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Aspen Process Explorer

Excel Add-Ins
InfoPlus.21 Foundation Course

©2004 AspenTech. All Rights Reserved.

Excel Add-In Features
• Versatile reporting tool
• Delivered with standard Process Explorer product
• Import any tag data into Excel, current or historic
• Historic data can be actual values, interpolated
• Incorporate data filtering
• Uses same mechanism as Process Explorer, so data always
corresponds to other displays
• Aggregate calculations available
• Timeline Control can be used to adjust time range for report
• Batch data available (if Batch.21 purchased)

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Initial Configuration

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Aspen Add-In Menu
Lists of historical data: Values, Times, Statuses, Aggregates for a tag

Timeline control can be used

to adjust time range of data
on worksheet

Current value, timestamp, Global details about a tag,

status for a tag e.g., Description, Plant Area
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Example Use: Attribute Values Stages 1...3

2 3 Click
ATCF101 Sheet1!$A$2:$C$2

1. Select menu item

2. Specify Tag
3. Specify destination direction
and range for attribute data
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Example Use: Attribute Values Stages 4...6


4 6 Sheet1!$A$1:$C$1


4. Open Attributes List

5. Select 3 Attributes
6. Specify destination direction and
range for attribute headings

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Example Use: Attribute Values Stages 7...8



7. OK Attributes List
8. OK Attribute Values Dialog
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Filtering Data


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History Data Example Part 1

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History Data Example Part 2


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Using a Timer to Update Data
• Data on worksheet can be automatically updated
– Continuously by timeline
– Periodically by setting a timer

Enter Timer Interval

Select Timer

Type Macro Name if

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©2004 AspenTech. All Rights Reserved.

Excel Add-In Review
• Allows data from an Aspen database to be incorporated into an
Excel worksheet
• Standard Excel features may then be used to format cells, create
charts, graphs, and reports
• The Timeline control can be used to regulate the start and end times
of data in the worksheet, and to continually update data if required
• Timers can also be used as triggers to update data in the worksheet
• It is also possible to read data from Excel into a Process Explorer
Trend plot

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