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Presented by: Alissa Jyn A. Calzita

Transmission Parameters

apply to dedicated private-line data circuits that

utilize the private sector of the public telephone
circuits with bandwidths comparable to those of
standard voice-grade telephone channels that do not
utilize the public switched telephone network.
Private-Line Circuits

Direct connections between two or more locations.

On Private-line circuits, transmission facilities and

other telephone company, provides equipment that are
hardwired and available only to a specific subscriber.
Advantage of Private-line Data Circuits
over Switched Public Telephone Network
Transmission are more consistent because some
facilities are used.
Less prone to noise
Line conditioning is available only in private-line
 Higher transmission bit rates and better
More economical for high-volume circuits
Bandwidth Parameters
The only transmission parameters with limits specified
by the FCC are the attenuation distortion and envelop
delay distortion.

Attenuation Distortion is the difference in circuit gain

experienced at a particular frequency with respect to the
circuit gain of a reference frequency.
Envelope delay distortion is an indirect method of
evaluating the phase delay characteristics of a circuit.
FCC tariffs specify the limits for attenuation distortion
and envelope delay distortion.
To reduce attenuation and envelope delay distortion and
improve the performance of data modems operating
over standard message channels, it is often necessary to
improve the quality of the channel. The process used to
improve a basic telephone channel is called line
Line Conditioning improves the high frequency response
of a message channel and reduces power loss.
The attenuation and delay characteristics of a circuit are
artificially altered to meet limits prescribed by the line
conditioning requirements.
 Line conditioning is available only to private-line
subscribers at an additional charge. The basic voice-
band channel (sometimes called a basic 3002 channel)
satisfies the minimum line conditioning requirements.
Telephone companies offer two types
of special line conditioning for
subscriber loops:
C-type and
C-type Line Conditioning
It specifies the maximum limits for attenuation
distortion and envelope delay distortion.
It pertains to line impairments for which compensation
can be made with filters and equalizers.
This is accomplished with telephone company–
provided equipment. When a circuit is initially turned
up for service with a specific C-type conditioning, it
must meet the requirements for that type of
conditioning. The subscriber may include devices
within the station equipment that compensate for
minor long-term variations in the bandwidth
There are five classifications or levels of C-type conditioning
available. The grade of conditioning a subscriber selects
depends on the bit rate, modulation technique, and desired
performance of the data modems used on the line. The five
classifications of C-type conditioning are the following:
 C1 and C2 conditioning pertain to two-point and multipoint
 C3 conditioning is for access lines and trunk circuits
associated with private switched networks.
 C4 conditioning pertains to two-point and multipoint circuits
with a maximum of four stations.
 C5 conditioning pertains only to two-point circuits.
 Private switched networks are telephone systems provided
by local telephone companies dedicated to a single
customer, usually with a large number of stations.
 A PBX is a relatively low-capacity switching machine where
the subscribers are generally limited to stations within the
same building or building complex.
 Common-usage access lines and trunk circuits are required
to interconnect two or more PBXs. They are common only to
the subscribers of the private network and not to the general
public telephone network. Table 1 lists the limits prescribed
by C-type conditioning for attenuation distortion.
A 1004 Hz test tone is transmitted over a telephone circuit at
0 dBm and received at 16 dBm.
a. The 1004-Hz circuit gain.
b. The attenuation distortion requirements for a basic circuit.
c. The attenuation distortion requirements for a C2
conditioned circuit.
a. The circuit gain is determined mathematically as 0 dBm (16
dB) 16 dB (which equates to a loss of 16 dB)
D-type Line Conditioning.
D-type conditioning neither reduces the noise on a
circuit nor improves the signal-to-noise ratio. It simply
sets the minimum requirements for signal-to-noise
(S/N) ratio and nonlinear distortion.
If a subscriber requests D-type conditioning and the
facilities assigned to the circuit do not meet the
requirements, a different facility is assigned. D-type
conditioning is simply a requirement and does not add
anything to the circuit, and it cannot be used to
improve a circuit
It simply places higher requirements on circuits used
for high-speed data transmission. Only circuits that
meet D-type conditioning requirements can be used
for high-speed data transmission.
D-type conditioning is sometimes referred to as high-
performance conditioning and can be applied to
private-line data circuits in addition to either basic or
C-conditioned requirements.
There are two categories for D-type conditioning: D1
and D2. Limits imposed by D1 and D2 are virtually
identical. The only difference between the two categories
is the circuit arrangement to which they apply.
D1 conditioning specifies requirements for two-point
circuits and
D2 conditioning specifies requirements for multipoint
D-type conditioned circuits must meet the following
Signal-to-C-notched noise ratio: ≥28 dB
Nonlinear distortion
Signal-to-second order distortion: ≥ 35 dB
Signal-to-third order distortion: ≥ 40 dB
The signal-to-notched noise ratio requirement for standard
circuits is only 24 dB, and they have no requirements for
nonlinear distortion.
Nonlinear distortion is an example of correlated noise and is
produced from nonlinear amplification. When an amplifier is
driven into a nonlinear operating region, the signal is
distorted, producing multiples and sums and differences
(cross products) the original signal frequencies. The noise
caused by nonlinear distortion is in the form of additional
frequencies produced from nonlinear amplification of a
Nonlinear distortion produces distorted waveforms, FSK,
PSK, and QAM. Two classifications of nonlinear distortion
are harmonic distortion (unwanted multiples of the
transmitted frequencies) and intermodulation distortion
(cross products [sums and differences] of the transmitted
frequencies, sometimes called fluctuation noise or cross-
modulation noise).
Interface Parameters
The two primary considerations of the interface parameters are
electrical protection of the telephone network and its
personnel and standardization of design arrangements. The
interface parameters include the following:
Station equipment impedances should be 600 Ω resistive
over the usable voice band.
Station equipment should be isolated from ground by a
minimum of 20 MΩ dc and 50 kΩ ac.
 The basic voice-grade telephone circuit is a 3002 channel; it
has an ideal bandwidth of 0 Hz to 4 kHz and a usable
bandwidth of 300 Hz to 3000 Hz.
 The circuit gain at 3000 Hz is 3 dB below the specified in-
band signal power.
 The gain at 4 kHz must be at least 15 dB below the gain at
3 kHz.
 The maximum transmitted signal power for a private-line
circuit is 0 dBm.
 The transmitted signal power for dial-up circuits using the
public switched telephone network is established for each
loop so that the signal is received at the telephone central
office at 12 dBm.
Facility Parameters
Facility parameters represent potential impairments to a data
signal. These impairments are caused by telephone company
equipment and the limits specified pertain to all private-line
data circuits using voice-band facilities, regardless of line
Facility parameters include 1004-Hz variation, C-message
noise, impulse noise, gain hits and dropouts, phase hits, phase
jitter, single-frequency interference, frequency shift, phase
intercept distortion, and peak-to-average ratio.
1004-Hz variation
The telephone industry has established 1004 Hz as the
standard test-tone frequency, 1000 Hz was originally
selected because of its relative location in the passband of a
standard voice-band circuit.
The frequency was changed to 1004 Hz with the advent
of digital carriers because 1000 Hz is an exact submultiple of
the 8-kHz sample rate used with T carriers.
The purpose of the 1004-Hz test tone is to simulate the
combined signal power of a standard voice-band data
transmission. The 1004-Hz channel loss for a private-line
data circuit is typically 16 dB.
C-Message Noise
C-message noise measurements determine the average
weighted rms noise power.
Thermal Noise are unwanted electrical signals that are
produced from the random movement of electrons in
conductors. It is also called Random noise because the
electron movement is completely random and travels in all
directions and it is sometimes referred to as white noise
because it contains all frequencies.
C-message noise measurements are the terminated rms
power readings at the receive end of a circuit with the
transmit end terminated in the characteristic impedance of
the telephone line. Figure 12 shows the test setup for
conducting terminated C-message noise readings

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