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Choosing the Appropriate Statistic

Some factors to consider:

 Research design
 Number of groups
 Number of variables
 Level of measurement
(nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio)

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Statistical Methods

Statistical Methods

Descriptive Methods Inferential Methods

Univariate Applied to means

Bivariate Applied to other statistics


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While the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the
aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You
can, for example, never foretell what any one man will
be up to, but you can say with precision what an
average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but
percentages remain constant. So says the statistician.

— Arthur Conan Doyle

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Types of Statistics

 Descriptive statistics characterize the attributes of

a set of measurements. Used to summarize data, to
explore patterns of variation, and describe changes
over time.

 Inferential statistics are designed to allow

inference from a statistic measured on sample of
cases to a population parameter. Used to test
hypotheses about the population as a whole.

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The invalid assumption that correlation implies
cause is probably among the two or three most
serious and common errors of human reasoning.

— Stephen Jay Gould, The Mismeasure of Man

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Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.

— Fletcher Knebel

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 Random selection is how you draw the

sample for your study from a population.
 This is related to the external validity, or
generalizability, of your results.

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 Random assignment is how you assign your

sample to groups or treatments in your study.
 This is related to internal validity.
 Random assignment is a required feature of a
true experimental design.

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 Variables are qualities, properties, or

characteristics of persons, things, or situations
that change or vary and are manipulated,
measured, or controlled in research.

 More simply stated:

Variables are things that we measure, control,
or manipulate in research.

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Types of Variables

 Independent variables are manipulated or

varied by the researcher, for example,
intervention or treatment.
 Dependent variables are the responses,
outcomes, etc. that are measured by the
 Extraneous variables are not part of the
research design, but may have an impact on
the dependent variable(s).

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Levels of Measurement

 Nominal

 Ordinal

 Interval

 Ratio

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Nominal-Level Variables

 Data are organized into categories

 Categories have no inherent order
 Categories are exclusive
 Categories are exhaustive
 Examples are sex, ethnicity, marital status

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Examples of Nominal-Level Questions

 Do you have a loss of appetite?

 Do you smoke a lot?

 What is your ethnicity?

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Ordinal-Level Variables

 Categories can be ranked in order

 Intervals between categories may not be
 Examples are socioeconomic status, level of
education attained (elementary school, high
school, college degree, graduate degree)

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Examples of Ordinal-Level Questions
 Would Intervention X be your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice of
treatment for Condition Y?
1 First choice
2 Second choice
3 Third choice

 Beck Depression Scale – Sadness Item

0 I do not feel sad
1 I feel sad
2 I am sad all the time and I can’t snap out of it
3 I am so sad or unhappy that I can’t stand it

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Interval-Level Variables

 Distances between levels of the scale are


 Assumed to be a continuum of values

 An example is temperature (measured in

Fahrenheit or Centigrade)

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Examples of Interval-Level Variables

 IQ scores

 GRE scores

 Composite scores of multi-item scales

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Ratio-Level Variables

 Equal spacing between intervals

 Have an identifiable absolute zero point
 Examples are weight, length, volume, and
temperature (measured in Kelvin)
 In statistical analysis, typically there is no
distinction made between interval level and
ratio level

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Same Variable, Different
Levels of Measurement

Interval level:
What is your age in years? ____

Ordinal level:
What is your age group?
 18 years or younger
 19-44 years
 45 years or older

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Importance of Levels of Measurement

 Level of measurement is associated with the

type of statistical method used.
 Higher levels of measurement provide more
information than do lower levels.
 In general, you should use the highest level
of measurement possible. For example,
measure actual age in years, not in age

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Some Major Types of Analyses

 Description

 Relationships among variables

 Differences between groups or treatments

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There are three kinds of lies –
lies, damned lies and statistics.

— Benjamin Disraeli

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Measures of Central Tendency
Level of

Nominal Mode What is the most frequent value?

What is the middle score?

Ordinal Median
(50% above and 50% below)

What is the average?

Interval/Ratio Mean (Sum of all scores divided by the
number of scores)

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Example of Central Tendency



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Example of Mode

RACE Race of Respondent Race of Respondent

Frequency Percent
1 white 1257 83.8 1200

2 black 168 11.2

3 other 75 5.0
Total 1500 100.0

Statistics 600

RACE Race of Res pondent 400

N Valid 1500

Mis sing 0 200

Mode 1
w hite black other

Race of Respondent

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Example of Median

EDUC Education level

Frequency Percent Percent
4 Some high s chool 1 4.2 4.2 9
5 Completed high school 6 25.0 29.2
6 Some college 6 25.0 54.2
7 Completed college 3 12.5 66.7
8 Some graduate work 4 16.7 83.3
9 A graduate degree 4 16.7 100.0 7
Total 24 100.0

EDUC Education level
N Valid 24
Mis sing 0 4

Median 6.00
N= 24

Education level

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Example of Mean

Age of Respondent


Std. Dev = 17.42

Mean = 46
0 N = 1495.00
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

Age of Respondent

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I abhor averages. I like the individual case. A man
may have six meals one day and none the next,
making an average of three meals per day, but that
is not a good way to live.

— Louis D. Brandeis

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Measures of Variation

Level of

How many different values are

Nominal Number of categories

What are the highest and lowest

Ordinal Range

What is the average deviation

Interval/Ratio Standard Deviation
from the mean?

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Curves of Distribution

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Normal Distribution

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Normal Curve

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Example: Number of categories

RACE Race of Respondent Race of Respondent

Frequency Percent
1 white 1257 83.8 1200

2 black 168 11.2

3 other 75 5.0
Total 1500 100.0




w hite black other

Race of Respondent

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Example of Range
EDUC Education level

Frequency Percent Percent 10
4 Some high s chool 1 4.2 4.2
5 Completed high school 6 25.0 29.2
6 Some college 6 25.0 54.2 9
7 Completed college 3 12.5 66.7
8 Some graduate work 4 16.7 83.3 8
9 A graduate degree 4 16.7 100.0
Total 24 100.0

EDUC Education level
N Valid 24
Mis sing 0
Median 6.00
Range 5 4

Minimum 4
Maximum 9 N= 24

Education level

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Example of Standard Deviation

Age of Respondent
-1 SD MEAN +1 SD


Std. Dev = 17.42

Mean = 46
0 N = 1495.00
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
25 35 45 55 65 75 85

Age of Respondent

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Measures of Relationships

Level of

Nominal Phi statistic ()

Ordinal Spearman rho () correlation

Interval/Ratio Pearson correlation (r)

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Statistics have shown that mortality increases
perceptibly in the military during wartime.

— Robert Boynton

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Example of Spearman Correlation
RINCOM91 Respondent's Income DEGREE RS Highest Degree

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Valid 1 LT $1000 26 1.7 2.7 Valid 0 Les s than HS 279 18.6 18.6
2 $1000-2999 36 2.4 3.8 1 High school 780 52.0 52.1
3 $3000-3999 30 2.0 3.2 2 Junior college 90 6.0 6.0
4 $4000-4999 24 1.6 2.5 3 Bachelor 234 15.6 15.6
5 $5000-5999 23 1.5 2.4 4 Graduate 113 7.5 7.6
. . . . Total 1496 99.7 100.0
. . . . Mis sing 4 .3
. . . . Total 4 .3
19 $50000-59999 38 2.5 4.0 Total 1500 100.0
20 $60000-74999 23 1.5 2.4
21 $75000+ 44 2.9 4.6
Total 947 63.1 100.0
Mis sing 553 36.9
Total 1500 100.0


Res pondent's
Spearman's rho EDUC Highes t Year Correlation Coefficient .363**
of School Completed Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 945
**. Correlation is significant at the .01 level (2-tailed).

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Scatterplot of Self Esteem By Height

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Relationship Between Two Variables

Positive Negative Curvilinear

Correlation Correlation Relationship

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Example of Pearson Correlation
 Variable HEIGHT is measured in inches
 Variable ESTEEM is the average of 5 items
measured on a four-point scale (1-4)
Statistics 4.0

N Valid 24 24
Mis sing 0 0 3.5
Mean 66.7917 2.7583
Std. Deviation 7.03395 .59558

HEIGHT Pears on Correlation .347
Sig. (2-tailed) .097
N 24 2.0

50 60 70 80 90


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Example of Chi-Square Test

RACE * SEX Crosstabulation

1 Male 2 Female Total
Count % within SEX Count % within SEX Count % within SEX
RACE 1 white 552 86.1% 705 82.1% 1257 83.8%
2 black 66 10.3% 102 11.9% 168 11.2%
3 other 23 3.6% 52 6.1% 75 5.0%
Total 641 100.0% 859 100.0% 1500 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-s ided)
Pears on Chi-Square 5.994 a 2 .050
N of Valid Cas es 1500
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The
minimum expected count is 32.05.

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Statistical thinking will one day be as
necessary a qualification for efficient
citizenship as the ability to read and write.

— H.G. Wells

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Some Terminology

 Descriptive statistics
Statistics that allow the researcher to organize or
summarize data to give meaning or facilitate insight.

 Inferential statistics
Methods that allow inferences to be made from a
sample to a population

 Hypothesis testing
A statistical test of an expected relationship between
two or more variables

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Statistical inference

Statistical inference is the process of estimating

population parameters from sample statistics.

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Statistical inference may be used to ascertain
whether differences exist between groups...

Height in inches


Males Females

Are males taller than females?

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... or whether there is a
relationship among variables.




20 30 40 50 60


Is there a relationship between age and self-esteem?

Does this relationship differ for males and females?

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Examples of Some Commonly Used Statistical Tests

Level of Measurement

Number of groups Nominal Ordinal Interval/Ratio

t-test of sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnoff 1
1 group 2 test mean vs. known
sample test
population value
2 test Independent
2 independent groups Mann-Whitney U test
samples t-test

2 dependent groups McNemar test Wilcoxon test Paired t-test

>2 independent groups 2 test Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA ANOVA

Friedman ANOVA by Repeated

>2 dependent groups Cochran Q test
ranks measures ANOVA

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Some Commonly-Used Multivariate Methods

 Analysis of Variance and Covariance

Tests for differences in group means
 Multiple Regression Analysis
Estimates the value of a dependent variable
based on the value of several independent

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Some Commonly-Used Multivariate Methods

 Reliability analysis
Assesses the consistency of multi-item scales
 Factor Analysis
Examines the relationships among variables and
reveals related sets of variables (constructs)
 Structural Equation Modeling
Methods for testing theories about the
relationships among variables

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Hypothesis Testing Decision Chart

Null Hypothesis (H0 ) is Alternative Hypothesis

true (H1) is true

Type I error Correct decision

Reject (H0 )
() (Power = 1 - )

typically .05 or .01 typically .80

Correct decision Type II error

Don’t reject (H0 ) (1 - ) ()

typically .95 or .99 typically .20

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Difference between two group means:
The independent samples t-test
Males and females are asked a question that is
measured on a five-point Likert scale:
To what extent do you feel that regular exercise contributes
to your overall health?

1 Strongly agree
2 Agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Disagree
5 Strongly disagree

Do males and females differ in their response to this question?

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25 males and 25 females answered our
question. Here is how they responded:



1 2 3 4 5


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Reporting Results

 See the guidelines in the

APA Publication Manual,
Fifth Edition
 The manual provides very
specific instructions for
presenting statistical results.
 Example:
The mean exercise score for
females, 3.24, was
significantly higher than for
males, 2.56, t(48) = 2.12, p =

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Do the educational levels of males and females differ?

Education level

9 A graduate degree
8 Some graduate work 7
7 Completed college
6 Some college 6
5 Completed high school
4 Some high school 5
3 Completed grade school
2 Some grade school 4
1 No formal education
N= 14 10
Female Male


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Because the dependent variable (education level)
is ordinal-level, we use the Mann-Whitney U Test.

For each group, the GENDER N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

EDUC Education level 1 Female 14 13.46 188.50
Sum and mean of ranks
2 Male 10 11.15 111.50
Is computed. Total 24

Test Statisticsb

The test statistics EDUC

suggest that males’ and Education
females’ education Mann-Whitney U 56.500
Wilcoxon W 111.500
levels do not differ in Z -.807
this population. Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .420
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed a
a. Not corrected for ties.
b. Grouping Variable: GENDER

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Difference between two groups over time:
Repeated measures analysis of variance

 Asthmatic elementary school children are given

training intended to reduce the number of asthmatic
 A control group is not given the training.
 Children’s school attendance is monitored during the
month before training is given to the intervention
group, and during each of the two months following
the intervention.

 Does the asthma training intervention improve the

school attendance relative to the control group?

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The experimental design:

Month 0 Intervention Month 1 Month 2

Intervention Group O X O O

Control Group O O O

O = observation X = treatment/intervention

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We can use the SPSS statistical package to
perform a repeated measures ANOVA on the
sample data:

First we enter the Then we request the General

data into SPSS. Linear Models procedure for
Repeated Measures.

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Here are the results involving time:
Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Meas ure: ATTEND

Type III Sum

Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
TIME .034 2 .017 1.695 .205 The time x group
TIME * GROUP .080 2 .040 3.956 .033 interaction is
Error(TIME) .244 24 .010 significant.

And here are the results involving group:

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Meas ure: ATTEND

Trans formed Variable: Average
Type III Sum
Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Intercept 28.271 1 28.271 6293.102 .000 The main effect
GROUP .068 1 .068 15.201 .002 involving group
Error .054 12 .004 is significant.

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This is a plot of the group means over time
Estimated Marginal Means of ATTEND

Attendance (% of days)




Month 0 Month 1 Month 2


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Factor Analysis Example

The General Social Survey (GSS) is an “almost annual” personal

interview survey of U.S. households conducted by the National
Opinion Research Center.

In the 1993 GSS, approximately 1500 adult respondents (18

years or older) were asked about their music preferences.

Just for the fun of it, I performed a factor analysis on the music
questions to see if we could identify a pattern of underlying
dimensions, or factors, in the data.

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I'm going to read you a list
of some types of music. Big Band Folk
Bluegrass Jazz
Can you tell me which of Country/Western Opera
the statements on this card Blues or R & B Rap
comes closest to your Broadway Musicals Heavy Metal
feeling about each type of Classical
music. (HAND CARD “B”
Let's start with big band
music. Do you like it very 1 Like Very Much
2 Like It
much, like it, have mixed
3 Mixed Feelings
feelings, dislike it, dislike it 4 Dislike It
very much, or is this a type 5 Dislike Very Much
of music that you don't 8 DK Much About It
know much about? 9 NA

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Factor Analysis Results
The factor analysis revealed four factors in the music preference items.
The varieties of music were associated with the factors as shown below:

Pattern Matrixa

1 2 3 4
CLASSICL Clas sical Music .844 -.033 -.127 .054
OPERA Opera .715 -.004 -.032 .086
MUSICALS Broadway Mus icals .663 .109 -.024 -.104
FOLK Folk Music .502 -.064 .341 -.005
BIGBAND Bigband Music .459 .240 .125 -.171
JAZZ Jazz Mus ic .035 .766 -.110 .029
BLUES Blues or R & B Mus ic -.024 .714 .106 .057
BLUGRASS Bluegrass Music .070 .084 .753 .052
COUNTRY Country Wes tern Mus ic -.084 -.034 .596 -.033
HVYMETAL Heavy Metal Mus ic -.012 -.016 .020 .602
RAP Rap Mus ic .030 .074 -.004 .559
Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring.
Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 8 iterations .

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Factor Analysis Results

F1 F2 F3 F4

Classical Folk

Musicals Big Band

Opera Jazz Blues Bluegrass Country Rap


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Do not put faith in what statistics say until you
have carefully considered what they do not say.

— William W. Watt

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Without data, all you are is just another
person with an opinion.

— Unknown

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Statistical Power Analysis

 Prior to conducting a study, it is advisable

to conduct a statistical power analysis.

 Power is the probability that a statistical

test will detect a significant effect that

 The power analysis will suggest an

adequate sample size for the study.

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Four parameters related to
the power of a test:

 Significance level ()

 Sample size (n)

 Effect size (ES)

 Power (1 - )

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Relationship between power
and other parameters:

 As significance level () decreases

numerically, power decreases

 As effect size increases, power


 As sample size increases, power


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Conventions commonly used:

 Significance level (): .05 *

 Effect size: “small”
“medium” *
 Power: .80 *
* Typical values for social/behavioral/health sciences

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Examples of Effect Size:


Independent |mA-mB|
Samples T- .2 .5 .8
test 

Moment rXY .10 .30 .50

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Testing a mean against a true alternative:
1 slightly larger than 0 (“small effect”)

Sampling distribution of
means when H0 is true
Area= Sampling distribution of
means when H1 is true



0 1

Region of nonrejection Region of rejection

Critical value

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Testing a mean against a true alternative:
1 quite a bit larger than 0 (“large effect”)

Area= Area=1-


0 1

Region of nonrejection Region of rejection

Critical value

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Relationship Between Alpha(),
Sample Size (n), and Power (1-)
Two group t-test of equal means (equal n's)
α = 0.025 ( 2) Êδ = 0.500
α = 0.050 ( 2) Êδ = 0.500
α = 0.100 ( 2) Ê
Æ δ = 0.500






n=51 n=64 n=78

20 40 60 80 100 120
Sample Size per Group

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The Power Analysis “Bible”

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There are a lot of statistical power analysis
resources (including interactive “power
calculators”) on the World Wide Web.

For example, see the web site at:

Or, using a WWW search engine like Yahoo or Google,

use the search string:
statistical power analysis

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Getting Help

 For course assignments involving statistics,

see your instructor or teaching assistant.
 For help related to a masters thesis or applied
project, see your faculty advisor.
 Your instructor or advisor may confer with or
make an appointment as needed with a
statistician in the College of Nursing Center for
Research and Scholarship.

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Getting Help
The Statistics Hotline is
sponsored by a joint effort of the
ASU Committee on Statistics,
the Department of Mathematics
and Statistics, and the Division
of Graduate Studies. Its
services are available to
anyone affiliated with ASU and
needs assistance with their
ASU-related research.

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An approximate answer to the right question
is worth a great deal more than a precise
answer to the wrong question.

— The first golden rule of mathematics,

sometimes attributed to John Tukey

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Statistical Terms Crossword Solution

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On the Web

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