Health, Health For All and Primary Health Care: World Health Organization Regional Office For The Eastern Mediterranean

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World Health Organization

Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean

Community Based Initiatives - Training Manual. Module 2, Unit 2.1 1

Learning objectives

To give better understanding of:

▪ Concept of health, its dimensions and
▪ Concepts of health for all and primary health
▪ Community health system
▪ Roles of different stakeholders for health.

Community Based Initiatives - Training Manual. Module 2, Unit 2.1 2

Expected outcome

Participants will:
▪ Understand concept of health and community
based health approaches
▪ Be able to implement multisectoral
interventions for achieving improved health

Community Based Initiatives - Training Manual. Module 2, Unit 2.1 3


A state of complete physical, mental and

social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity
World Health Organization, 1947

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Health has holistic view

▪ Being a multidimensional process, involves
well-being of a person as a whole in relation to
social, political and environmental influences
▪ Focus on living state and equates with
productive and creative life
▪ Links with broader issues of human
development where it plays a vital role in
cohesion, progress, prosperity and
development of a society
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▪ Fundamental human right.
▪ Worldwide social goal.
▪ Central to QOL and human development.
▪ Essence of a productive life
▪ Intersectoral issue
▪ Integral part of the socioeconomic system

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Physical Mental Social

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Physical Social
 Harmony with
▪ Functioning of body
▪ Ability to do daily tasks society
 Involvement with
Mental society
 Social skills
▪ Balance with surroundings
▪ Self- esteem
▪ Know problems and goals
▪ Self control
▪ Faces problems
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Internal External

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Internal determinants
Biological & cognitive
▪ Hereditary factors (Race, sex, age)
▪ Genetic (Diabetes, breast cancer)

Psychological & spiritual

Life stress and anxiety causes mental disorders,
hypertension, heart attack, gastric ulcer

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External determinants
▪ Environmental (climate, shelter, air, water )
▪ Socioeconomic (livelihood means)
▪ Occupation (working conditions and insurance )
▪ Welfare services (social support networks )
▪ Food & nutrition (balanced diet, food hygiene )
▪ Culture (traditions, values and beliefs )
▪ Education (illiteracy)

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Health for all (HFA)

Attainment by all peoples of the

world… of a level of health that can
permit them to lead a socially and
economically productive life
30th World Health Assembly, 1977
HFA is equity in access to health services
& socio-economic opportunities.
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Health for all
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HFA could not be achieved due to:

▪ Weak community role,
▪▪ Poor intersect oral actions
Top down approach

▪ Neglecting human development

HFA can be achieved through:
▪ Totality of human needs and Integration
▪ Reorienting/ restructuring health care services
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Primary Health Care

Essential health care based on practical,

scientifically sound and socially acceptable
methods and technology made universally
accessible to individuals and families …
through their full participation and at a cost
the community and country can afford to
maintain at every stage of their
development in the spirit of self-reliance
and self-determination.
WHO 1978
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Primary Health Care
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▪ Equity and accessibility
▪ Acceptable technologies
▪ Nation wide coverage and affordable
▪ Self reliance
▪ Cost effective methodologies
▪ Intersectoral coordination
▪ Community participation
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Primary Health Care
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▪ Health education/prevention of diseases
▪ Food supply and nutrition
▪ Safe drinking water and sanitation
▪ Maternal and child health, family planning
▪ Immunization
▪ Prevention/control of endemic diseases
▪ Treatment of common disease/injuries
▪ Provision of essential drugs
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Primary Health Care
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Community health care system

▪ Primary health facility accessible to all
▪ Linking community with health facility
▪ Health promotion/activist groups
▪ Community organizations
▪ Intersect oral coordination
▪ Community involvement in
 Realizing needs/priorities
 Implementation and management

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Right and responsibilities for
health (Continue ….)

Right for health

Everyone has the right to a standard of living
adequate for the health and well-being of himself
and his family."
Universal declaration of human rights, 1948
Health is one of the fundamental rights of every
human being to enjoy the highest attainable
standard of health.
WHO constitution

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Right and responsibilities for
health (Continue ….)

Responsibilities for health

▪ Health not a commodity or product that can be
provided, obtained or purchased
▪ Health is outcome of many interrelated actions
undertaken by:
 Individuals
 Families

 Community

 Sate (country)

 International organizations.

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Right and responsibilities for
health (Continue ….)

Individual responsibilities
▪ Personal hygiene, Healthy habits & HLS
▪ Disease prevention measures
▪ Periodic medical examination
▪ Early reporting for sickness & treatment
▪ Preventing spread of disease
▪ Safe water, healthy food/breast feeding
▪ Improving housing and environment
▪ Family planning
▪ Precautionary measures for risk factors
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Right and responsibilities for
health (Continue ….)

Community responsibilities
▪ Strengthen local health systems
▪ Utilize and monitor health services
▪ Develop community health workers
▪ Improve sanitation and environment
▪ Restrict factors of ill health
▪ Promote HLS, breastfeeding & family planning
▪ Food safety, adequate water
▪ Health promotion & protection
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Right and responsibilities for
health (Continue ….)

State responsibilities
▪ Need-oriented policies and strategies
▪ Plan services, seeking partners, mobilize
resources and implement programs
▪ Establish equipped health faculties
▪ Health education, awareness and HRD
▪ Identify health problems and their control
▪ Poverty reduction and QOL
▪ Exchange experiences and collaboration

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Right and responsibilities for
health (Continue ….)

International responsibilities
▪ Exchange of experiences
▪ Human resources development
▪ Facilitate technical cooperation among
developing countries and agencies
▪ Disseminate information
▪ Financial support & material assistance
▪ Developing models/feasible solutions
▪ Building partnerships and linkages.

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