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Central Processing Unit Architecture
 Architecture overview
 Machine organization
– von Neumann
 Speeding up CPU operations
– multiple registers
– pipelining
– superscalar and VLIW
Computer Architecture
 Major components of a computer
– Central Processing Unit (CPU)
– memory
– peripheral devices
 Architecture is concerned with
– internal structures of each
– interconnections
» speed and width
– relative speeds of components
 Want maximum execution speed
– Balance is often critical issue
Computer Architecture (continued)
– performs arithmetic and logical operations
– synchronous operation
– may consider instruction set architecture
» how machine looks to a programmer
– detailed hardware design
Computer Architecture (continued)
 Memory
– stores programs and data
– organized as
» bit
» byte = 8 bits (smallest addressable location)
» word = 4 bytes (typically; machine dependent)
– instructions consist of operation codes and
addresses oprn addr 1

oprn addr 1 addr 2

oprn addr 1 addr 2 addr 3

Computer Architecture (continued)
 Numeric data representations
– integer (exact representation)
» sign-magnitude s magnitude

» 2’s complement
•negative values change 0 to 1, add 1
– floating point (approximate representation)
» scientific notation: 0.3481 x 106
» inherently imprecise s exp significand

» IEEE Standard 754-1985

Simple Machine Organization
 Institute for Advanced Studies machine (1947)
– “von Neumann machine”
» ALU performs transfers between memory and
I/O devices
» note two instructions per memory word
Arithmetic -
Logic Unit
main Input-
memory Output

Control Unit

0 8 20 28 39
op code address op code address
Simple Machine Organization (continued)
 ALU does arithmetic and logical comparisons
– AC = accumulator holds results
– MQ = memory-quotient holds second portion of
long results
– MBR = memory buffer register holds data while
operation executes
Simple Machine Organization (continued)
 Program control determines what computer does
based on instruction read from memory
– MAR = memory address register holds address of
memory cell to be read
– PC = program counter; address of next instruction
to be read
– IR = instruction register holds instruction being
– IBR holds right half of instruction read from memory
Simple Machine Organization (continued)
 Machine operates on fetch-execute cycle
 Fetch
– read M(MAR) into MBR
– copy left and right instructions into IR and IBR
 Execute
– address part of IR MAR
– read M(MAR) into MBR
– execute opcode
Simple Machine Organization (continued)
Architecture Families
 Before mid-60’s, every new machine had a
different instruction set architecture
– programs from previous generation didn’t run on
new machine
– cost of replacing software became too large
 IBM System/360 created family concept
– single instruction set architecture
– wide range of price and performance with same
 Performance improvements based on different
detailed implementations
– memory path width (1 byte to 8 bytes)
– faster, more complex CPU design
– greater I/O throughput and overlap
 “Software compatibility” now a major issue
– partially offset by high level language (HLL) software
Architecture Families
Multiple Register Machines
 Initially, machines had only a few registers
– 2 to 8 or 16 common
– registers more expensive than memory
 Most instructions operated between memory
– results had to start from and end up in
memory, so fewer instructions
» although more complex
– means smaller programs and (supposedly)
faster execution
» fewer instructions and data to move between
memory and ALU
 But registers are much faster than memory
– 30 times faster
Multiple Register Machines (continued)
 Also, many operands are reused within a
short time
– waste time loading operand again the next
time it’s needed
 Depending on mix of instructions and
operand use, having many registers may
lead to less traffic to memory and faster
 Most modern machines use a multiple
register architecture
– maximum number about 512, common
number 32 integer, 32 floating point
 One way to speed up CPU is to increase
clock rate
– limitations on how fast clock can run to
complete instruction
 Another way is to execute more than one
instruction at one time
 Pipelining breaks instruction execution down
into several stages
– put registers between stages to “buffer” data
and control
– execute one instruction
– as first starts second stage, execute second
instruction, etc.
– speedup same as number of stages as long as
pipe is full
Pipelining (continued)
 Consider an example with 6 stages
– FI = fetch instruction
– DI = decode instruction
– CO = calculate location of operand
– FO = fetch operand
– EI = execute instruction
– WO = write operand (store result)
Pipelining Example

 Executes 9 instructions in 14 cycles rather than 54 for

sequential execution
Pipelining (continued)
 Hazards to pipelining
– conditional jump
» instruction 3 branches to instruction 15
» pipeline must be flushed and restarted
– later instruction needs operand being
calculated by instruction still in pipeline
» pipeline stalls until result ready
Pipelining Problem Example

 Is this really a problem?

Real-life Problem
 Not all instructions execute in one clock
– floating point takes longer than integer
– fp divide takes longer than fp multiply which
takes longer than fp add
– typical values
» integer add/subtract 1
» memory reference 1
» fp add 2 (make 2 stages)
» fp (or integer) multiply 6 (make 2 stages)
» fp (or integer) divide 15
 Break floating point unit into a sub-pipeline
– execute up to 6 instructions at once
Pipelining (continued)

 This is not simple to implement

– note all 6 instructions could finish at the same
More Speedup
 Pipelined machines issue one instruction
each clock cycle
– how to speed up CPU even more?
 Issue more than one instruction per clock
Superscalar Architectures
 Superscalar machines issue a variable
number of instructions each clock cycle, up
to some maximum
– instructions must satisfy some criteria of
» simple choice is maximum of one fp and one
integer instruction per clock
» need separate execution paths for each
possible simultaneous instruction issue
– compiled code from non-superscalar
implementation of same architecture runs
unchanged, but slower
Superscalar Example

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 clock

 Each instruction path may be pipelined

Superscalar Problem
 Instruction-level parallelism
– what if two successive instructions can’t be
executed in parallel?
» data dependencies, or two instructions of slow
 Design machine to increase multiple
execution opportunities
VLIW Architectures
 Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW)
architectures store several simple instructions
in one long instruction fetched from memory
– number and type are fixed
» e.g., 2 memory reference, 2 floating point, one
– need one functional unit for each possible
» 2 fp units, 1 integer unit, 2 MBRs
» all run synchronized
– each instruction is stored in a single word
» requires wider memory communication paths
» many instructions may be empty, meaning
wasted code space
VLIW Example

Memory Memory FP 1 FP 2 Integer

Ref 1 Ref 2
LD F0, 0(R1) LD F6, 8(R1)

LD F10, LD F14, SB
16(R1) 24(R1) R1,R1,#4
LD LD AD F4,F0,F2 AD F8,F6,F2
F18,32(R1) F22,40(R1)

F26,48(R1) F12,F10,F2 F16,F14,F2
Instruction Level Parallelism
 Success of superscalar and VLIW machines
depends on number of instructions that occur
together that can be issued in parallel
– no dependencies
– no branches
 Compilers can help create parallelism
 Speculation techniques try to overcome
branch problems
– assume branch is taken
– execute instructions but don’t let them store
results until status of branch is known
 CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computer
 RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computer
CISC vs. RISC (continued)
 Historically, machines tend to add features
over time
– instruction opcodes
» IBM 70X, 70X0 series went from 24 opcodes to
185 in 10 years
» same time performance increased 30 times
– addressing modes
– special purpose registers
 Motivations are to
– improve efficiency, since complex instructions
can be implemented in hardware and
execute faster
– make life easier for compiler writers
– support more complex higher-level languages
 Examination of actual code indicated many
of these features were not used
 RISC advocates proposed
– simple, limited instruction set
– large number of general purpose registers
» and mostly register operations
– optimized instruction pipeline
 Benefits should include
– faster execution of instructions commonly
– faster design and implementation
 Comparing some architectures

Year Instr. Instr. Addr Registers

Size Modes
IBM 1973 208 2-6 4 16
VAX 1978 303 2 - 57 22 16
I 80486 1989 235 1 - 11 11 8
M 88000 1988 51 4 3 32
MIPS 1991 94 4 1 32
IBM 6000 1990 184 4 2 32
 Which approach is right?
 Typically, RISC takes about 1/5 the design
– but CISC have adopted RISC techniques

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