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Active noise control in textiles mill

BY: -

• Generally noise is an unwanted sound, regardless of its intensity

or duration.
• noise is simply unwanted sound, so sound is not really noise unless
someone hears it and finds it disturbing.

• There are two different kinds of noise…
 1). Broadband
 2). Narrowband.
• Broadband noise is caused by turbulences and is totally
random, which means the energy is distributed equally
across all frequency bands . Examples are the low-
frequency sound of a jet plane or the impulse noise of a

• Narrowband noise, most energy is concentrated around

specific frequencies . This kind of noise is caused by
rotating machinery and is therefore periodic or nearly
periodic. An example is the noise caused by a car’s
combustion engine.
• In textile mill minimum and maximum noise level can be achive as ~
82 dBA to 102 dBA.

Under ideal conditions:

• External noise is converted to electrical signal by a

• Noise is inverted with an inverting amplifier.
• Inverted noise is added to the desired signal.
• Signal + inverted noise is sent to output.
• Inverted noise and external noise destructively interfere
with each other
• All that is left is the desired signal!

• To control unwanted sounds, two different approaches exist
called passive and active noise control . In many cases
a combination of both is used.

• Active noise control (ANC) is using the phenomenon of wave

interference , When two waves with the same amplitude and
frequency, but phase-reversed, travel in the same direction,
they will neutralize each other and by virtue of
destructive interference the resulting sound is null,
the sound energy is transformed into heat.
• A control system drives a speaker to produce a sound field
that is the exact mirror-image of the offending sound (the
”disturbance”). The speaker thus cancels the disturbance by
means of destructive interference, and the net result is
no sound at all.

 - A signal gets erased by its ”anti-signal”. The

result is zero.
• Basic ANC components: an ANC system consists of the
following four major parts:
• Plant — The physical system to be controlled. A typical
example is a headphone and the air inside it.
• Sensors — The vibration sensors, microphones, or other
devices that sense the primary disturbance and monitor how
well the control system is performing by measuring the
remaining error.
• Actuators — The devices that physically do the work of
altering the plant response,usually electromechanical
devices such as speakers or vibration generators.
• Controller — A signal processor that controls the
actuators. It bases its commands on the sensor signals and
on some knowledge of the plant’s response to the actuators.
The fundamental structure of a basic ANC system.
• Different kinds of ANC (The variety of behavior characteristics of sound
waves in different physical surroundings allow categorization of ANC
systems into three different groups)
1 . Global free space cancellation .
2 . Cavity and duct cancellation .
3 . Zone - of - silence cancellation .

• It should be noted that active noise canceling is best suited

for low frequencies
• First of all, for higher frequencies, the spacing requirements
for free space and zone-of silence techniques become
prohibitive. Second, in acoustic cavity and duct based
systems, the number of modes grows rapidly with increasing
frequency, which quickly makes active noise control
techniques unmanageable. Third, passive treatments become
more effective at higher frequencies and often provide an
adequate solution without the need for active
 control.
• Two type of ANC
• Adaptive filtering:
 Feed forward system
 Feedback system
• Waveform synthesis
 (suited only to periodic noise)

• Eg- ANC use at

 Noise reduction in aircrafts
 Noise reduction in automobile industry

Feedforward system
Feedback System
Tachometer reference signal:

V0 /V in = (1 – jRWC) / (1 + jWRC)
The principle of active sound control was first introduced by Lueg(1936) in
a patent for the single channel feed-forward control of tonal disturbances
propagating in a one-dimensional acoustic waveguide. [Sound and
Structural Vibration, F. J. Fahy& P.Gardonio, Elsevier Publishers, 2007]
1. Microphone doesn’t represent noise amplitude
• Voltage amplitude might not be enough to cancel noise,
or it might be too high.

2. Propagation delay in the circuit causes a phase shift in

the noise signal.
• Instead of subtracting from noise, we will be adding to
• This is partially controlled by microphone placement


1.Potentiometer (variable resistor) in place

of fixed resistor on the inverting
•Implements user variable gain, which
allows controls over how much noise is
2.Phase and/or Amplitude of noise signal
must be manipulated
•This can be achieved through filtering
• Noise reduction in aircrafts
• Noise reduction in automobile industry
• The primary objective of most active noise control systems is
the reduction of noise for personal comfort, reduction of
stress and increased concentration. Another major benefit
is low-frequency quieting for applications where passive
insulation would be too expensive, inconvenient or heavy.
Eg., the lead impregnated sheets used to reduce aircraft
cabin propeller noise impose a severe weight penalty, but
active control can perform just as well at a much smaller
weight. Active noise control also reduces the vibrations
induced into mechanical structures, thus prolonging
lifetime and increasing efficiency. The cost for active
noise canceling solutions is of course the additional
power consumptionby the ANC sensors, controller and
actuators, as well as increased complexity.
• . Undersatanding active noise cancellation . By- colin H. Hansen
• Arnaud Duval, Jean-François Rondeau, Romain Bossart, Guillaume Deshayes,
Francis Lhuillier, Laurent Gagliardini, “Vehicle Acoustic Synthesis
Method 2nd Generation: an effective hybrid simulation tool to
implement acoustic lightweight strategies”, SFA, Novemeber 2005
• Koehler, Kenneth R., “Circuits”, College Physics for Students of Biology
and Chemistry, 1996,
• Kreyszig, Erwin, Advanced Engineering Mathematics Eighth Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc, Toronto, 1999.
• Paulo Henrique Trombetta Zannin, and Samir N.Y. Gerges, “Effects of Cup,
Cushion, Headband Force, and Foam Lining on the Attenuation of an
Earmuff”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2006, pp.
• Weast, Robert C. ed., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 51st Edition, Jones,
The Chemical Rubber Co. Cleveland, 1970.
• dB Engineering - Noise, Vibration & Thermal Control Materials, 2001,


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