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What is Diabetes?

A disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone

insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and
elevated levels of glucose in the blood and urine.
Body does not make or properly use insulin:
• no insulin production
• insufficient insulin production
• resistance to insulin’s effects

• No insulin to move glucose from blood into cells:

• high blood glucose means:
 fuel loss. cells starve
 short and long-term complications

Type 1 Diabetes
 auto immune disorder
 insulin-producing cells destroyed

 daily insulin replacement necessary

 age of onset: usually childhood, young adulthood

 most prevalent type of diabetes in children

and adolescents

Type 1 Diabetes

ONSET: relatively quick

increased urination increased thirst

SYMPTOMS: hunger
tiredness blurred vision
weight loss

CAUSE: uncertain, likely both genetic and

environmental factors

Type 2 Diabetes
 Insulin resistance – first step

 Age at onset:
 Most common in adults
 Increasingly common in children

 overweight
 inactivity

Type 2 Diabetes

ONSET: in children
variable timeframe

SYMPTOMS: tired, thirsty, hunger,

increased urination

some children show no

symptoms at diagnosis

• The major components of the treatment of diabetes

A • Diet and Exercise

• Oral hypoglycaemic
B therapy

C • Insulin Therapy
• Epidemiologically, it is estimated that in 2030 the prevalence of
diabetes mellitus (DM) in Indonesia reaches 21.3 million people
(Diabetes Care, 2004). While the results of the Basic Health Research
(Riskesdas) in 2007, it was found that the proportion of causes of
death from DM in the 45-54 year age group in urban areas was
ranked second, namely 14.7%. And in rural areas, DM ranks 6th,
which is 5.8%.

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