Environment: Main Course Book - Class 10 Class Project Subject Enrichment

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Main Course Book – Class 10

Class Project
Subject Enrichment
Arindam Singh
Roll no. 18
• What is Environment?
• Environmental Problems
• Causes of Degradation
• Future Effects
• Solutions
What is Environment?
Environment is comprised of everything that
surrounds us. It has two components, biotic
components like flora and fauna and abiotic
components like wind, soil and rainfall.
Environmental Problems
Over the past fifty years , several environmental problems
have surfaced themselves. These include deforestation,
global warming, ozone layer depletion and environmental
pollution, besides others. These problems are of
immense magnitude and affect our lives in various
different ways.
Causes of Degradation
There are many causes of degradation of
environment, the major being the modern
way of life. Deforestation due to the need of
building homes and industries also lies at its
Moreover, discharge of industrial
effluents into the air, water bodies and
the soil has also caused severe
environmental problems and we need to
think of ways to counter these.
Future Effects
Effects of these problems are droughts,
flooding, soil erosion and desertification,
owing to deforestation and the submergence
of coastal areas due to rise in sea levels.
For solutions, we have to look at various
strategies. One such strategy that has been
acknowledged by various environmentalists,
social scientists, economists and social workers
is of sustainable development.
Sustainable development means that
development should take place without
harming the environment and with keeping
in mind the needs of the future generations.
Governments all over the world have tried
to further this cause. Earth Summit, 1992 in
Rio de Janeiro and Paris Environmental
Conference,2015 are such examples.

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