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Basics of Logic Design

Panickos Neophytou
11/16 – 11/21
• Boolean Algebra Review
• Logic Gates
• Multiplexors
• Verilog
• ALU design
Boolean Algebra Review
• Operators
– OR: written as +, e.g. A+B
– AND: written as ·, e.g. A·B
– NOT: written as Ā
• Laws of Boolean Algebra
– Identity: A+0=A and A·1=A
– Zero and One laws: A+1=1 and A·0=0
– Inverse laws: A+Ā=1 and A·Ā=0
– Commutative laws: A+B=B+A and A·B=B·A
– Associative laws: A+(B+C)=(A+B)+C and
A·(B·C)=(A·B) ·C.
– Distributive laws: A·(B+C)=(A·B)+(A·C) and
A+(B·C)=(A+B) ·(A+C)
Logic Gates
• Gate: device that implements basic logic
functions, such as AND or OR.
• E.g. Two-input multiplexor
C  ( A  S )  (B  S )
A 32bit wide 2-to-1 multiplexor
Introduction to Verilog
• Data types
– wire In Verilog, specifies a combinational signal
– reg In Verilog, a register
• reg [31:0] X
• wire [31:0] X
• Refer to contigious set of bits of a register or
wire by [starting bit: ending bit]
• reg [31:0] registerfile[0:31] :An
array of registers
• Possible values: 0, 1 (true, false), z (unknown).
• 4’b0100 : 4-bit constant with value 4, 4’d4
• -8’h4 : 8-bit constant with value -4 (in two’s
• {16{2’b01}} : 32-bit value 01010101…01
• {A[31:16],B[15:0]}
Verilog Operators
• Arithmentic: +,-,*,/
• Logical: &,|,~
• Comparison: ==,!=,>,<,>=,<=
• Shift: <<,>>
• Unary logical ops: &,|,^ (e.g. &A results in
one bit by ANDing all of A’s bit together)
Structure of Verilog Program
• Structured as a set of modules
– Module specifies inputs and outputs
– Body of a module consists:
• Initial constructs
• Assignments
• always constructs
• Instances of other modules
always construct
• Defines an optional list of constructs for
which the block is sensitive
• Reevaluated if any of the specified signals
changes value. If no list is specified the it
is constantly reevevaluted.
• Blocking assignment =
– Completed before the next assignment is
• Non-blocking assignment <=
– All right-hand sides of the assignments in an
always block are done simultaneously.
Construction a basic ALU
• A 1-bit ALU
• Full adder
Full Adder
CarryOut calculator
• The Sum bit is set when exactly one input
is 1 or when all three inputs are 1.
32-bit ALU adder
ALU in verilog
ALU control unit

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