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Today is: February 11, 2019

Today’s Goal:
Goal: Today, we will begin writing a Identify
Responsetheto Text
Our goal to write a Essay about Gun Control. goals and their
response to text Our essay will be 4 pages, andsignificance
be a directto you
essay about gun response to the article we are reading. This
essay does not follow standard format, and it
more of a journal style of writing.
You must include 75% of the article in your
Equip: essay, and must have 2 quotes from “Of Mice
• Chromebook and Men.”
• Article from the Your essay must be in opposition of what the
bin article is about.
You must have 3 Power Verbs and 3 Vocab
words underlined/bolded in your essay.
Our essay will be due at the end of class on
Random Fact:
An Ohio judge
sentenced a woman to Out of Class:
sit in the smelliest area
of a garbage dump for
8 hours, for animal No homework!!
abuse. “If you puke,
you puke.”

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