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The ideal gas law gives the relationship

between volume, temperature, pressure

and number of moles of a gas.

By using the equation of the ideal gas law,

it can predict the behavior of gases in low
and high temperature.
■Handle the laboratory equipment with care
be careful on using them in the experiment.
■When dealing hot objects do not touch it
directly. Use pot holder or thick cloth.
■Do not eat or drink while performing the
■Keep your area clean after doing the
Indicators Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points
Accuracy All answers One answer is Two answers One or more
in the incorrect. are incorrect. answers are
question are incorrect.

Cooperation All members Members work Members work Teacher

work well together most well together intervention
together all of of the time. some of time. needed
the time; Some teacher often to help
assist others intervention group
when needed. cooperate.
On task Team on task Team on task Team on task Team needs
all of the most of the some of the frequent
time. Does time. Does not time. Needs teacher
not need any need any teacher reminders to
teacher teacher reminders. get on task.
reminders. reminders.
Communication Each member All member Members need Members need
listens well to listens to each some teacher frequent
other other and intervention to teacher
members. speak to each be able to intervention to
Each member other in equal listen to each listen to each
speaks in amount. other and other and
friendly and speak to each speak to each
encouraging other other
Kinetic Molecular
Theory states that the
molecules of gas moves
in a constant random
motion and undergo
collisions with each
Kinetic Molecular Theory has the
following postulates:
■ All matter in any state consist of very small
■ The particles are in constant motion. They
therefore posses kinetic energy.
■ The particles interact with each other through
attractive and repulsive forces. However,
attractive and repulsive forces are negligible for
gases except at very high pressure.
• The kinetic energy of the molecules
increase with the increasing temperature.
• There is no loss in total energy when the
particles collide with one another
although energy may be transferred.
Relationship of Kinetic Molecular
Theory and Gas Laws
The pressure exerted by gas molecules is due
to collision among gas molecules and with the
walls of the container. The frequency of collision
is affected by temperature because gas
molecules move faster at high temperature, on
the other hand, they move slowly at low
temperature. The faster the movement of the
molecules, the more frequent the collision,
causing an increase in pressure.
I. Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct
and FALSE if the statement is incorrect then
underline the word that makes the statement
wrong and write the correct answer.

1. A gas consists of a collection of small particles

traveling in straight line motion and obeying
Newton’s Laws.

2. The molecules in a gas occupy negligible

3. Collisions between molecules are perfectly

4. There are negligible, attractive, or repulsive

forces between molecules.

5. The average kinetic energy of a molecule is

Direction: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What are the types of chemical reaction?

2. How do chemical reactions takes place?
3. Why do these factors affect the rates of
chemical reactions that are applied in
the industry and life?

Reference: Matter and its Interactions: Behavior

of Gases. Science – Grade 10 Learner’s Material
First Edition 2015

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