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Dr. John B. Oladosu

Course Outline
• 1: Introduction
• 2: ER Model and Conceptual Design
• 3: The Relational Model and SQL DDL
• 4:
– Relational Algebra
– Relational Calculus
• 5: SQL
• 6: Database Application Development
• 7: Database-backed Internet Applications
• 8: Overview of Storage and Indexing
• 9: Data Storage
• 10: Tree Indexes
Course Outline Continued
• 11: Hash Indexes
• 12: Overview of Query Evaluation
• 13: External Sorting
• 14: Evaluation of Relational Operators
– First part (joins)
– Second part (other operators)
• 15: A Typical Relational Optimizer
• 16: Overview of Transaction Management
17: Concurrency Control
18: Recovery
19: Schema Refinement, Functional
Dependencies, Normalization
20: Physical Database Design, Database Tuning
Course Outline Continued
• 21: Security and Authorization
• 22:
– Parallel Database Systems
– Distributed Database Systems
• 23:
– Data Warehousing and Decision Support
– Views
• 25: Deductive Databases
26: Data Mining
• 27: Information Retrieval and XML Data Management.
– Introduction to IR Systems: Supporting Boolean Text Search
– Computing Relevance, Similarity: The Vector Space Model
– Web Search Engines
– Introduction to Semistructured Data and XML
– XQuery
• 28: Spatial Databases

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