Neurological Basis of Emotions

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The Neurological

Basis of
-Before we start our discussion on emotional intelligence
,let us first look into the nature of emotions, how and why they
occur , and what are their effects on us.

-In the best selling book written by Daniel Goleman . Emotional

Intelligence : Why It Can Matter More than IQ (1995), the author
presented the physiological process on how emotions occur .
Goleman stated that “all emotions are, in essence , Impulses to
act , the instant plan for handling life that evolution has instilled
by us “.
3. Motivating Oneself

- Research studies have shown that hope is a major indicator

of emotional intelligence .Hope is the element present when one
is fighting some overwhelming anxiety , a defeatist attitude ,or
depression . Goleman points out that optimism is a great
motivator , and like hope , it provides a person with expectations
that things will turn out better or right , when faced with adversity

-The capacity to recognize the emotions in other people is

called empathy .According to Goleman , the root cause of our
capacity to empathize is self awareness. If we recognize our own
emotions and how these effect us. then it will be easier to
recognize other people’s emotion’s as well. Empathy is important
in maintaining relationships as this also taps on the caring
capacity of the people .
5. Handling relationships

-Emotional intelligence is also evident in the way we

manage our relationships with others. Howard Gardner , the
proponent of multiple intelligences, and his colleague , Thomas
Hatch , came up with four components of social intelligence (or
interpersonal intelligence ).
These are :
 Organizing groups – a leadership skill essential in mastering groups of people toward
a common action . Examples of people with this talent are orchestra conductors ,
military officers , and stage directors ,
 Negotiating solutions – this talent to bring people in conflict to talk and come up
with a solution is usually found among mediators of disputes.
 Personal connection – this is the talent where empathy and connecting with another
person’s emotions are manifested. Teachers usually have this natural tendency to
relate to others.
 Social analysis – this the talent to step out of a situation and objectively form insights
about the way people feel and behave . Therapist are gifted with this talent

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