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Education and
the Global

Prepared By: Jessica Rey J. Tan

“Benchmarking is learning the best
practices of the world’s best educational
How do you prepare yourselves as teachers for a challenging task of making
learners of today live meaningful lives tomorrow?
As you prepare children for their future, teachers need to explore what the
future holds.
Teacher have to envision creative, innovative ways to prepare diverse learners in
their own cultural content without forgetting that they live in a global village.
You will be teaching in the “Flat World” or “ One Planet Schoolhouse”. These two
terms imply global education as a result of the shrinking world due to access in
technology. The internet globalizes communication by allowing users from
around the world to connect to one another.
Global Education
Global education has been best described by two definitions.
1. UNESCO defines global education as a goal to become aware of
educational conditions or lack of it, in developing countries
worldwide and aim to educate all peoples to a certain world
2. Is a curriculum that is international in scope which prepares
today’s youth around the world to function in one world
environment under teachers who are intellectually,
professionally and humanistically prepared.
6 goals to achieve some standards of
education in place by 2015 worldwide

1. Expand early childhood care education;

2. provide free and compulsory primary education for all;
3. promotes learning and life skills for young and adult;
4. increase adult literacy by 50%;
5. achieve gender parity by 2005, gender equality by 2015; and
6. improve quality of education.
James Becker (1982) defined global education as an effort to help individual
learners to see the world as a single and global system and to see themselves
as a participant in that system.
School curriculum prepares learners in an international marketplace with a
world view of international understanding.
Becker emphasized that global education incorporates into the curriculum
and educational experiences of each students a knowledge and empathy of
cultures of the nation and the world.
Students are encouraged to see the world as a whole, learn various cultures
to make them better relate and function effectively within various cultural
21st Century Learning Goals have been
establish as bases of various curricula
worldwide. These learning goals include:
 21st century content: emerging content areas such as global awareness;
financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy, civic literacy;
health and awareness.
 Learning and thinking skills: critical thinking and problem solving skills,
communication, creativity and innovation, collaboration, contextual learning,
information and media literacy.
 ICT literacy: using technology in the context of learning so students know how
to learn.
 Life skills: ethics, accountability, personal responsibility, self-direction, others
 21st century assessments: Authentic assessments that measure the areas of
Global education is all about diversity, understanding the
differences and teaching the different cultural groups in order to
achieve the goals of global education as presented by United
Global education addresses the need of the smallest schools to
largest classrooms in he world.
Thus, global education provides equal opportunity and access to
knowledge and learning tools which are the basic rights of every
child in the global community.
Global Teacher
Global teacher is a competent teacher who is armed with enough skills,
appropriate attitude and universal values to teach students with both time
tested as well as modern technologies who thinks and acts both locally and
globally with world-wide perspectives, right in the communities where he or
she is situated.
More specifically, global Filipino teachers should have the following qualities
and characteristic in addition to knowledge., skills and values.
• understands how this world is interconnected;
• recognizes that the world has rich variety of ways of life;
• has a vision of the future and sees what the future would be for
himself/herself and the students;
• must be creative and innovative;
• must understand, respect and be tolerant of he diversity of cultures;
• must believe and take action for education that will sustain the future;
• must be able to facilitate digitally-mediated learning;
• must have depth of knowledge; and
• must possess good communication skills ( for Filipino teachers to be
multilingual). And lastly but more important,
• must possess the competencies of a professional teacher as embodied
in the National Competency-Based Standards for Teachers (NCBTS).
Global education is a concept that brings us to understand the
connectivity of each member citizen in the planet. The advancement of
technology shrank the world to a size that everyone can be reached.
Because of this development, we have to learn the diversity of differences
in cultures in order to address the global standards for education set by
the United Nations.
Global education requires future teachers the skills for the 21st century so
that all will be ready to play a significant role to provide educational
access to all types of learners all over the world. This teacher is global
teacher, and there are millions of global teachers needed now and in the
Diversity: A
Challenge to
“All men are pretty much alike. It is
only by culture that they are set
apart.” - Confucius
Diversity of Learners in
Multicultural Classrooms
Do you agree that no two students are the same? Do you believe that
learners do not come from the same mold? Does Gardner’s Multiple
Intelligence Theory provide explanations for the diversity of learners?
According to James Banks (1975), “the major goal of multicultural
education is to transform the school so that the male and female
students, exceptional learners, as well as students coming from diverse
cultural, social class, racial and ethnic groups will experience an equal
opportunity to learn in school.”
Diversity or differences among our students have placed greater demands
to teachers in today’s schools. Students may differ in race like skin color,
different ethnic or religious and different languages.
In most public schools, students come from a wide range socio-
economic backgrounds. Increasing number of children come from
families that are plagued by poverty, unemployment, frequent
relocations, limited access to high quality medical and social
services and perhaps crime ridden neighborhoods.
In the midst of this diversity, the students are supposed to be given
equal opportunities to education. Thus need for curricular and
instructional modifications, teaching styles, re-examination of
teachers’ attitudes, beliefs and perception.
This movement called multicultural education enables the teacher
and educators to give value to the differences in prior knowledge,
experiences of learners from diverse background and familiarity
with students’ histories of diverse cultures.
Cultures evolves over time. One results of this process is beliefs and
practices help us adopt to persistent and changing circumstances.
These beliefs and practices are organized as models or shema about
how things work. Practices that are proper develop and help
individuals or groups survive in this ever changing world
Accommodating Cultural
Differences and Commonalities
To assist you in understanding your multicultural learners, Fraser-
Abner (2001) offers the following suggestion:
• learn as much about and become as sensitive to and aware of racial,
ethnic, cultural and gender groups other than your own.
• never make assumptions about an individual based on your perception
of that individual’s race, ethnicity, culture or gender.
• avoid stereotyping
• get to know each student as a unique individual: Walk in the footsteps
of all your students
Other suggestions include the following:
• look into your own conscious and subconscious biases about the
people who are different from yourselves in race, ethnicity, culture,
gender or socioeconomic status.
• plan your activities within a multicultural framework while making
your classroom a safe and secure haven for all the students.
• infuse multicultural instructional materials and strategies in your
• foster collaboration and cooperation among your learners, parents
and teachers.
A caring environment will always enhance academic achievement.
It will also help your school to successfully meet he challenges and
the benefit from the diversity that now characterize our classroom
and our school.
When diversity exists, intergroup tension, stereotypes and
discrimination develop.
This becomes an opportunity for teachers and schools to help unify
individuals and citizens as a contribution to a democratic and
pluralistic society.
Some guiding principles from
interdisciplinary groups
1. pre-service teacher education programs should help prospective teachers
understand the complex characteristics of ethnic groups in ways race,
ethnicity, language and social class interact to influence students behavior.
2. teachers should ensure that all students have equitable opportunities to
learn and to perform to a standard.
3. teachers should help students acquire social skills needed to interact
effectively with students from other racial, ethnic, cultural, language of social
4. the school should provide curriculum helps students understand that
knowledge is socially constructed and are reflective of the social, political,
and economic context in which they live and work.
5. Schools should provide all students with opportunities to participate in extra-
and co-curricular activities that develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that
increase academic achievement and foster positive intercultural relationships.
6. Teachers and students should learn to reduce or eliminate stereotyping and
other related biases that have negative effects on racial and ethnic relations.
7. Schools should provide opportunities for students from different racial,
ethnic, cultural and languages groups to interact socially under conditions
designed to reduce fear and anxiety.
8. Teachers should teach and students should learn about the values shared
virtually by all cultural groups like justice, equality, freedom, peace, compassion
and charity among others.
Basic assumption that enhance
teachers development
• No two learners are exactly the same
• Children in all classrooms are heterogenous
• Strategies that work with one learners may not work with
• Student’s background and experiences should be considered
when teaching
• Community members for various ethnic groups can assist
teachers in facing issues of ethnic differences and similarities.

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