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 The term organization is used in

designing administrative structure
designing, building and planning

administrative structure

 We will cover
 The concept of organization roles;

 The concept of organizing;

 The concept of organization

 What are the types of organization?

 Organizational roles á the part or position that a person is assigned
in the organization if they know their roles in the organization
Following are the requirement of organizational goals:
 Clear objectives;
 Clear idea of duties or activities: People must know their duties and
activities that they must perform.
 Clear area of authority: In organization people must know the extent of
authority that they have.
 Organizing á Organizing means that there should be clear line of
authority and all should know who reports to whom. Following are the
main steps in organizing:
 Classification of activities: First all activities in organization must be
classified i.e. activities similar in nature should be identified separately.
 Grouping of activities to achieve objectives: Similar activities should be
 Assigning a manager to each group of activities: A manager should be
 Coordination of group of activities both horizontally and vertically:
Coordination means the interrelationship among activities.
Definitions Of Organizations
J.D Mooney Form of human association for attainment of common purpose.
L.D White Arrangement of personnel for facilitating the accomplishment of
some agreed common purpose through allocation of functions and
Milward Pattern of inter-related posts connected by line of delegated
Pfiffner Consists of the relationship of individual to individual and of group
to group which are so related as to bring about an orderly division
of labour
Structuring of individuals and functions into productiove
Simon A planned system of cooperative effort in which each participant
has recognized role to play and duties and task to perform.
Definitions Of Organizations
Gullick The formal structure of authority, through which sub-divisions are
Luther arranged, defined and coordinated for objective. .
Schulz. Combination of human, material. Tools (equipment) , working space
William and appurtenances bought together and effective coordination to
accomplish some desired object.

Dimock The systematic bringing together of interdependent parts to form a

united and unified whole though such authority, co- ordination and
control may be exercised to achieve a given purpose. Because the
interdependent parts are made up also of people who must be
directed and whose work must be coordinated in order to achieve
the objectives of the enterprise, organization is both structure and
human being.
Gladden The pattern of relationship between person in an enterprise, so
constructed as to fulfill enterprisers function.

Formal Informal
•Unconsciously designed
•Consciously designed •Unplanned structure
•Planned structure •Based on groups or individuals
•Based on units (department , sections etc) •No Formal hierarchy
•Formal hierarchy is defined by organogram •Authority is on one end (top management)
•Delegated Authority •Organizational role on position is not specified
•Organizational role is specified and defined •commands can be pass from multiple end.
•Principle Of unity of command is cleared

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