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Acute Urinary Retention

Retensio urin?
• Ketidakmampuan berkemih
• Anuria, oliguria, dysuria  Tidak ada keinginan
untuk berkemih, nyeri saat berkemih
• Acute:
– Tiba tiba
– Nyeri
• Chronic:
– Sedikit tidak nyaman
– Overflow inkontinensia/ paradoks inkontinensia

Smith, General urology 18th

• Symptoms:
– Phymosis: demam
– Meatal stenosis
– Urethral stricture: history of urinary tract infection
– BPH: nocturia
– Bladder cancer: hematuria
– Neurogenic bladder: history of neurogenic disease
(stroke) or Diabetes Melitus
Physical examination
• Pembengkakan dari
• Kantung kemi pekak
jika diperkusi
• Retensio kronik:
kantung kemih floppy,
terlalu bunci

Blandy, lecture notes urology 6th ed

Bladder location
Emergency !!
• Pasang kateter terlebih dahulu
Urinary retention or anuria?
Acute Urinary Chronic Urinary Anuria (Bilateral ureteral
Retention (AUR) Retention (CUR) obstruction, single system
obstruction, renal failure)
Keinginan + - -
Suprapubic + - -
pain and
Keadaaan good May be uremic May be uremic
Urine - Overflow -
Renal failure - May be + May be +
Differential Diagnosis
• Phimosis and paraphimosis • Postoperative due to: pain, limited mobility, drugs,
• Meatal stenosis bladder nerve injury
• Urethra: • Drugs:
– Stricture – Anesthetics
– Stone – Anticholinergics
– Stenosis (woman) – Sympathomimetics
– Posterior urethral valve • Neurogenic:
– Rupture – Spinal cord injury
– Tumor – Diabetic neuropathy
– Urethritis – Cauda equina lesions
• Prostate: – Intervertebral disc prolapse
– BPH – Neurotropic virus: herpes simplex or zoster
– Prostate cancer – Multiple sclerosis
– Acute prostatitis
– Transverse myelitis
– Prostate abscess
– Tabes dorsalis
• Bladder:
– Stone
– Bladder neck obstruction
– Bladder cancer
– Blood Clot: cancer or trauma
• Pelvic masses
• Pelvic prolapse (woman)
Meatal Stenosis
• Pembukaan uretra (meatus eksternal) menjadi
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
• Laki-laki, >50 yo
• Biasa terjadi pada laki laki dewasa
• Rectal Toucher: Prostat membesar, halus, tidak
ada nodul
Rectal toucher
BPH (Treatment)
• Watchful waiting
• Medical treatment
• Surgery
– Endoscopy: Transurethral resection of Prostate
– Open: Open prostatectomy
Striktur uretra
• Penyempitan lumen uretra
• Riwayat kateter, infeksi kronis, endoskopi
Urethral Stricture
• Endoscopic: internal urethrotomy
• Open: Resection Anastomosis
Bladder Tumour
• Riwayat merokok, kerja di pabrik
• Kencing berdarah tetapi tidak sakit
• Treatment:
– Endoscopic: Transurethral resection of Bladder
tumour (TURBT)
Bladder Tumour
Urethral and Bladder stone
• Sakit dan kencing berdarah
• Endoscopic: laser or stone punch
Terima Kasih

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