Case On Asean and Saarc

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V Association of Southeast Asian nations or ASEAN, was
estabilished on 8 August 1967.
V Signing of the ASEAN declaration (Bankok
declaration) by the founding fathers of ASEAN
namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Singapore
and Thailand.
V After that Brunei Darussalam, Viet Nam, Cambodia,
Laos and Myanmar making up what is today the ten
member states of ASEAN.
V To accelerate the economic growth, social progress,
and cultural development in the region through joint
endeavours in the spirit of equality and partnership
in order to strengthen the foundation for a
prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast
Asian Nations.
V To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance
on matters of common interest in the economic,
social, cultural, technical, scientific and admistrative
V To promote Southeast Asian studies.
V To provide assistance to each other in the form of
training and research facilities in the educational,
professional, technical, and administrative spheres.
V To maintain close and beneficial cooperation with
existing international with similar aims and purpose
and explore all avenues for even closer among
V To promote regional peace and stability through
abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the
relationship among countries of the region and
adherence to the principles of the United Nations
V Mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty,
equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of
all nations.
V The right of every state to lead its national existence
free from external interferences, subversion of
V Non-interference in the internal affairs of one another
V Settlement of differences or disputes by peaceful
V Renunciation of threat or use of force
V Effective cooperation among themselves.
V There is a very strong commitment among ASEAN
members to cooperation. Cooperation for the benefit
of all and cooperation for stability and peace of the
V There is also a very strong commitment to
pragmatism. It has been pragmatic in ways that
develop cooperation among members in undertaking
various projects.
V ASEAN leaders and ministers are never tired of
seeking consensus.
V ASEAN has been successful in reducing the level of
tariffs operating in the region
V It represents 550 million peopleè
V Itǯs a larger trade block than North America and
Western Europe.
V In ASEAN all countries are of equal geographic size.
V Levels of economic development is the same in all
V All of them had similar economic policies.
V They all introduced economic liberalization in 1960s
which further accelerated economic growth.
V Common fear of communist China.
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V South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation was
established by 7 countries namely India, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, Pakistan, Maldives, Nepal and Srilanka on 8
Dec 1985.
V Later on Afghanistan joined SAARC in April 2007.
V The headquarter of South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation is Kathmandu.
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V To improve the quality of life & welfare of the
people of the SAARC member countries.

V To develop the region economically, socially &


V To provide the opportunity to the people of the

region to live in dignity & to explore their

V To enhance the self reliance of the member

countries jointly.
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V To provide conducive climate for creating &
enhancing mutual trust, understanding and
application of one anotherǯs issues.

V To enhance the mutual assistance among member

countries in the areas of economic, social,
cultural, scientific & technical fields.

V To enhance the co-operation with other

developing economies.

V To have unity among member countries.

V SAARC represents 22% of humanity.

V In South Asia, India is the largest country. It

occupies more than 70% of geographical area. So,
other nations feel that strengthening SAARC
means empowering India.

V Serious bilateral disputes between two major

south asian powers i.e., India & Pakistan.

V Some bilateral disputes and differences between

other member countries i.e., India & Bangladesh,
India & Nepal, Nepal & Myanmar, Pakistan &
V Vast difference in economic development.

V India is developed economy of South Asia other

countries are less developed.

V Purchasing power of these countries is very low.

V They cannot act even as a market of Indian goods.


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