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Lynne Powell RN MSc IP PgCEd


URINALYSIS is a simple non-invasive

diagnostic test which can provide a
glimpse into a person’s health
 Give an overview of the anatomy and
physiology of the urinary system
 Explain how urine is produced and its
 Describe the types of urine samples and
 Describe the requirements and procedure
for dipstick urinalysis using the manual
The urinary system
Organs of the urinary

 Kidneys
 Ureters
 Urinary bladder
 Urethra
The function of the urinary

 The kidneys regulate: acid-base balance;

electrolyte concentration; extracellular fluid
volume (homeostasis).
 The kidneys remove waste & water from the
blood stream and reabsorb vital nutrients.
 The kidneys regulate the blood pressure.
 The urinary bladder stores urine.
KIDNEY nephron
Formation of urine

HCO 3 – bicarbonate
NaCl – sodium chloride
K – potassium
H2O – water
H – hydrogen
NH3 - amonia
Components of urine
Components of urine
Collection requirements

 Containers – white/red/green topped

 Mid stream
 Early morning
 Sample storage < 2hrs or kept at 4c out of
direct sunlight - DISCUSS
Types of sample
 Random – most common for infection.
 Early morning urine (EMU) – has greater
concentration of substances (micro-albumInuria).
 Clean catch midstream (MSU) – genitalia
should be cleaned, urine is tested for micro-
organisms for presence of infection (culture &
 Timed – specific time of day, always discard the
1st specimen before testing.
 24 hour – used for quantitative and qualitative
analysis of substances.
Types of testing

 Physical
 Chemical
 Microscopic
Physical examination of urine

Done with the naked eye, a very important

part of the test. Findings should be

 Colour (affected by drugs, food, general

 Turbidity (clear; cloudy, particles).
 Volume.
 Odour (affected by infection, diet)
Chemical testing of urine
 Usually done with reagent strips.

 Used to determine body processes such as

carbohydrate metabolism, liver or kidney

 Used to determine infection.

 Can be used to determine presence of drug or

toxic environmental substances.
Some chemicals that can be found in
urine (not normal components)
 Ketones .
 pH – acid/alkaline balance.
 Blood
 Bilirubin (urobilinogen)
 Glucose
 Protein
 Nitrates
 Leukocytes
 drugs
 Phenylketones – indicates PKU – a rare genetic disorder of one of the liver
enzymes. If left, can cause a build up of the chemical in the blood and brain
which can cause mental development issues and epilepsy – screened for in
babies 1st week of life with heel prick test.
Microscopic examination of
 Used to examine the elements not
visible without a microscope.
 Centrifuge spins the urine to
separate substances.

• Cells • Bacteria
• Crystal • Yeasts
• Casts • Parasites
Other tests

 Pregnancy tests – EIA (enzyme

immunoassay test) used to detect human
chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), secreted
by the placenta.

 STIs - chlamydia
The manual
dipstick test
Do’s and don’ts

 Follow manufacturers instruction.
 Ensure the sample is in the correct container for the
test required (red/white top).
 Ensure correct reagent strips are selected for the
required test. Discuss.
 Always check and record the appearance of the
urine sample.
 Return the top on the reagent strip bottle.
 TIMING IS ESSENTIAL for reliable results.
Do’s and don’ts

 Remove the desiccant from the reagant strip
 Touch the test areas of the strip.
 Take out more strips than are required for
immediate use.
Quality control
Sample requirements
 Patients should instructed on how to collect
the sample.
 Sterile containers should be used to collect
the sample
 All samples must be properly labelled with the
patient ID.
 Ensure the sample is in the correct container
for the test required.
 The first sample on waking should be used for
microalbumInuria as other samples may be
less concentrated.
Patient instruction
‘How should I collect and store a urine sample?” NHS choices (11/10/2013)

To collect a clean urine sample:

label the container with your name, date of birth and the
wash your hands
men should wash their penis
women should wash their genitals, including between the
labia (lips around the entrance to the vagina)
start to urinate but don’t collect the first part of urine that
comes out
collect a sample of urine ‘mid-stream’ (see below) in a sterile
screw-top container
screw the lid of the container shut
wash your hands thoroughly
Materials/equipment required
for dipstick testing
 Reagent/test strips – in-date and stored
 Watch
 Urine sample in suitable container
 Gloves
 Good lighting
 Access to hand washing and drying
 Suitable room (sluice) for testing
 Suitable waste disposal - discuss
Manual Test procedure

① Wear gloves.
② Ensure the sample is in the correct
③ Check the appearance of the sample
and record results.
④ Ensure the strips have been stored
properly & are in-date.
⑤ Remove the cap, take out strip and
replace the cap on the bottle.
Manual Test procedure
⑥ Using the appropriate reagent strip
completely immerse all reagent areas
into the sample. Dip briefly and remove
immediately to avoid dissolving out the
⑦ While removing the strip, run the edge
against the rim of the urine container to
remove excess urine.
⑧ Hold the strip in a horizontal position to
prevent possible mixing of chemicals
from the adjacent areas.
Manual Test procedure

⑨ After the appropriate time, compare test

areas closely with the corresponding
colour chart on the bottle label at the
specified time. Hold the strip close to the
colour blocks and match carefully.
⑩ Always record results.
Sources of error
 Incorrect dipping of reagent strip.
 Incomplete wetting of strip.
 Incorrect storage of strips – always check
manufacturers instructions.
 Sample error – sample must be allowed to return to
room temperature, non sterile containers; sample
needs to be fresh for best results.
 Contamination of the reagant pad by handling or
non sterile container.
 pH may be falsely elevated if the urine is stale.
 Some medication can affect some of the reagents
on the strips (e.g. cephalosporins; L-dopa; high levels
of salicylates; chlorhexadine; ferrous sulphate)
 Strips out of date.
 Vegetarians may have a urine pH >8.
Visual significance of urinalysis
 Colour: The colour and clarity of the urine has significant
implications and should always be noted. The colour of
normal urine varies with its concentration, from deep
yellow to almost clear. In disease, the colour may be
abnormal due to excretion of the endogenous pigments
as well as drugs and their metabolites.

 Odour: Odour in the urine of patients who have a urinary

tract infection, is often due to the urea-splitting
organisms. This makes it smell ammonia. The presence of
urinary ketones, as in diabetic ketoacidosis, leads to an
acetone smell. The presence of malodorous urine does
not indicate the presence of infection and does not
negate the need for testing.
Clinical significance of test
 Glucose - is found when its concentration in
plasma exceed the renal threshold (may
indicate diabetes)
 Bilirubin/urobilinogen – indicates an excess in
the plasma. Commonest cause of positive
results is liver cell injury e.g. hepatitis,
paracetamol overdose, late-stage cirrhosis.
 Ketones – due to excessive breakdown of body
fat. Common in fasting, may indicate low
carbohydrate diet, vomiting & fever, present in
Clinical significance of test
results (cont.)
 Specific gravity – a measure of solute concentration.
High values can be found in dehydration. Low
values found in high fluid intake. Diabetes insipidus;
chronic renal failure; hypercalcaemia;
 Blood – menstruation, kidney disorders; urinary tract
disorders (e.g. tumours, prostatic enlargement).
 pH – high values - commonest cause of high vales is
stale urine; large intake of antacids;UTI with
ammonia forming organisms. Low values – acidosis
(diabetic & lactic); starvation; potassium depletion.
Clinical significance of test
results (cont.)
 Protein – excess albumen in the urine is unusually due
increased permeability in the glomeruli. Positive results
in acute and chronic kidney disease, pre-eclampsia.
 Nitrite – UTI – most of the organisms which infect the
urinary tract contains an enzyme that convers nitrate
(normally found in urine) to nitrite which is not found in
urine in the absence of infection. Some organisms do
not convert nitrate to nitrite (false negative).
 Leucocytes – leucocytes enter inflamed tissue from
the blood and are shed into the urine. UTI is
commonest cause of positive results.
UTI testing pathway

If all Negative-
nitrite, leucocytes,
blood, protein -
Test with reagent
If any Positive –
Urine sample Visual appearance
leucocytes, blood,
protein = UTI
Send for C&S /
Obviously infected
Any questions?

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