traveled to

BERLIN Main Menu

Rizal liked Berlin because of its atmosphere which was very scientific and the
absence of race prejudice. About observing culture, Rizal greatly admired the
German Yuletide custom, wherein Germans would take bushes from a pine tree and
dress it up with lanterns, papers and candies. Another interesting custom in
Germany is that, when a man has nobody to introduce him to the other guests, he
bows his head to the guests and introduces himself to the other guests and shakes
hands of everyone in the room. Not all the experiences of Rizal in Germany were
good, there is this one winter time wherein he lived in poverty because no money
arrived from Calamba and he was flat broke.

Main Menu

First documented in the 13th century and situated at the

crossing of two important historic trade routes, Berlin
became the capital of the Margraviate of Brandenburg
(1417–1701), the Kingdom of Prussia (1701–1918), the
German Empire (1871–1918), the Weimar Republic (1919–
1933), and the Third Reich (1933–1945). Berlin in the 1920s
was the third largest municipality in the world. Today, Berlin
is a world city of culture, politics, media and science. Its
economy is based on high-tech firms and the service
sector, encompassing a diverse range of creative
Main Menu
industries, research facilities, media corporations and
convention venues.
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Rizal traveled to

PRAGUE Main Menu

After their stay at Leitmeritz, Rizal together with Viola visited the
city of Prague.Rizal and Viola visited the tomb of Copernicus, the
museum of natural history, the bacteriological laboratories, the
famous cave where San Juan Nepomuceno was imprisoned, and
the bridge from which the saint was hurled into the river. After
their stay at the home of the Willkomms, Rizal and Viola left
Prague and went to Brunn. 

Main Menu
Prague has been a political, cultural and economic
centre of central Europe complete with a rich history.
Founded during the Romanesque and flourishing by
the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque eras, Prague
was the capital of the Kingdom of Bohemia and the
main residence of several Holy Roman Emperors,
most notably of Charles IV. Today, Prague is home to
a number of famous cultural attractions. Thus, the
city receives more than 8.5 million international
visitors annually. Prague is the fifth most visited Main Menu
European city after London, Paris, Istanbul and
Click Plane toRome.
54 back
Rizal traveled to

VIENNA Main Menu

On May 20, Rizal and Viola arrived in the beautiful Vienna. Famous in
songs and story, this city very much fascinated Rizal because of its
beautiful buildings, religions images and charm. Also in Vienna, Rizal
received his lost diamond stickpin. It was found by a main in Hotel Krebs
and was given to Blumentritt who, in turn, forwarded it to Rizal. The two
stayed at Hotel Metropole. They visited the city’s interesting places, such
as churches, museums, art galleries, theaters and parks. 

Main Menu

Vienna is Austria's primate city. It is the 7th-largest city by

population within city limits in the European Union. Until the
beginning of the 20th century, it was the largest German-speaking
city in the world, and before the splitting of the Austro-Hungarian
Empire in World War I, the city had 2 million inhabitants. Today, it
has the second largest number of German speakers after Berlin.
Vienna is host to many major international organizations, including
the United Nations and OPEC. The city is located in the eastern part
of Austria and is close to the borders of the Czech Republic,
Slovakia, and Hungary. Between 2005 and 2010, Vienna was the
world's number-one destination for international congresses and
conventions.[43] It attracts over 6.8 million tourists a year. Main Menu

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Rizal traveled to


From Rheinfall, they crossed the frontier to
Schaffhausen, Switzerland. They stayed in this city from
June 2 to 3, 1887. They then continued their tour to
Basel, Bern, and Lausanne. After sightseeing in
Lausanne, Rizal and Viola left on a little boat, crossing
the foggy Leman Lake to Geneva. 

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Main Menu
Rizal traveled to

GENEVA Main Menu

Rizal and Viola visited Geneva. This Swiss city is one of the most beautiful
cities in Europe which was visited by world tourist every year. The people
of Geneva were linguists, speaking French, German, and Italian. Rizal and
Viola also went boating on the lake. Rizal and Viola spent fifteen days in
Geneva. On June 23, they parted ways. Viola decided to return to
Barcelona while Rizal continued his tour to Italy. 

Main Menu
Similarities: french Now: Headquarters of
influence Europeʼs United Nations and
Then: one of the most the Red Cross, itʼs a global
beautiful cities in Europe hub for diplomacy and
Visited by world tourists banking. French influence is
every year. widespread, from the
People were linguists language to gastronomy and
speaking french, bohemian districts like
German, Carouge Main Menu
and italian
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Rizal traveled to

ROME Main Menu

• thrilled by the sights and memories(of the
• the “grandeur that was Rome”
• contemplating and restoring life to the ruins

Main Menu

Then: the “Eternal City” Now: Rome, Italyʼs

and the “City of capital, is a sprawling,
cosmopolitan city with nearly
Caesars” ruins, 3,000 years of globally
churches, and museums influential (preserved) art,
architecture and culture on
the power of the former display. Ancient ruins
Roman Empire. such as the Forum and the
Colosseum evoke the power of
the former
Roman Empire.
Main Menu

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Rizal traveled to


• feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul
• sightseeing for a week and returning to the hotel
every night “tired as a dog” but going to “sleep as
a god”
magnificent architecture, rare art

Main Menu

Then: the city of the popes the capital of Christendom

atmosphere of religious devotion

Now: a city-state surrounded by Rome, Italy, is the

headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. It's home to the
Pope and a trove of iconic art and architecture. Its Vatican
Museums house ancient Roman sculptures such as the
famed “Laocoön and His Sons” as well as Renaissance
frescoes in the Raphael Rooms and the Sistine Chapel,
famous for Michelangeloʼs ceiling.
Main Menu

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