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 Muhammad Usman
 Salima Zahid Ali
By the end of presentation learners will:
 Define test score
 Explain interpreting Score
 Discuss the types of interpreting Score
Test Score
A test score is a piece of information, usually a number,
that conveys the performance of an examinee on a test.

One formal definition is that it is

"a summary of the evidence contained in an examinee's
responses to the items of a test that are related to the
construct or constructs being measured."
Interpreting Score

A norm-referenced interpretation:
The score conveys meaning about the examinee with
regards to their standing among other examinees

A criterion-referenced interpretation:
The score conveys information about the examinee with
regards a specific subject matter, regardless of other
examinees' scores
Types of Interpreting Score
Some important types are:
 Normal curve
 Raw scores
 Derived scores
 Pass/fail grades
 Values
 Grades
Normal Curve

The normal distribution, or bell curve, is most familiar

and useful to teachers in describing the frequency of
standardized test scores, how many students earned
particular scores.
 It is always symmetrical, with equal areas on both sides
of the curve.
 The highest point on the curve corresponds to the mean
score, which equals the median and the mode in this
 The area between given standard deviation units
includes a determined percent area. Because of the
curve's symmetry, the percent area is the same as the
percent frequency of test scores.
Raw Score
A raw score is an original datum that has not been
transformed. This may include, for example, the original
result obtained by a student on a test (i.e., the number of
correctly answered items) as opposed to that score after
transformation to a standard score or percentile rank or the
To illustrate what raw scores are and why such results
have little initial meaning, consider an average fifth-grade
student taking a standardized test. Upon completion of the
text and subsequent marking, the student receives a raw
score of 52. Without more information, the raw score
has no meaning. If the test consisted of 55 questions, a
raw score of 52 would be a superior score. Alternatively,
if the test had 112 questions, a raw score of 52 would be a
below-average score.
Derived Score
Derived scores are a family of scores that allow us to
make comparisons between test scores. Raw scores are
transformed to derived scores.
Derived scores are obtained by going to a conversion
chart in the test manual. The raw score (# of correct
answers) is translated into a score that allows us to
 One student against others

 One student against him/herself in various


Developmental scores: Transformed from raw scores

and reflect the average performance at age and grade
levels. The student's raw score (number of items correct)
is the same as the average raw score for students of a
specific age or grade.

Standard Score: It allows to compare a child's

performance on several tests and to compare one child's
performance to the performance of other students.
Standard Score:
 Z-scores
 T-scores
 Deviation IQ scores
 Normal curve equivalents
 Stanines
 Percentile ranks
Pass and Fail Grade
A pass/fail grading system is one in which the student
receives either a passing grade or a failing grade rather
than a more accurate ranking of success. Any student that
does work above a failing level--defined by either the
school or the instructor--will pass the class. This type of
grading system has been shown to have several
Grading is the process of applying standardized
measurements of varying levels of achievement in a
In some countries, all grades from all current classes are
averaged to create a grade point average (GPA) for the
marking period. The GPA can be used by potential
employers or educational institutions to assess and
compare applicants. A cumulative grade point average is a
calculation of the average of all of a student's grades for
all of his or her complete education career.
 Dianem B, judith H, (2008), Teaching in Nursing, 14th edition

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