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A Diáspora Africana e a América Latina

Vinícius Guimarães Reis Gonçalves


 “Sou um escritor ibo, porque essa é minha cultura básica; nigeriano,
africano e escritor...não, primeiro negro, depois escritor. Cada uma
dessas identidades efetivamente invoca um certo tipo de compromisso
da minha parte. Devo enxergar o que é ser negro - e isso significa ser
suficientemente inteligente para saber como gira o mundo e como se
saem os negros no mundo. É isso que significa ser negro. Ou africano –
dá no mesmo: que significa a África para o mundo? Quando se vê um
africano, que isso significa para um homem branco?” -Chinua Achebe

 “Everybody is here in Africa investing except us, the Diaspora, and

that’s one of the things I’m really working on, championing, and helping
our Diaspora to see the potentials in Africa. There are vast opportunities
here. The Chinese, Lebanese and Indians are all here doing business in
Africa – everyone but us; and that is one thing I think we need to wake
up to.”-Dr. Erieka Bennet
Pan-Africanismo e a União
 “An ideology and movement that encourages the solidarity of Africans
worldwide. It is based on the belief that unity is vital to economic, social
and political progress and aims to ‘unify and uplift’ people of African
 ...The ideology asserts that the fates of all African peoples and countries
are intertwined. At its core Pan-Africanism is a belief that African
peoples, both as the continent and in the Diaspora, share not merely a
common history, but a common destiny” (Kumah-Abiwu)
 Henry Sylvester Williams, Marcus Garvey ,George Padmore ,Peter
Abrahams, Jomo Kenyatta, Sekou Toure, Julius Nyerere ,Kwame
Nkrumah, entre outros...
 “We aspire that by 2063, Africa will:
Have dynamic and mutually beneficial links with her Diaspora..........Africa will
witness the rekindling of African solidarity and unity of purpose that
underpinned the struggle for emancipation from slavery, colonialism,
apartheid and economic subjugation. By 2020 all remnants of colonialism
would have ended and all African territories under occupation fully liberated.
We shall take measures to expeditiously end the unlawful occupation of the
Chagos Archipelago, the Comorian Island of Mayotte and affirming the right to
self-determination of the people of Western Sahara. All forms of oppression
including gender, racial and other forms of discrimination would be ended. “
“Pan Africanism and the common history, destiny, identity, heritage,
respect for religious diversity and consciousness of African people’s
and her diaspora’s will be entrenched”
A Diáspora Africana

 O termo “diáspora” tem sido usado, nas últimas décadas, de maneira a

acomodar diferentes agendas, políticas e intelectuais, o que tem levado
à uma dispersão do significado no termo, semanticamente e
conceitualmente (Brubaker).
 Conceitos chave:
 Dispersão
 “Terra Natal”
 “Manutenção de Fronteiras”
Perspectivas críticas

 Subjetividade e autoconsciência
 Diáspora como campo teórico: origens anglófonas; Centralidade dos estudos nos
 Negritude e o Pan-africanismo.
 Espaço e o Tempo
 Aspectos econômicos, políticos e demográficos:
 “Over four million voluntary immigrants of African origin reside in the West. This
‘voluntary’ Diaspora is distinct from the vastly larger ‘involuntary’ Diaspora that
populates North America, Europe, the Caribbean, and Brazil. On matters of
African development, however, the interests of both groups often intersect”
(World Bank 2008)
América Latina e a Diáspora
Considerações Finais

 A Invenção da África
 A dimensão Africana na historiografia: Colonialismo, expansão
capitalista e a História da América Latina
 Cultura e identidade: Abordagens sobre o Pan-Africanismo
 As “duas” facetas da diáspora: Questões socioeconômicas e a migração
fora do “contexto” histórico.

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