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Backfill for ILW concepts in Germany

Why and how were they selected?

What do we know about their properties?

Hans-Joachim Engelhardt – BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 1
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Remarks concerning the disposal of radioactive waste in Germany

• All types of radioactive waste are to be disposed of in mines.

There are no surface or near surface disposal facilities operated or planned.
• There is a distinction between non-heat-generating and heat-generating wastes.
• For non-heat generating waste former production sites are used
(Morsleben salt mine, Asse salt mine, Konrad iron ore mine).
• The mining activities resulted in large void volumes and complex structure of the
underground openings.

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 2
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Morsleben radioactive waste repository

― 2 connected mines:
“Bartensleben Mine” and “Marie Mine”
― Production of Potassium and
Rock Salt from 1913 to 1969
― Total volume of mined
structures: ~ 8.7·106 m3
― Waste emplacement
exclusively in “Bartensleben Mine”
― Waste emplacement started in 1971
and ended in 1998
― 36,800 m3 of waste with activity of < 6·1014 Bq

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 3
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Morsleben radioactive waste repository

excavated total volume:

8.7 million m3

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 4
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
ERAM – Emplacement areas and waste volume

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 5
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
ERAM – Closure concept: Backfilling and sealing

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 6
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Asse II salt mine

14.02.2019 7
Asse II salt mine

Strömungsbarrieren (seals)
Widerlager (abutments of seals)
Stützender Versatz
(supporting backfill)
(residual-cavity backfilling)

14.02.2019 8
Konrad iron ore mine

The mine was approved in 2007 as the first repository in

Germany licensed under nuclear law.

The former iron ore mine is currently being converted into a


Up to 303,000 m3 of radioactive waste with negligible heat

generation will be permanently stored there.

Grubenriss / Map of the mine

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 9
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Konrad iron ore mine

Grubenriss / Map of the mine

14.02.2019 10
Classification of the backfill in relation to the place

UK we seem to have adopted a convention of :

 local backfill
emplaced to fill the free space between and around waste packages
 peripheral backfill
emplaced in disposal modules,
and the near-field rock or access ways
 mass backfill
bulk material used to backfill the excavated volume apart from the disposal
areas (including the shafts)

 The classification in Germany is based on the location of the seals.

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 11
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Classification of requirements and objectives
(objectives independent of backfill type and host rock)
Requirements resulting from occupational health and safety.

Requirements resulting from backfilling technology and the conditions in the emplacement chambers (in the mine).

Requirements that result from the integrity of the geological barrier and the protection of the surface
(protection of other mine areas).

Requirements resulting from the possibility of waste package retrieval

Requirements resulting from water protection (environmental protection).

Requirements resulting from radiation protection

(Ordinance on the protection against damage by ionizing radiation, StrlSchV)

Long term stability (Conformity of material properties with requirements over the entire period of function)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 12
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
General objectives

General objectives of backfilling are

(1) isolating the waste by forming an extra barrier (local backfill),

(2) providing the underground openings with stability and thus avoiding a collapse of openings
(3) reducing the voids in the repository that can be filled with water or brines,
(4) ensuring a favorable chemical milieu with regard to the overall disposal system,
(5) providing a storage volume for gas generated by corrosion or microbial processes
and consequently limiting gas pressure build-up.

Former production mines are often located closer to rock layers containing ground or formation water.
The host rock of former production mines can be damaged due to rock creep and dilatancy.
(2) + (3) are more important in old mines (former production mines) than in deep geological repositories
individually planned and erected for the long-term disposal of radioactive/toxic waste.

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 13
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Protection of the surface

Misalignment (tilting) of buildings

Earth surface subsidence
EN 1992 (Eurocode 2): Settlements are impacts

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 14
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Essential work steps

Objectives of backfilling

→ specification of acceptance/performance/safety criteria

→ requirements for the backfill body
→ requirements for the backfilling technique
→ requirements for the backfill material
→ investigation of potential backfill material and backfilling techniques
→ selection of the backfill material and the backfilling technique
→ description of the backfill material (material reports) and the backfilling technique
→ quality assurance (QA) – proof of material properties – proof of performance

→ safety proof

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 15
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Proves of safety

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 16
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Types of backfill materials and backfilling techniques
Dry, powdery and/or granular materials

Pneumatic stowing - The backfilling materials are by means of compressed air.

Slinger backfilling
The backfill material is thrown into the openings with a fast-running centrifugal belt.
Bulk material backfilling
The backfill material is poured by means of large boreholes (slide holes) into the openings or
the backfill material is transported with vehicles into the openings.

Suspensions (Mixtures with solid particles in a fluid, e.g. water)

Hydraulic backfilling with or without binder, e.g. cement

In most cases, the hydraulic materials are pumped through pipelines and drill holes.

The method was developed in the 1940s and has evolved over time to be the most widely used backfill method in the mining industry.
Compared with discontinuous transport methods (tanks or drums), the main advantages of hydraulic placement systems are
the low space requirement, the high reliability, and the transport of the backfill and flushing water in a closed pipeline distribution system.

Better to implement in the case of poor accessibility of the openings and high demands on the degree of backfilling.
Very efficient backfilling techniques.
Very well combinable with a pneumatic transport of the solid raw materials.

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 17
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Examples of local backfill

Filling the free space between and around waste packages.

 Host rock salt

Crushed salt backfill / granular backfill

 Konrad – sedimentary rocks

hydraulic backfill

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 18
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Crushed salt (Asse, ERAM)

Roof fall on the second level of the central part Morsleben

Objective of backfilling
Protection of waste packages
from falling rocks
 loose bulk material with low moisture content
(Prevention of corrosion of metals)
 limitation of the grain size
 availability

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 19
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Crushed salt (Asse, ERAM)

Local backfill – Morsleben (ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 20
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Crushed salt (Asse, ERAM)

Local backfill – Morsleben (ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 21
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Crushed salt (Asse, ERAM)

Local backfill

Morsleben (ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 22
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Crushed salt (Asse, ERAM)

Local backfill

Morsleben (ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 23
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Crushed salt (Asse, ERAM)

Local backfill

Morsleben (ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 24
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Crushed salt (Asse, ERAM)

Local backfill

Asse salt mine

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 25
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Crushed salt (Asse, ERAM)

What do we know about the properties of the salt backfill?

Chemical-mineralogical composition
Grain density, bulk density
Grain size distribution
Grain strength / crushing strengths
Proctor density
Compaction behaviour
Porosity and permeability depending on the degree of compaction

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 26
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill (Konrad mine)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 27
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill (Konrad mine)
Top view of a backfill segment in the Konrad mine with the backfill pipeline
(Befüllleitung) and the vent pipelines (Entlüftungsleitung, Reserveleitung).
Production of the backfill material takes place underground,
because extracted rocks are to be used as aggregates.

Limestone, marl, claystone, iron ore

In addition, solutions that occur in the mine should be added

to the mixing solution (tap water + salt solutions).

System for mounting six pipelines to the roof.

The U-shaped traverse is fitted with adhesive anchors.

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 28
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill (Konrad mine)

Design of the shotcrete walls at the end of each disposal segment

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 29
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill baterial (Konrad mine)

Storage of waste packages in the chambers of the Konrad mine and backfilling of the chambers
(Abwettersammelstrecke: return air collection drift; Einlagerungskammer: emplacement chamber / storage chamber)

Disposal of the waste packages with a forklift truck, construction of the shotcrete wall, and backfilling of the disposal or backfill segments

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 30
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill baterial (Konrad mine)

The backfill will be transported using drum mixer vehicles (volume 7 m³).

It is planned to backfill per hour the content of three drum mixers to realize a backfill rate of 21 m³/h.

The backfill will be pumped with gunning manipulators (shotcrete gunning vehicles) into the backfill

Experiments on a scale of 1:10 and 1:25 and rheological calculations show that segments with length of
150 m at maximum can be successfully backfilled.

It was decided to realize a disposal and backfill segment length of 50 m.

The remaining volume of the segments is between 800 m³ and 890 m³ and the time of backfilling will be
between 38 and 42 hours.

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 31
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill (Konrad mine)
Requirements resulting from occupational health and safety.

Requirements resulting from backfilling technology and the conditions in the emplacement chambers (in the mine).

High flowability, negligible bleeding, segregation resistance, limited maximum grain size, sufficiently long processing time.
No swelling
Low heat-generation during hardening (avoidance of thermal stresses). Low thermal expansion and contraction.
Low gas threshold pressure
Preferred use of cement as binder (pH value)
Requirements that result from the integrity of the geological barrier and the protection of the surface are of secondary importance.
Low strength
Requirements resulting from water protection (environmental protection).
Requirements resulting from radiation protection
(Ordinance on the protection against damage by ionizing radiation, StrlSchV)
Long term stability (Conformity of material properties with requirements over the entire period of function)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 32
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill (Konrad mine)

Approval according to § 4 of the health protection mining ordinance

LH (Low Heat) cement + aggregate (excavated, crushed rocks) + water (saline solution) + retarder

CEM III/B 32.5 or 42.5 LH-HS, Normal cement with high sulphate resistance (SR cement) EN 197-1

The processed product has a fine grain fraction below 0.02 mm (20 μm)
of about 15 to 20% by mass and a maximum grain size of about 5 mm.

Slump-flow test EN 12350-8, > 650 mm.

„Mini-slump“ > 25 cm (cf. DIN 18555-2, EN 1015-3, EN 459-2).

Low strength → high water-cement-ratio = 2.0.

The amount of retarder should amount to about 3% of the amount of cement
and is attributed to the water content.
Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop
14.02.2019 33
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill (Konrad mine)

The water demand of the raw materials, in particular the aggregate, changes.

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 34
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill (Konrad mine)

What do we know about their properties?

Laboratory investigations and mock-up tests show that all requirements are met.

- Pressure loss during the pump process

- Parameters of the Herschel-Bulkley constitutive equation
consistency k, the flow index n, and the yield shear stress τ0
- Results on thixotropy
- Total porosity
- Temperature development, heat capacity → amount of heat
- Chemical analyses of eluates according to DIN 38414-4, EN 12457-4, DIN 19528
- Activity concentration of radionuclides of the nuclide chains U-238sec and Th-232sec
- Results of the investigations for the approval according to § 4 of the health protection mining ordinance

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 35
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill (Konrad mine)

Investigations on the floating of waste packages

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 36
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill (Konrad mine)

Investigations on the floating of waste packages

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 37
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Hydraulic backfill (Konrad mine)

Investigations on the
floating of waste packages
(steel container)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 38
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Peripheral backfill, mass backfill

Host rock salt

 crushed salt
 magnesia binder
 salt concrete

Konrad mine

 cement-based backfill (cf. local backfill)

 granular backfill

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 39
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Magnesia binder (Asse, ERAM)

The hardening of magnesia binders is based on the reaction of magnesium oxide

and/or magnesium hydroxide with a magnesium chloride solution.

Magnesia binders are pumped through pipelines (hydraulic backfill).

Most of the requirements for Konrad backfill also apply to the magnesia binder
used in the Asse mine and the ERAM.

Higher demands on the strength and the deformability.

Due to the aim of supporting and stabilizing the salt mines,
the compaction capacity is limited.
Compaction capacity: amount of volume reduction due to rock convergence.

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 40
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Magnesia binder (Asse, ERAM)

Strömungsbarrieren (seals)
High quality backfill/sealing material (including permeability) Complete quality assurance program
- High quality of the drift contour (cavity contour)

Widerlager (abutments of seals)

High quality backfill material - QA program without permeability tests
- High quality of the drift contour (cavity contour)

Stützender Versatz (supporting backfill)

High quality backfill material - QA program without permeability tests
- No cutting of the drift/cavity contour

Resthohlraumverfüllung (residual-cavity backfilling)

Lower quality backfill material (higher compaction allowed) – limited quality assurance program
- No cutting of the drift/cavity contour

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 41
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Magnesia binder (Asse, ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 42
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Magnesia binder (Asse, ERAM)

Pneumatic pre-mixture transport and

underground production of hydraulic backfill
- Asse mine

Pneumatic transport system

of the dry pre-mixture and silos.

Semi-mobile mixing and pumping plant.

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 43
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Magnesia binder (Asse, ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 44
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Magnesia binder (Asse, ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 45
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Magnesia binder (Asse, ERAM)
Description of all material properties
required for the proves of backfilling according to the requirements
(to ensure the safety goals).

What do we

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 46
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM)


Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 47
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM) – Requirements and objectives

Requirements resulting from occupational health and safety (Health Protection Mining Ordinance).

Requirements resulting from backfilling technology and the conditions in the emplacement chambers (in the mine).

Requirements that result from the integrity of the geological barrier and the protection of the surface.

Requirements resulting from the possibility of waste package retrieval

Requirements resulting from water protection (environmental protection).

Requirements resulting from radiation protection

(Ordinance on the protection against damage by ionizing radiation, StrlSchV)

Long term stability (Conformity of material properties with requirements over the entire period of function)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 48
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM)

Approval according to § 4 of the health protection mining ordinance

Ordinance on the protection against damage by ionizing radiation, StrlSchV

Limit values according to StrlSchV, Appendix XII, part A, point 4a

Requirements resulting from backfilling technology and the conditions in the drifts and chambers (in the mine).

High flowability (> class F4 according to EN 206),

negligible bleeding, segregation resistance, limited maximum grain size (< 20 mm),
sufficiently long processing time, flow angle < 4°
Low heat-generation during hardening (avoidance of thermal stresses).
< 55 K under adiabatic conditions. Use of LH (Low Heat) cement.
Low thermal expansion and contraction (< 4*10-5 K-1).
Young’s modulus > 6,000 MPa.
Uniaxial compressive strength ≥ class C8/10. Uniaxial tensile strength > 0.7 MPa

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 49
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM)

Two backfill materials were investigated in detail – salt concrete M2 and salt concrete M4

Salt concrete M2


Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 50
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM) – What do we know?
Description of all material properties
required for the proves of backfilling according to the requirements
(to ensure the safety goals).
14.02.2019 51
Salt concrete (ERAM)
Backfilling measures to avert a danger in the central part

Maximum principal Dilatancy


Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 52
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM)

 Creep induced failure cannot be excluded

 Stabilization measures are necessary to

guarantee a regular plan–approval
procedure for closure later on

=> Backfilling a number of selected

chambers by salt concrete

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 53
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM)
Hydraulic backfilling –
Morsleben repository (ERAM)

Mixing plant adjacent to the repository site

(A: silos for the storage of cement and powdery additives,
B: shaft Bartensleben, C: concrete mixer,
D: tank for the storage of mixing solution).

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 54
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM)
Hydraulic backfilling –
Morsleben repository (ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 55
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM)
Hydraulic backfilling – Morsleben repository (ERAM)

View into a receiver tank of the stationary pumping unit View into a receiver tank of the stationary pumping unit.
A filling level sensor is located on the grid.
Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop
14.02.2019 56
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM)
Between the years 2003 and 2011 the plant was used to pump almost 1 million m³ of
concrete into the mine openings. The production and backfill rates were about 45 m³/h.

Receiver/storage tanks, double piston pumps, Hydraulic pressure damper.

and hydraulic units.

Engelhardt, H.-J., Kreienmeyer, M., Lerch, C., Müller-Hoeppe, N., Köster, R., Eilers, G. & Preuss, J. (2003) A Constitutive Law of Salt Concrete
used for Closure of a LILW- Repository. Proc. ICEM’03, 9th Int. conf. On Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation.

Fischer, H.; Bergmann, U.; Engelhardt, H.-J.; Hund, W. & Köster, R. (2004) Stabilization of the Central Part of the Morsleben Repository –
Technical Concept, Requirements, Quality Assurance and Operational Experience. DisTec 2004, Int. Conf. On Rad. Waste Disp., Section 6,
Backfill and Sealing of Repositories, 6 p.

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 57
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Salt concrete (ERAM)

Numerical calculations show

• limited ground surface subsidence
• influence of hydration heat on potential pathways is negligible
• improvement of the geomechanical situation
=> compatibility with the closure concept

• insufficient safety level only for some roofs for a short period of time
during backfilling

Geotechnical surveillance programm

• guarantees occupational safety
• proves effectiveness of the measures
• provides data for further calibration and validation of numerical models

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 58
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
 mass backfill, which is the
bulk material used to backfill the excavated volume apart from the disposal
areas (this would include the shafts)

 gravel
 granular backfill (Konrad)
 salt concrete (salt)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 59
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Rockfill – excavated rocks (Konrad mine)

Backfilling of drifts with excavated rocks

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 60
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Rockfill – excavated rocks (Konrad mine)

Backfilling of drifts with excavated rocks

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 61
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Rockfill – excavated rocks (Konrad mine)
Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop
14.02.2019 62
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Granular backfill

Upper abutment
Overlying rock
Sealing element 1:

Sealing element 2:
Caprock Gravel and asphalt

Filter layers
Rock salt
Sealing element 3:
Gravel and asphalt
1st level

Lower abutment

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 63
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Granular backfill

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 64
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Classification of requirements and objectives

Requirements resulting from occupational health and safety.

Requirements resulting from backfilling technology and the conditions in the emplacement chambers (in the mine).

Requirements that result from the integrity of the geological barrier and the protection of the surface.

Requirements resulting from the possibility of waste package retrieval

Requirements resulting from water protection (environmental protection).

Requirements resulting from radiation protection

(Ordinance on the protection against damage by ionizing radiation, StrlSchV)

Long term stability (Conformity of material properties with requirements over the entire period of function)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 65
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Granular backfill – What do we know?

Results of the investigations according § 4 health protection mining ordinance

Chemical-mineralogical composition
Grain density, bulk density
Grain size distribution
Grain strength / crushing strengths
Proctor density
Compaction behaviour
Porosity and permeability depending on the degree of compaction

Results of eluate investigations

Results of investigations with regard to long term stability (experiments, geochemical simulations)
Results of investigations according to the
Ordinance on the protection against damage by ionizing radiation (StrlSchV)
Activity concentration of radionuclides of the nuclide chains U-238sec and Th-232sec

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 66
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Granular backfill / gravel

Test of gravel compaction (ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 67
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Granular backfill / gravel

Transport and compaction of the gravel (ERAM)

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 68
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Granular backfill (Asse, mass backfill) crushed salt

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 69
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Granular backfill (Asse, mass backfill) crushed salt

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 70
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Granular backfill (Asse, mass backfill) crushed salt

Asse salt mine

Pneumatic emplacement
of crushed salt

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 71
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Granular backfill (Asse, mass backfill) crushed salt

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 72
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Granular backfill (Asse, mass backfill) crushed salt

Workshop 1: RWM Backfill Integrated Project: Knowledge Banking Workshop

14.02.2019 73
Milton Hill House, Steventon, Abingdon
Thank you for your attention!


Backfilling of mine cavities with nearly one million cubic meters of salt concrete.


Asse II salt mine

14.02.2019 75
Asse II salt mine

Ausschnitt des Risswerks 775-m-Sohle,

nach dem der Abbau 1/775 von
1938 bis 1942 mit Salzgrus versetzt wurde

14.02.2019 76
Asse II salt mine

14.02.2019 77
Asse II salt mine

Kernmaterial der Bohrungen IV-4.2eKBrg (Kernmarsch 3, 11,50 – 11,80 m, oben) und IV-4.3f-KBrg (Kernmarsch
10, 13,80 – 14,20 m, unten).
Die Bohrung IV-4.2e-KBrg ist um 12,7° geneigt und die Bohrung IV-4.3f-KBrg um 13,0°.
Beide Bohrungen haben einen Durchmesser von rund 100 mm.

14.02.2019 78

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