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Generate a fake grade book

Find each student’s average
Grade scale
Grade Range
94-100 A
91-93.99 A-
88-91.99 B+
85-87.99 B
82-84.99 B-
79-81.99 C+
76-78.99 C
73-75.99 C-
70-72.99 D+
67-69.99 D
0-66.99 F
In Excel: IMPORTANT!!!
• Take the lower end of each range
• Arrange them in ascending order
• Put the numbers you will look up on the left
Enter the grading scale into Excel
Use the VLOOKUP formula
F2: What am I looking up (the test
average for the student)

I$2:J$12: Where am I looking it up (in

the grading scaling area – $ fix the
numbers when I copy down)

2: The column of the look-up I will use

for the displayed result. It ALWAYS uses
the first column for looking up. In this
case the 2nd. Imagine if in the column
next to F, it said “failure” and next to D
“below average” etc.

TRUE: I am uses ranges – so the test

average does not have to match exactly
one of the values in column I but rather
just fall in a range
Excel dialog on VLOOKUP

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