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Chapter 3:

Case Study and Advanced IoT

IoT Applications in Home
• Smart home technology or home automation aims at providing security,
comfort, convenience and energy efficiency to homeowners. Here multiple
devices are interconnected.
Home Automation
• Home automation is the process of controlling home appliances
automatically using various control system techniques.
• The electrical and electronic appliances in the home such as fan, lights,
outdoor lights, fire alarm, kitchen timer, etc., can be controlled using various
control techniques.
• The first and most obvious advantage of Smart Homes is comfort and
convenience, as more gadgets can deal with more operations (lighting,
temperature, and so on) which in turn frees up the resident to perform other
• Smart homes filled with connected products are loaded with possibilities to
make our lives easier, more convenient, and more comfortable.
• The smart home/office gadgets interact, seamlessly and securely; control,
monitor and improve accessibility, from anywhere across the globe.
• There are various techniques to control home appliances such as IOT based
home automation over the cloud.
• Home automation under WiFi through android apps from any smartphone,
Arduino based home automation, home automation by android application
based remote control, home automation using digital control, RF based
home automation system and touch screen based home automation.
• Wireless home automation using IOT is an innovative application of internet
of things developed to control home appliances remotely over the cloud.
• A part of the internet of things (IoT), smart home systems and devices often
operate together, sharing consumer usage data among themselves and
automating actions based on the homeowners preferences.
• Home automation is a modern technology that modifies your home to
perform different sets of task automatically.
• A smart home is a residence that uses internet-connected devices to enable
the remote monitoring and management of appliances and systems, such as
lighting and heating.
Examples of smart home technologies
1. Smart Television:
• Smart TVs connect to the internet to access content through applications,
such as on-demand video and music.
2. Smart Lighting:
• Smart lighting is lighting that you can control from an app, usually on
your Apple or Android phone.
• A smart bulb is an internet-capable LED light bulb that allows lighting to
be customized, scheduled and controlled remotely.
• Smart bulbs is the most successful offerings in the growing category
of home automation and Internet of Things (IoT) products.
• With the integration of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth for a home automation systems,
smart bulbs can be controlled through a mobile app or a home/building
automation hub.
• The app enables you to change the brightness of the bulbs, and if the
bulbs have colored LEDs you can change their colors too.
3. Smart door lock:
• Smart Locks not only make your home safe but also give you more
control by allowing you to lock and unlock your door remotely.
• A smart lock is an electromechanical lock which is designed to
perform locking and unlocking operations on a door when it receives
such instructions from an authorized device using a wireless protocol
• You can grant access to family, friends, guests, service providers
when you’re not home.
• Smart locks can also detect when residents are near and unlock the
doors for them.
• Using smart locks and garage-door openers, users can grant or deny
access to visitors.
• A smart door lock accomplishes all of these advanced functions and
more thanks to a combination of wireless technologies including
Bluetooth and WiFi that give you control over your smart lock from
anywhere you can connect to the Internet via the lock’s smartphone
4. Smart Air Conditioning(Nest Learning Thermostat):
• Smart air conditioners are air conditioners that are connected to the internet and
are thereby controllable through your smartphone, both inside your home and
What can smart air conditioners do?
1. Smartphone app to access all settings
2. Controllable temperature and fan speed settings
3. Controllable timer
4. Control settings away from home, so you can come home to a frosty house after
a day out
• Smart thermostats, such as Nest from Nest Labs Inc., come with integrated Wi-
Fi, allowing users to schedule, monitor and remotely control home temperatures.
• These devices also learn homeowners behaviors and automatically modify
settings to provide residents with maximum comfort and efficiency.
• Smart thermostats can also report energy use and remind users to change filters,
among other things.
5. Smart Doorbells:
• A smart doorbell is an internet-connected doorbell that notifies
the smartphone or other electronic device of the home owner
when a guest arrives to the entrance of the door.
• It activates when the guest presses the button of the doorbell, or
alternatively, when the doorbell senses a guest with its built-
in motion sensors.
• The smart door bell allows the home owner using the
smartphone app to watch and talk with the guest by using the
doorbell's built-in high-definition infrared camera and
• Some smart doorbells also allow the user to open to door to the
guest remotely using a smart lock.
• Smart doorbell to allow the user to see who and when someone
is at a door.
6. Other iot home applications:
• Pet care can be automated with connected feeders.
• Houseplants and lawns can be watered by way of connected timers.
• Unsurprisingly, smart homes can accommodate user preferences.
• For example, as soon as you arrive home, your garage door will open,
the lights will go on, the fireplace will roar and your favorite tunes
will start playing on your smart speakers.
• And with a smart irrigation system, your lawn will only be watered
when needed and with the exact amount of water necessary.
• With smart security cameras, residents can monitor their homes when
they are away or on vacation.
• Smart motion sensors are also able to identify the difference between
residents, visitors, pets and burglars, and can notify authorities if
suspicious behavior is detected.
• With home automation, energy, water and other resources are used
more efficiently, which helps save both natural resources and money
for the consumer.
• The IoT based Home Automation will enable the user to use a Home
Automation System based on Internet of Things (IoT).
• The modern homes are automated through the internet and the home
appliances are controlled.
• The user commands over the internet will be obtained by the Wi-Fi
modems. The Microcontroller has an interface with this modem. The
system status is displayed through the LCD display, along with the
system data. This is a typical IoT based Home Automation system, for
controlling all your home appliances.
• The home heating devices are able to control the temperature with the
devices like laptops, tablets or smart phones and all of these
appliances, systems, and devices contain sensors that connect them to
a network. This is where IoT comes into place, and makes it such an
integral part of the home automation. With the help of IoT
technology, you can control devices as and when you want.
• Smart home IoT devices can help reduce costs and conserve energy.
The Home Automation segment includes smart lighting, smart TVs
and other appliances.
IoT Applications in Infrastructure
• “Infrastructure” in this context includes commercial and
residential buildings, Smart Cities and transportation.
• IoT technology is making it easier for buildings to save
energy and improve their sustainability.
• Smart building energy management systems use IoT
devices to connect heating, cooling, lighting, and fire-
safety systems to a central management application.
• The energy management application then highlights areas
of high use and energy drifts so staff can correct them.
• Smart cities are communities that are building
infrastructure to continuously improve the collection,
aggregation and use of data to improve the lives of their
Applications of IoT in Smart Building
• Buildings account for a tremendous amount of energy and
• Heating and cooling alone make up 40% of commercial
building energy consumption.
• Lighting is another 30%, with the remaining percentages going
to critical systems such as elevators, security, and fire safety.
• Each system uses energy and costs money to maintain –
especially if they don’t operate efficiently.
• Smart buildings with IoT technology are making these problems
easier to tackle with energy management systems.
• The Nokia Smart Building Energy Management application
monitors and controls critical building systems to ensure they
operate efficiently.
• Reporting and alerts help managers see areas with high energy
use and pinpoint places where consumption can be cut down.
How does Smart Building Energy Management work?
• Smart Building Energy Management works with the Nokia IMPACT
IoT platform to combine information from building sensors, energy
meters, device and utility controllers, operational equipment, and
cameras, into one system.
• Smart Building Energy Management then creates a complete view of
the building’s energy consumption.
• Nokia Smart Building Energy Management includes:
1. HVAC Control system: (Heating Ventilation and Air
• HVAC is used to regulate the operation of a heating and/or air
conditioning system.
• Usually a sensing device is used to compare the actual state (e.g.
temperature) with a target state.
• Then the control system draws a conclusion what action has to be
taken (Heating/Cooling)
• A CO2 meter that can estimate the number of people in a room and
tell your HVAC system to increase the ventilation rate in response
2. Smart Lighting:
• An occupancy sensor that can order a bank of lights to turn on when it
senses a presence of persons
• The system can monitors energy use and turns off lighting in
unoccupied areas.
3. People Proximity Sensing:
• Devices that can measure how many people have passed through a
certain entrance.
4. Space Management
• Incorporate IoT devices into meeting rooms and other common
spaces to track occupancy and space utilization.
5. Integrated Fire Safety:
• Fire safety monitoring includes electronically monitoring the health
of fire safety systems and equipment installed at our customer sites
• Fire Alarm signals are sent to Central Monitoring Station, if a smoke
detector, heat detector Parameter is activated in your building.
Applications of IoT in Smart Cities
• Application of IoT in Smart cities simulates the economic growth as well as
improves the life style of a society.
• IoT can be applied for smart surveillance, water distribution and
management, automated transportation etc in smart cities for a better future.
• Traffic congestion can be reduced, pollution can be checked and many other
benefits can be achieved by implementing IoT in smart cities.
• Cities around the world are getting “smarter” everyday through the
implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
• Specific application includes:
1. Smart traffic light:
• Smart traffic lights or Intelligent traffic lights are
a vehicle traffic control system that combines traditional traffic lights with
an array of sensors and artificial intelligence to intelligently route vehicle.
• Traffic lights are adjusted automatically based on vehicle flow.
• Real-time information about traffic conditions and transit options to
minimize traffic issues associated with major events or incidents.
2. Smart Stations: These transit hubs bring together a variety of transportation
services to help visitors like displaying schedule, arrival and departure time
of vehicle, current location of vehicle etc .
3. Smart Parking:
• A smart vehicle parking is a system that helps drivers to find a vacant spot
using sensors in each parking space by detecting the presence or absence of
a vehicle.
• The car parking system is composed of wireless sensors, parking
management system, parking guidance system, and smartphone app.
• The sensors installed in parking spaces are used to collect the real-time data
of the parking situation.
• The collected data will be transmitted to the parking management system
and evaluated.
• Then, the parking information will be broadcasted to parking guidance
system and smartphone app for drivers.
• Besides the location of the parking space, what drivers will get includes the
useful information, like the size of the parking space, and even other public
transportation information if the suggestion is needed.
4. Smart bicycle sharing system:
A bicycle-sharing system, public bicycle system, or bike-share scheme, is a
service in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals on
a short term basis for a price or free.
Applications of IoT in Transportation
• Our lives run on transportation.
• Transportation today allows us to access public transit, ride
• Public transit systems offer many benefits to passengers.
But, tracking the real-time location of the vehicle and
knowing when it will arrive at a particular stop was always
a challenge.
• As real-time tracking of the vehicle is possible with the
help of IoT in transportation, the data that is tracked is sent
to an engineer or to a central system and, then, to an
Internet-enabled mobile device.
Here are some of the key applications of IoT in transport.
1. Fleet Management
• Can be used by businesses, transportation carriers and governments
• Enables intelligent tracking and monitoring of vehicles through data
from GPS sensors
• Vehicles can be routed and scheduled automatically
• Monitoring of driver behaviour and vehicle performance and
• Fleet management through IoT results in benefits such as increased
safety, improved productivity and time and cost savings.
2. Transport Logistics:
• Especially helpful for long-haul cargo operators and last-mile
delivery providers
• Using IoT for transport logistics ensures that products are delivered to
the right place, at the time and in the right condition.
• It minimises human intervention and reduces fuel costs.
3. Smart Toll Collection
• Enables real-time financial transactions
• Automates revenue collection, bill generation and toll metering
• Pricing based on demand or time of the day is possible
• Monitoring and assessing of vehicle parc and traffic flow
• Smart toll collection enables governments to create accurate billing records and reduce traffic
4. Railways:
• Control and collision avoidance systems enable automatic braking
• Sensors monitor train speed in real time
• Automatic scheduling and re-routing of trains
• Using IoT for trains helps ensure safety, controls speed and reduces fuel consumption.
5. Roadways:
• Enables traffic reduction by automatically monitoring and controlling traffic lights
• Analyses traffic flow to determine traffic status and improve routing
• Smart lighting and security monitoring for urban streets
• The primary concerns of traffic are managing congestion, reducing accidents, and parking.
• IoT allows us to better observe and analyze the flow of traffic through devices at all traffic
observation points.
IoT Applications in Industry
• Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a rapidly progressing sector.
• 60 percent of global manufacturers will use analytics data tracked using connected
devices to analyze processes and identify optimization possibilities.
1. Digital/connected factory:
• IoT enabled machinery can transmit operational information to the partners like original
equipment manufacturers and to field engineers.
• This will enable operation managers and factory heads to remotely manage the factory
units and take advantage of process automation and optimization.
2. Facility management:
• The use of IoT sensors in manufacturing equipment enables condition-based maintenance
• There are many critical machine tools that are designed to function within certain
temperature and vibration ranges.
• IoT Sensors can actively monitor machines and send an alert when the equipment
deviates from its prescribed parameters.
• By ensuring the prescribed working environment for machinery, manufacturers can
conserve energy, reduce costs, eliminate machine downtime and increase operational
3. Production flow monitoring:
• IoT in manufacturing can enable the monitoring of production
lines starting from the refining process down to the packaging
of final products.
4. Inventory management:
• IoT applications permit the monitoring of events across a supply
• These systems, the inventory is tracked and traced globally on a
line-item level and the users are notified of any significant
deviations from the plans.
• This provides cross-channel visibility into inventories and
managers are provided with realistic estimates of the available
material, work in progress and estimated the arrival time of new
• Ultimately this optimizes supply and reduces shared costs in the
value chain.
IoT Electronic Equipments
• IoT involves extending internet connectivity beyond standard
devices, such as desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets, to
any range of traditionally dumb or non-internet-enabled
physical devices and everyday objects.
• Embedded with technology, these devices can communicate and
interact over the internet, and they can be remotely monitored
and controlled.
• Internet of Things (IoT) describes the capability of an electronic
device to connect, communicate, and exchange data over the
• Some of the electronics equipment like sensor can be used to
communicate, and exchange data over the internet.
• IoT platforms function and deliver various kind of intelligence
and data using a variety of sensors.
• They serve to collect data, pushing it and sharing it with a
whole network of connected devices.
• A sensor can refer to any piece of hardware that translates
physical activity into real-time digital data for processing, and
they are found in nearly every IoT device.
• Sensors allow IoT devices to monitor and gather data on their
own without user intervention, making our lives easier.
• By combining a set of sensors and a communication network,
devices share information with one another and are improving
their effectiveness and functionality.
• Industries and organizations have been using various kinds of
• Sensors could be temperature sensors, motion sensors, moisture
sensors, air quality sensors, light sensors etc.
• These sensors, along with a connection, allow us to
automatically collect information from the environment which,
in turn, allows us to make more intelligent decisions.
Types of Sensors
1. Temperature sensors:
• A device, used to measure amount of heat energy that allows to
detect a physical change in temperature from a particular source
and converts the data for a device or user, is known as a
Temperature Sensor.
• Their uses mostly included A/C control, refrigerators and
similar devices used for environmental control.
• However, with the advent of the IoT world, they have found
their role in manufacturing processes, agriculture and health
• In the manufacturing process, many machines require specific
environment temperature, as well as device temperature.
• With this kind of measurement, the manufacturing process can
always remain optimal.
2. Proximity sensor:
• A device that detects the presence or absence of a nearby object, and
converts it into signal which can be easily read by user or a simple
electronic instrument without getting in contact with them.
• You are reversing your car and are alarmed about an obstacle while
taking reverse, that’s the work of proximity sensor.
3. Pressure sensor:
• A pressure sensor is a device that senses pressure and converts it into
an electric signal.
• There are plenty of devices that rely on liquid or other forms of
• These sensors make it possible to create IoT systems that monitor
systems and devices that are pressure propelled.
• With any deviation from standard pressure range, the device notifies
the system administrator about any problems that should be fixed
4. Gas sensor:
• Gas sensors are used to monitor changes of the air quality and detect
the presence of various gases.
• They are used in numerous industries such as manufacturing,
agriculture and used for air quality monitoring, Detection of toxic or
combustible gas, Hazardous gas monitoring in coal mines, Oil & Gas
5. Smoke sensor:
• A smoke sensor is a device that senses smoke and it’s level.
• Smoke sensors detect the presence of Smoke, Gases and Flame
surrounding their field.
• With the development of IoT, they are now even more effective, as
they are plugged into a system that immediately notifies the user
about any problem that occurs in different industries.
• Smoke sensors are extensively used by manufacturing industry,
HVAC, residential buildings and commercial buildings to detect fire
and gas incidences.
• This serves to protect people working in dangerous environments
6. Image sensors:
• Image sensors are instruments which are used to convert optical images into
electronic signals for displaying or storing files electronically.
• The major use of image sensor is found in digital camera, medical imaging
and night vision equipment, thermal imaging devices, radar, Biometric &
IRIS devices.
7. Motion detection sensors:
• A motion detector is an electronic device which is used to detect the
physical movement(motion) in a given area and it transforms motion into an
electric signal ; motion of any object or motion of human beings
• Motion detection plays an important role in the security industry.
• Businesses utilize these sensors in areas where no movement should be
detected at all times, and it is easy to notice anybody’s presence with these
sensors installed.
• These are primarily used for intrusion detection systems, Automatics door
control, Boom Barrier, Smart Camera (i.e motion based capture/video
recording),Toll plaza, Automatic parking systems, Automated sinks/toilet
flusher, Hand dryers, energy management systems(i.e. Automated lighting,
AC, Fan, Appliances control) etc.
8. Soil Moisture Sensor:
• Soil moisture sensors are used to measure the volumetric
water content in soil.
• On the farm, information about the soil moisture can tell
farmers exactly when their crops need to be watered.
• Instead of watering too much (which can be an expensive
over-use of irrigation systems) or watering too little (which
can be an expensive loss of crops), the farmer can ensure
that crops get exactly the right amount of water.
• You can take it a step further too. If the irrigation system
receives information about the weather from its internet
connection, it can also know when it’s going to rain and
decide not to water the crops today because they’ll be
watered by the rain anyways.
9. Health-related sensors:
• Sensor technology continued to expand during 2017, with
health-related sensors coming on strong.
• Some of them have been multi-function devices, like
the MediaTek six-in-one biosensor, which monitors both
heart activity and blood chemistry.
• There has also been development of ultra-low-power
sensing capability.
• Many of these new sensors are working in the near-infrared
range, unveiling information invisible to humans.
10. Wearable Sensors:
• Wearable sensor can be integrated into various accessories such
as garments, hats, wrist bands, shoes, eyeglasses and other
devices such as wristwatches, headphones and smartphones.
• Wearable devices like watches that have activity trackers make
use of IoT.
• These devices are electronic and have sensors in them that
collect data about users and send them over the internet to either
the manufacturers, operators or other connected devices,
without human intervention.
• Fitbit is an example of smart wearable.
• Fitbit One - Wearables: The Fitbit One tracks your steps, floors
climbed, calories burned, and sleep quality.
• The device also wirelessly syncs with computers and
smartphones in order to transmit your fitness data in
understandable charts to monitor your progress.
Use of Big Data and Visualization in IoT
• Big data is a term that describes the large volume of data – both structured and unstructured.
• Big data is often characterized by the three Vs
1. Volume:
• Organizations collect data from a variety of sources, including business transactions, social
media and information from sensor or machine-to-machine data.
• Volume refers to the amount of data generated through websites, portals and online
• In the past, storing it would’ve been a problem – but new technologies (such as Hadoop) have
eased the burden.
2. Velocity:
• With Velocity we refer to the speed with which data are being generated.
• Staying with our social media example, every day 900 million photos are uploaded on
Facebook, 500 million tweets are posted on Twitter, 0.4 million hours of video are uploaded on
Youtube and 3.5 billion searches are performed in Google. This is like a nuclear data
explosion. Big Data helps the company to hold this explosion, accept the incoming flow of
data and at the same time process it fast
3. Variety:
• Data comes in all types of formats – from structured, numeric data in traditional databases to
unstructured text documents, email, video, audio, stock ticker data and financial transactions.
• Variety refers to the many types of data that are available. Traditional data types were
structured and fit neatly in a relational database. With the rise of big data, data comes in new
unstructured data types. Unstructured and semi structured data types, such as text, audio, and
video require additional preprocessing to derive meaning and support metadata.
• As millions of devices get connected, internet of things will trigger a
massive inflow of Big Data.
• IoT devices generate continuous streams of data in a scalable manner.
Users must be able to handle this data and make it actionable.
• That is where big data arrives into the picture; big data analytics tools
have the capacity to handle large volumes of data generated from IoT
devices that create a continuous stream of information.
• The key challenge is visualizing and uncovering insights from various
types of data (structured, unstructured, images, contextual, dark data,
real-time) and in context of your applications.
• Existing Big Data technologies need to be augmented to effectively
store, manage and extract value from continuous streams of sensor
• For instance, it is estimated that connected cars will send 25
gigabytes of data to the cloud every hour.
• The biggest challenge will be to make sense of this data, identifying
data that can be consumed and quickly acted upon to derive
actionable events.
• The Internet of Things (IoT) is basically a system of internet-working
devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects etc. that provide
the ability to collect and exchange data over a network. And this is
done without having the need of human interaction
• One of the challenges for IoT industry is data analysis and
• Connecting devices and generating data alone are not achievements.
• All the big data generated from different IoT devices are impractical
when you can`t analyze them and translate them into a language that
is easy to understand, process and present on visual language.
• For this reason, Data Visualization is becoming an integral part of
• As mentioned before, tracking and analyzing these different data sets
are only going to be possible with the use of Data Visualization
• Data Visualization will help us to have strong analytics. And those
capabilities can help in making accurate decisions for marketing
activities and of course for business strategies.
• Data visualization is a general term that describes any
effort to help people understand the significance of data by
placing it in a visual context.
• Today's data visualization tools go beyond the standard
charts and graphs used in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets,
displaying data in more sophisticated ways such
as infographics, geographic maps, sparklines, heat maps,
and detailed bar, pie and fever charts.
• The images may include interactive capabilities, enabling
users to manipulate them or drill into the data for querying
and analysis.
• Big Data visualization calls to mind the old saying: “a picture is
worth a thousand words.”
• Big data visualization techniques exploit this fact: they are all
about turning data into pictures by presenting data in pictorial or
graphical format This makes it easy for decision-makers to take
in vast amounts of data at a glance.
• Big Data visualization involves the presentation of data of
almost any type in a graphical format that makes it easy to
understand and interpret.
• Today's enterprises collect and store vast amounts of data that
would take years for a human to read.
• Big Data visualization relies on powerful computer systems to
ingest raw corporate data and process it to generate graphical
representations that allow humans to take in and understand vast
amounts of data in seconds.
• It is now essential for marketers to use Data Visualization tools
which enable them to transform IoT data into actionable
• These tools are built to visualize, filter and aggregate millions
of data points, and can be corresponded with any data model.
• They are also suitable for any specific business requirements.
• Visualizing and analyzing data will;
1. Realize your business and discover hidden patterns and trends
in your IoT data
2. Improve decision making
3. Getting right messages to the right customers
4. Driving revenue growth
5. One of the most important benefits of visualization is that it
allows us visual access to huge amounts of data in easily
digestible visuals. Well designed data graphics are usually the
simplest and at the same time, the most powerful.
Industry 4.0 Concepts
• Industry 4.0 is a name given to the current trend of automation and data
exchange in manufacturing technologies
• Industry 4.0 refers to a new phase in the Industrial Revolution that focuses
heavily on interconnectivity, automation, machine learning, and real-time data.
• It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things, cloud computing.
• Industry 4.0 is commonly referred to as the fourth industrial revolution.
• Industry 4.0 fosters what has been called a "smart factory". Within modular
structured smart factories, cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes.
• The term "Industry 4.0", shortened to I4.0 or simply I4, which promotes
the computerization of manufacturing.

Industrial Revolution
Design Principles in Industry 4.0
1. Interconnection: The ability of machines, devices, sensors, and people
to connect and communicate with each other via the Internet of Things
2. Information transparency: The transparency afforded by Industry 4.0
technology provides operators with vast amounts of useful information
needed to make appropriate decisions. Interconnectivity allows operators
to collect immense amounts of data and information from all points in
the manufacturing process.
3. Technical assistance: First, the ability of assistance systems to support
humans by aggregating and visualizing information for making informed
decision. Second, the ability of cyber physical systems to physically
support humans by conducting a range of tasks that are unpleasant, too
exhausting, or unsafe for their human co-workers.
4. Decentralized decisions: The ability of cyber physical systems to make
decisions on their own and to perform their tasks as autonomously as
Sensor and Sensor Node
• Sensors are sophisticated devices that are frequently used to detect
and respond to electrical or optical signals.
• A sensor is an object whose purpose is to detect events or changes in
its environment, and then provide a corresponding output.
• A Sensor converts the physical parameter (for example: temperature,
blood pressure, humidity, speed, etc.) into a signal which can be
measured electrically.
• Thus, sensors are used to gather information about a physical objects
Sensor Node:
• A sensor node is, usually, a microprocessor.
• It is used to manipulate the gathered data, collected by the sensors, in
order to produce a useful function.
• sensor node is capable of performing some processing, gathering
sensory information and communicating with other connected nodes
in the network.
• A sensor is an electronic device which is capable of
collecting information. Ex: In an industrial IoT sensors can
detect the plant temperature, lighting, smoke, monitor
pressure in boilers etc
• A sensor node can collect and process the data send by the
Architecture of Sensor Node:

of sensor
• The main components of a sensor node are
a microcontroller, transceiver, external memory, power
source and one or more sensors.
1. Controller:
• The controller performs tasks, processes data and controls the
functionality of other components in the sensor node.
• While the most common controller is a microcontroller, other
alternatives that can be used as a controller are: a general
purpose desktop microprocessor, digital signal processors ,
FPGAs and ASICs.
• A microcontroller is often used in many embedded systems such
as sensor nodes because of its low cost, flexibility to connect to
other devices, low power consumption and easy to progarm.
• A general purpose microprocessor generally has a higher power
consumption than a microcontroller, therefore it is often not
considered a suitable choice for a sensor node.
2. Transceiver:
• The functionality of both transmitter and receiver are combined
into a single device known as a transceiver.
• The operational states are transmit, receive, idle, and sleep.
3. External Memory:
• The most relevant kinds of memory used in sensor node instead
of RAM is the on-chip memory of a microcontroller and Flash
• Flash memories are used due to their cost and storage capacity.
• Two categories of memories are used in sensor node based on
the purpose of storage
i. user memory used for storing application related or personal
ii. program memory used for programming the device.
4. Power Source:
• The sensor node consumes power for sensing, communicating and data
processing. More energy is required for data communication than any other
• Power is stored either in batteries or capacitors.
• Batteries, both rechargeable and non-rechargeable, are the main source of
power supply for sensor nodes.
• Current sensors are able to renew their energy
from solar sources, temperature differences, or vibration.
5. Sensor:
• Sensors are used by wireless sensor nodes to capture data from their
• They are hardware devices that produce a measurable response to a change
in a physical condition like temperature or pressure.
• Sensors measure physical data of the parameter to be monitored and have
specific characteristics such as accuracy, sensitivity etc.
• The continual analog signal produced by the sensors is digitized by
an analog-to-digital converter and sent to controllers for further processing.
• The Arduino platform was created back in 2005 by the Arduino
company and allows for open source prototyping and flexible
software development
• Arduino devices are extensively used to develop IoT projects.
• The integrated development environment (IDE) is composed of the
open source code and works equally good with Мac, Linux and
Windows OS.
• Based on a processing programming language, the Arduino
platform seems to be created for new users and for experiments.
• Arduino is sensible to literally every environment by receiving
source data from different external sensors and is capable to
interact with other control elements over various devices,
engines and drives.
• Arduino has a built-in micro controller that operates on the
Arduino software.
• Arduino offers analogue-to-digital input with a possibility of
connecting light, temperature or sound sensor modules.
• Arduino is a microcontroll (generally it is the 8-bit ATmega
microcontroller), but not a mini-computer, which makes
Arduino somehow limited in its features for advanced users.

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