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20-036 Rokshana Jannat Bindu

20-101 Tanjina Ahmed Sristy

20-102 Md: Sanwar Hossain

20-108 Kalpana Khatun

20-079 Md. Firoz Hossain

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Types of variables

A Small Research Project

Univariate Analysis

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 Tools and techniques
 Classification of variables
 Nature of sample size

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Types Of Variables:
There are four types of variables as following:

i. Interval/ Ratio variable

ii. Ordinal variables
iii. Nominal variables
iv. Dichotomous variables.

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 Interval Ratio variables: These are the
variables where the distances between the
categories are identical across the range of
categories. Like var00010 to var00011. the
distance between these two variables is called
Interval variables.

 Ordinal variables: Variables whose categories

can be rank ordered but the distances between
the categories are not equal across the range.
Like 4-6 days in a week are not the same
difference like 2-3 days in a week. 9/25/2018 7
 Nominal variables: Variables whose categories
cannot be rank ordered. These variables also known as
categorical variables. Like we can not say that “relaxation
is more of something than maintain or improve fitness”
or “lose weight”.

 Dichotomous variables: These variables contain data

that have only two categories like gender & their position
in relation to the other types having only one interval.

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Deciding how to categories a variable:

Are there more than two categories?

Yes No variable
is dichotomous

Can the categories be rank ordered?


Yes No
variable is nominal

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Are the distances between categories

Yes No
variable is ordinal

variable is interval/

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A Small Research



 Attitudinal loyalty.

 Comprising investment of time and money.

 Social presure from significant others.

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 Men and women have different motives for going
to gym.
 Activities of men and women in which they engage
in gym and whether they are different or not.
 Importance of age on engagement in gym.

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 Decided to take a simple random sample of 10% of total
 Selected a gym having 1200 member close to her
 Sent postal-questionnaires to members with paid reply

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Questionnaire Formation:
 How much time people usually spend in each of
the three main class of activity in gym;
1.Cardiovascular equipment
2.Weight equipment and
 How long do they spend on each of the three
activities on their next visit?

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Features of Questionnaire:

 12 Questions.
 9 Questions are pre-coded, student have to circle
the code.
 Remaining 3 are required to be filled with
numerical values.

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1.Are you male or female?

Male ___ female ___

2. How old are you?

____ years

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3. Which of the following best describes your main reason for
going to the gym?
 Relaxation _________
 Maintain or Improve fitness _________
 Lose weight _________
 Meet others _________
 Build strength

_________ 9/25/2018 19
 4. When you go to the gym, how much often do you use the
cardiovascular equipment?
 Always _________
 Usually _________
 Rarely _________

 5. How often do you use weight machines?

 Always __________
 Usually __________
 Rarely __________
 Never____

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7. Are you accompanied when you usually go to gym?
On my own __________
With a friend __________
With a partner spouse __________

8. Do you have source of regular exercise other than gym?

Yes___ No___

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10. During your last visit of your gym, how long did you spend on the cardiovascular
__________ minutes.
11. During your last visit of your gym, how long did you spend on the weights machines?
__________ minutes.
12. During your last visit of your gym, how long did you spend on other activities?
__________ minutes.

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Missing Data:

 Missing data shall be coded as zero.

Computer software must have to be notified of this fact.
 In terms of time, zero shall not be treated as missing data.

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Surveyed Data:
var0001 var0002 var0003 var0004 var0005 var0006 var0007 var0008 var0009 var0010 var0011 var0012
1 20 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 20 10 4
2 19 3 1 1 4 2 2 0 30 15 5
2 22 5 2 1 2 1 2 0 33 12 6
2 23 5 1 2 5 1 2 0 32 13 5
1 56 5 2 1 3 3 2 0 31 16 5
2 40 2 1 2 3 3 2 0 20 25 5
1 45 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 25 20 6
2 34 3 1 2 2 1 2 0 40 32 10
1 25 3 1 3 5 2 2 0 43 10 14
2 65 2 2 2 4 3 1 1 20 15 15
2 60 2 2 1 2 3 2 0 32 10 5
2 25 2 1 2 3 3 1 3 35 16 5
1 32 5 1 1 3 2 2 0 36 14 5
1 16 5 2 3 2 1 2 0 16 18 6
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Univariate analysis refers to the analysis of one variable at a time.

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Description of frequency tables:

• Frequency table which shows reasons for visiting the gym, we notice that 38 people
the highest number to go gym to lose weight and percentage is 42.2%. The second
highest number is 33 people those who go to improving their body fitness and
percentage is 36.7%.

• Frequency table which shows ages of gym members, we notice that the age range
21-30 includes more members 34 and percentage is 37.8%. The second position
obtain the age range is 31-40.

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 Frequency Tables (SPSS Output):

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Bar chart(SPSS Output)

The bar chart shows that the maximum
people(38 numbers) go to bar to loss
weight, 33 number of people go to
improve fitness ,17 people to build
strength and very small number of
people (2) go for relaxation where the
total respondents are 90.
 Pie chart shows the main reasons
for visiting the gym-
Loss weight 42.22%
Improve fitness 36.67%
Build strength 18.89%
Relaxation 2.22%

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Histogram (SPSS Output):
 Histogram shows the ages of
gym visitors.
 Here, there is no space
between the bars but shows
the same results.
 Number 2 (21-30) includes
the highest number of
members and then 3(31-40),
4(41-50), 5(51and over) and
the last 1(20and under).

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Measures of central tendency (SPSS Output):
 Mean: By summing all the values in a distribution and then divide by the number
of values, we get mean. Here, mean is 36.82 that means the average age of
gym visitors is nearly 37 years of age.

 Median: This is the mid-point in a distributional values. Here, median is 35.5 that
means 36.

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