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1. Closure Property of Addition- if x and y are real numbers then the sum z= x+y is
also a real numbers.
examples. 1. 6+5=11 3. 8 + 4/7
2. 10 +12 = 22
2. Closure Property of Multiplication- if x and x are real numbers then the product
examples; 1. (-90)(11) = -99 3. (1/2)(3/5)= 3/10
2. (6)(5) =30
3.Commutative Property of Addition - if x and y real numbers then
x + y = y+x
examples; 1. 7+ 6 = 6+7 2. 3+ 2 = 2 + 3
13 = 13 5=5
4. Commutative Property of Multiplication – if x and y are real numbers then
xy = yx
example. 1. (7)(5) = (5)(7)
35 =35
*The commutative properties state that the order of the addends or factors does not
change the sum or product.
5. Associative Property of Addition –if x and y are real numbers, then
(x+y) + z = x+ (y+z)
example; (7 +2) + 3 = 7 + (2 +3)
9 +3 = 7 +5
6. Associative Property of Multiplication – if x and y real numbers then
(xy)z = x(yz)
example. (2)(5). 6 = 2.(5)(6)
10.6 = 2. 30
60= 60
The associative properties state that the grouping of addends or factors
does not change the sum or product.
7. Distributive Property of multiplication over addition
example. 2(3+4) = 2(3) +2(4)
= 6+8
= 14
8. Identity Property of Addition
example; 6 +0 =6 ; 0 +5 = 5
9. Identity Property of Multiplication
example: 6(1) =6 ; 1(4) = 4
10. Inverse Property- if x is a real number and x is not equal to zero then
exists another real numbers such that
example: 2(1/2) = 1
11. Zero Property of multiplication
example; 4(0)= 0

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