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Sex Determination

and Sex-Linked

Retno Herrani,
Different types of sex determination

Silahkan buka dan pelajari link berikut:
• The Toothless, Hairless Men of Sind
• Sex Determination
a. Chromosomal Sex-Determining Systems
b. Genic Sex-Determining Systems
c. Environmental Sex Determination
d. Sex Determination in Drosophila
e. Sex Determination in Humans
• Sex-Linked Characteristics
a. X-linked White Eyes in Drosophila
b. Nondisjunction and the Chromosome Theory of
c. X-linked Color Blindness in Humans
d. Symbols for X-linked Genes
e. Dosage Compensation
f. Z-linked Characteristics
g. Y-linked Characteristics
The Toothless,
Hairless Men of Sind
Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia

An 11-year-old boy with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in whom a two-piece bridge,

split at the mandibular midline, on four anterior mandibular implants, had been
constructed at age 8. Mandibular growth has led to a separation of the jaws posteriorly and
has advanced the mandible into an edge-to-edge incisal relationship. However, no
separation of the proximal surfaces of the right and left sides of the bridge ( arrows ) is
visible, suggesting no transverse growth across the symphysis has occurred. ( A ) Facial
view. ( B ) Frontal view of teeth. Source:
Sex Determination
Chromosomal Sex-
Determining Systems
Genic Sex-Determining Systems

 In some plants and protozoans, sex is genetically determined, but there are
no obvious differences in the chromosomes of males and females—there
are no sex chromosomes.
 These organisms have genic sex determination; genotypes at one or more
loci determine the sex of an individual.
 It is important to understand that, even in chromosomal sex-determining
systems, sex is actually determined by individual genes. For example, in
mammals, a gene (SRY, discussed later in this chapter) located on the Y
chromosome determines the male phenotype. In both genic sex
determination and chromosomal sex determination, sex is controlled by
individual genes; the difference is that, with chromosomal sex
determination, the chromosomes that carry those genes appear different in
males and females.
Environmental Sex Determination
Sex Determination in Drosophila
Sex Determination in Humans
Sex Determination in Humans
Sex-Linked Characteristics
 Sex-linked characteristics are determined by genes located on the sex
 Genes on the X chromosome determine X-linked characteristics; those
on the Y chromosome determine Y-linked characteristics.
 Because little genetic information exists on the Y chromosome in many
organisms, most sex-linked characteristics are X linked.
 Males and females differ in their sex chromosomes; so the pattern of
inheritance for sex-linked characteristics differs from that exhibited by
genes located on autosomal chromosomes.
X-linked White
Eyes in
Nondisjunction and the Chromosome
Theory of Inheritance
X-linked Color Blindness in Humans
Symbols for X-linked Genes
 There are several different ways to record genotypes for X-linked
traits. Sometimes the genotypes are recorded in the same fashion as
for autosomal characteristics—the hemizygous males are simply
given a single allele: the genotype of a female Drosophila with white
eyes would be ww, and the genotype of a white-eyed hemizygous
male would be w.
 Another method is to include the Y chromosome, designating it with
a diagonal slash (/). With this method, the white-eyed female’s
genotype would still be ww and the white-eyed male’s genotype
would be w/.
 Perhaps the most useful method is to write the X and Y
chromosomes in the genotype, designating the X-linked alleles with
superscripts, as we have done in this chapter. With this method, a
white-eyed female would be XwXw and a white-eyed male XwY.
Using Xs and Ys in the genotype has the advantage of reminding us
that the genes are X linked and that the male must always have a
single allele, inherited from the mother.
Dosage Compensation
Z-linked Characteristics

Mendel's Peacocks:
dominant, recessive, and Z-linked
Y-linked Characteristics
 Y-linked traits exhibit a distinct pattern of
inheritance and are present only in males, because
only males possess a Y chromosome.
 All male offspring of a male with a Y-linked trait will
display the trait (provided that the penetrance— see
Chapter 3—is 100%), because every male inherits
the Y chromosome from his father.

Hypertrichosis – disebabkan gen resersif h pada

kromosom Y  hanya diwarisan pada
keturunan laki-laki saja

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