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Urban and Regional

Prepared by: Angemar R. Mirasol BS Arch 4

Submitted to:
Ar. Arturo M. Tavarra, uap
Urban and Regional Planning

Urban and regional planning involves

optimizing the use of land and
resources in a community. Urban and
regional planners generally need
master's degrees from accredited
programs for entry-level jobs. Read on
to find out if a career in urban and
regional planning is right for you.
Urban Planning
is a technique and method of
development that contributes to the
organization, development and evolution
of urban areas and their urbanising
environs, based on economic, social, legal
and aesthetic concepts and conditions in
order to promote the welfare of public and
quality of environment.
Goal of Planning
to guide the development of a city or
town so that it furthers the welfare of its
current and future residents by creating
convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient
and attractive environments.
Three key aspects of Urban/City
1. Physical environment - A city's physical
environment includes its location, its
climate and its proximity to sources of food
and water.
2. Social environment - The social
environment includes the groups to which
a city's residents belong, the
neighborhoods in which they live, the
organization of its workplaces..
** One of the biggest issues in most cities
is the inequitable distribution of resources.

3. Economic environment - Primary

employers, such as manufacturing as well
as research and development companies,
retail businesses, universities, federal
labs, local government, cultural
institutions, and departments of tourism all
play strong roles in a city's economy
• Regional Planning - It is a specific type of
planning, based on a specific planning
structure (regional system), for inducing
public action aimed at societal well-being.
It implies that regional planning is
concerned fundamentally with the society
in the context of space.


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