Sports and Hobbies: - Football - Basketball - Golf - Boxing - Kite - Flying - Bungee - Jumping - Water - Skiing - Chess

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• football
• basketball
• golf
• boxing
• kite - flying
• bungee - jumping
• water – skiing
• chess
• 1 Egypt - kite - flying
• 2 Greece - boxing
• 3 Canada - basketball
• 4 China - football
• 5 India - chess
• 6 New Zealand - bungee - jumping
• 7 USA - water - skiing
• 8 Scotland - golf
New words and expressions
string whistle

a palm tree a whale Hula dancers

in Hawaii
Activities in
kite-making process
1. cutting the nylon 2. stitching

3. sticking the nylon 4. fitting the system of the

on fiber glass sticks kite
The most common
type of kite
A regular diamond kite
with a rainbow pattern
New words and expressions (1)
1. a pastime = hobby, free-time activity
Skateboarding is the favourite pastime of many

2. endless = seeming to have no end or limit

A video game offers you endless hours of fun.

3. kite-fighting contests = competitions where kites are

used to fight one against each other

4. Big Wind Kite Factory = the name of a factory in

Hawaii which produces kites
New words and expressions (2)
5. kite - making lessons = lessons about how to
construct a kite

6. kite - flying lessons = lessons about how to fly

a kite

7. Aeronautical Testing Facility = the park next

to the factory where kites are tested

8. a hot knife is used to seal the edges = a hot

knife is used to stop the edges coming apart
New words and expressions (3)
9. provided …= on condition ...

10. employ (v) = to pay someone regularly for a job

They employed a babysitter and gardener.

11. employee (n) = someone who is paid regularly for

his job
Their employees work ten hours a day.
12. employer ( n) = a person or a company that pays
someone to work for them
Daniel’s employer offered to pay for the
1. Can all kites can be controlled by one person?

2. When did the Big Wind Kite Factory start?

3. What are the sticks for kites made out of?

4. How old is Jonathan’s oldest student?

5. How long does it take most students to get used to

flying a kite?

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